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How can I remove all duplicates so that NONE are left in a data frame?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I need to find the unique entries in my dataframe using column ID and Genus. I do not need to find unique values from column Count. My dataframe is structured like this:
ID Genus Count
A Genus1 4
A Genus18 265
A Genus28 1
A Genus2 900
B Genus1 85
B Genus18 9
B Genus28 24
B Genus2 6
B Genus3000 152
The resulting dataframe would have only
ID Genus Count
B Genus3000 152
In it because this row is unique by ID and Genus.
I have tidyverse loaded but have had trouble trying to get the result I need. I tried using distinct() but continue to get back all data from the input as output.
I have tried the following:
uniquedata <- mydata %>% distinct(.keep_all = TRUE)
uniquedata <- mydata %>% group_by(ID, Genus) %>% distinct(.keep_all = TRUE)
uniquedata <- mydata %>% distinct(ID, Genus, .keep_all = TRUE)
uniquedata <- mydata %>% distinct()
What should I use to achieve my desired output?
We could use add_count in combination with filter:
df %>%
add_count(Genus) %>%
filter(n == 1) %>%
select(ID, Genus, Count)
ID Genus Count
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 B Genus3000 152
For the given data set, it is enough to check the column "Genus" for values appearing twice and then to remove the corresponding rows from the dataframe.
df %>% count(Genus) -> countGenus
filter(df, Genus %in% filter(countGenus,n==1)$Genus)
I have a data frame like this:
df <- data.frame(Identifier = c("A","B","C"),
Year = c("2020","2020","2019"), Sex = c("Male","Male","Female")
I want to then filter this, and count the number of each sex. I thought this would work with n() but:
df %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(Number_males = n(Sex =="Male"))
Does not work. I would like the following output:
Year Number_males
1 2020 2
2 2019 0
Note: my real data frame is considerably more complicated than this one, and so I cannot afford to just filter by Gender == Male separately
We need to sum the logical vector as TRUE -> 1 and FALSE -> 0
df %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
summarise(Number_males = sum(Sex =="Male"))
Let's say I have a dataframe of scores
id <- c(1 , 2)
name <- c('John', 'Ninaa')
score1 <- c(8, 6)
score2 <- c(NA, 7)
df <- data.frame(id, name, score1, score2)
Some mistakes have been made so I want to correct them. My corrections are in a different dataframe.
id <- c(2,1)
column <- c('name', 'score2')
new_value <- c('Nina', 9)
corrections <- data.frame(id, column, new_value)
I want to search the dataframe for the correct id and column and change the value.
I have tried something with match but I don't know how mutate the correct column.
df %>% mutate(corrections$column = replace(corrections$column, match(corrections$id, id), corrections$new_value))
We could join by 'id', then mutate across the columns specified in the column and replace the elements based on the matching the corresponding column name (cur_column()) with the column
df %>%
left_join(corrections) %>%
mutate(across(all_of(column), ~ replace(.x, match(cur_column(),
column), new_value[match(cur_column(), column)]))) %>%
id name score1 score2
1 1 John 8 9
2 2 Nina 6 7
It's an implementation of a feasible idea with dplyr::rows_update, though it involves functions of multiple packages. In practice I prefer a moderately parsimonious approach.
corrections %>%
group_by(id) %>%
~ pivot_wider(.x, names_from = column, values_from = new_value) %>% type_convert,
.keep = TRUE) %>%
reduce(rows_update, by = 'id', .init = df)
# id name score1 score2
# 1 1 John 8 9
# 2 2 Nina 6 7
I have a column in a data frame in R that contains sample names. Some names are identical except that they end in A or B at the end, and some samples repeat themselves, like this:
df <- data.frame(Samples = c("S_026A", "S_026B", "S_028A", "S_028B", "S_038A", "S_040_B", "S_026B", "S_38A"))
What I am trying to do is to isolate all sample names that have an A and B at the end and not include the sample names that only have either A or B.
The end result of what I'm looking for would look like this:
"S_026" and "S_028" as these are the only ones that have A and B at the end.
All I seem to find is how to remove duplicates, and removing duplicates would only give me "S_026B" and "S_38A" in this case.
Alternatively, I have tried to strip the A's and B's at the end and then sum how many times each of those names sum > 2, but again, this does not give me the desired results.
Any suggestions?
We could use substring to get the last character after grouping by substring not including the last character, and check if there are both 'A', and 'B' in the substring
df %>%
group_by(grp = substr(Samples, 1, nchar(Samples)-1)) %>%
filter(all(c("A", "B") %in% substring(Samples, nchar(Samples)))) %>%
ungroup %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 1
1 S_026A
2 S_026B
3 S_028A
4 S_028B
5 S_026B
You can extract the last character from Sample in different column, keep only those values that have both 'A' and 'B' and keep only the unique values.
df %>%
extract(Samples, c('value', 'last'), '(.*)(.)') %>%
group_by(value) %>%
filter(all(c('A', 'B') %in% last)) %>%
ungroup %>%
# value
# <chr>
#1 S_026
#2 S_028
Some questions are similar to this topic (here or here, as an example) and I know one solution that works, but I want a more elegant response.
I work in epidemiology and I have variables 1 and 0 (or NA). Example:
Does patient has cancer?
NA or 0 is no
1 is yes
Let's say I have several variables in my dataset and I want to count only variables with "1". Its a classical frequency table, but dplyr are turning things more complicated than I could imagine at the first glance.
My code is working:
dataset %>%
select(VISimpair, HEARimpai, IntDis, PhyDis, EmBehDis, LearnDis,
ComDis, ASD, HealthImpair, DevDelays) %>% # replace to your needs
And you can reproduce this code here:
dataset <- data.frame(var1 = rep(c(NA,1),100), var2=rep(c(NA,1),100))
dataset %>% select(var1, var2) %>% summarise_all(funs(sum(
But I really want to select all variables I want, count how many 0 (or NA) I have and how many 1 I have and report it and have this output
What about the following frequency table per variable?
First, I edit your sample data to also include 0's and load the necessary libraries.
dataset <- data.frame(var1 = rep(c(NA,1,0),100), var2=rep(c(NA,1,0),100))
Second, I convert the data using gather to make it easier to group_by later for the frequency table created by count, as mentioned by CPak.
dataset %>%
select(var1, var2) %>%
gather(var, val) %>%
mutate(val = factor(val)) %>%
group_by(var, val) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups: var, val [6]
var val n
<chr> <fct> <int>
1 var1 0 100
2 var1 1 100
3 var1 NA 100
4 var2 0 100
5 var2 1 100
6 var2 NA 100
A quick and dirty method to do this is to coerce your input into factors:
dataset$var1 = as.factor(dataset$var1)
dataset$var2 = as.factor(dataset$var2)
Summary tells you number of occurrences of each levels of factor.
I have a single dataset consisting of two columns: "species_id" and "count". Some species are repeated but are named differently, ex: BROC and broc. I would like to combine these two rows into one row and sum their count values.
Currently, I have:
species_id count
BRBL 109
broc 7
And I want:
species_id count
BRBL 109
Thanks so much! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming the differences in names are only uppercase/lowercase something like this might work:
df <- data_frame(species_id = c("BROC", "broc"), count = c(16, 7)) #sample data
df %>% mutate(species_id = toupper(species_id)) %>%
group_by(species_id) %>% summarise(count = sum(count))
If there are differences beyond case then you would probably need to use regular expressions and other data cleaning techniques before grouping but the idea should be the same.
You can use
df = df %>%
mutate(species_id = tolower(as.character(species_id))) %>%
group_by(species_id) %>%
summarise(total = sum(count)) %>%
df = data.frame(species_id = c("BROC","broc"),count = c(16,7))
Applying code above would result in
# A tibble: 1 x 2
species_id total
<chr> <dbl>
1 broc 23