R-Shiny script timeout behind a load-balancer - r

I am testing one Shiny script on an instance in GCP. The instance resides behind a load-balancer that serves as a front end with a static IP address and SSL certificate to secure connections. I configured the GCP instance as part of a backend service to which the load-balancer forwards the requests. The connection between the load-balancer and the instance is not secured!
The issue:
accessing the Shiny script via the load-balancer works, but the web browser's screen gets grayed (time-out) on the client-side after a short time of initiating the connection!! When the browser screen grayed out, I have to start over!!
If I try to access the Shiny script on the GCP instance directly (not through the load-balancer), the script works fine. I suppose that the problem is in the load-balancer, not the script.
I appreciate any help with this issue.

Context: Shiny uses a websocket (RFC 6455) for its constant client-server communication. If, for whatever reason, this websocket connection gets dicsonnected, the user experience is the described "greying out". Fortunately GCP supports websockets.
However, it seems that your load balancer has an unexpected http time out value set.
Depending on what type of load balancer you are using (TCP, HTTPS) this can be configured differently. For their HTTPS offering:
The default value for the backend service timeout is 30 seconds. The full range of timeout values allowed is 1-2,147,483,647 seconds.
Consider increasing this timeout under any of these circumstances:
The connection is upgraded to a WebSocket.
You should be able to increase the timeout for your backend service with the help of this support document.
Mind you, depending on your configuration there could be more proxies involved which might complicate things.
Alternatively you can try to prevent any timeout by adding a heartbeat mechanism to the Shiny application. Some ways of doing this have been discussed in this issue on GitHub.


How does GCP Load balancers will manage websocket connections?

Clients are connecting to API gateway server through websocket connection. This server just orchestrates swarm of cloud functions, that are handling all of the data requesting and transforming. Server is statefull - it holds essential session data, which is defining, for example, what cloud functions are allowed to be requested by a given user.
This server doesn't use socket to broadcast data, so socket connections are not interacting between each other, and will not be doing this. So, all it needs to handle is single-client-to-server communication.
What will happen if i'll create bunch of replicas and put load balancer in front of all of them (like regular horizontal scaling)? If a user got connected to certain server instance, then his connection will stick there? or it will be switching between instances by load balancer?
There is a parameter available for load balancer that allows you to do what you are looking for: Session affinity.
"Session affinity if set attempts to send all network request from the same client to the same virtual machine instance."
Actually even if it seems to be related to load balancer you set it while creating target pools and/or backends. You should check if this solution can be applied to your particular configuration.

Fixing kubernetes service redeploy errors with keep-alive enabled

We have a kubernetes service running on three machines. Clients both inside and outside of our cluster talk to this service over http with the keep-alive option enabled. During a deploy of the service, the exiting pods have a readiness check that starts to fail when shutdown starts, and are removed from the service endpoints list appropriately, however they still receive traffic and some requests fail as the container will abruptly exit. We believe this is because of the keep-alive which allows the the client to re-use these connections that were established when the host was Ready. Is there a series of steps one should follow to make sure we don't run into these issues? We'd like to allow keep-alive connections if at all possible.
The issue happens if the proxying/load balancing happens in layer 4 instead of layer 7. For the internal services (Kubernetes service of type ClusterIP), since the Kube-proxy does the proxying using layer 4 proxying, the clients will keep the connection even after the pod isn't ready to serve anymore. Similarly, for the services of type LoadBalancer, if the backend type is set to TCP (which is by default with AWS ELB), the same issue happens. Please see this issue for more details.
The solution to this problem as of now is:
If you are using a cloud LoadBalancer, go ahead and set the backend to HTTP. For example, You can add service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol annotation to kubernetes service and set it to HTTP so that ELB uses HTTP proxying instead of TCP.
Use a layer 7 proxy/ingress controller within the cluster to route the traffic instead of sending it via kube-proxy
We're running into the same issue, so just wondering if you figured out a way around this issue. According to this link it should be possible to do so by having a Load Balancer in front of the service which will make direct requests to the pods and handle Keep-Alive connections on it's own.
We will continue to investigate this issue and see if we can find a way of doing zero downtime deployments with keep-alive connections.

Load Stressing Web applications deployed in openstack instances under an autoscaling group

I am working testing the auto-scaling feature of OpenStack. In my test set-up, java servlet applications are deployed in tomcat web servers behind a HAproxy load balancer. I aim at stressing testing the application, to see how it scales and the response time using JMeter as the stress tester. However the I observe that HAProxy (or something else) terminates the connection immediately the onComplete signal is sent by one of the member instances. Consequently, the subsequent responses from the remaining servers are reported as failures (timeouts). I have configured the HAProxy server to use a round-robin algorithm with sticky sessions. See attached JMeter results tree , I am not sure of the next step to undertake. The web applications are asyncronous hence my expectation was that the client (HAProxy in this case) should wait until the last thread is submitted before sending the response.
Is there be some issues with my approach or some set up flaws ?

Google cloud HTTP load balancer always returns unhealthy instance for meteor app

I am trying to set up a HTTP load balancer for my Meteor app on google cloud. I have the application set up correctly, and I know this because I can visit the IP given in the Network Load Balancer.
However, when I try and set up a HTTP load balancer, the health checks always say that the instances are unhealthy (even though I know they are not). I tried including a route in my application that returns a status 200, and pointing the health check towards that route.
Here is exactly what I did, step by step:
Create new instance template/group for the app.
Upload image to google cloud.
Create replication controller and service for the app.
The network load balancer was created automatically. Additionally, there were two firewall rules allowing HTTP/HTTPS traffic on all IPs.
Then I try and create the HTTP load balancer. I create a backend service in the load balancer with all the VMs corresponding to the meteor app. Then I create a new global forwarding rule. No matter what, the instances are labelled "unhealthy" and the IP from the global forwarding rule returns a "Server Error".
In order to use HTTP load balancing on Google Cloud with Kubernetes, you have to take a slightly different approach than for network load balancing, due to the current lack of built-in support for HTTP balancing.
I suspect you created your service in step 3 with type: LoadBalancer. This won't work properly because of how the LoadBalancer type is implemented, which causes the service to be available only on the network forwarding rule's IP address, rather than on each host's IP address.
What will work, however, is using type: NodePort, which will cause the service to be reachable on the automatically-chosen node port on each host's external IP address. This plays more nicely with the HTTP load balancer. You can then pass this node port to the HTTP load balancer that you create. Once you open up a firewall on the node port, you should be good to go!
If you want more concrete steps, a walkthrough of how to use HTTP load balancers with Container Engine was actually recently added to GKE's documentation. The same steps should work with normal Kubernetes.
As a final note, now that version 1.0 is out the door, the team is getting back to adding some missing features, including native support for L7 load balancing. We hope to make it much easier for you soon!

How to handle SignalR implementation under LoadBalancer Environment

I am fairly new to signalr concepts. I have a scenario where load balancing is in place with two servers. The situation is that client request is taken by the load balancer and redirects it to a one of the server based on the load. After redirection the connection from client to the server is lost. Important thing here is that client request is for different purposes i.e they call different methods on the hub. The server continues processing the request further and during this time if it detects any status change, it has to push the notification back to the clients. However at this point, server won't be knowing to which client it has to respond back as the load balancer doesn't store any information about the same once the connection is lost from client to server. How to handle this kind of scenario?. Should I be manually storing session id and other details in a table?
I have gone through the scaleout options suggested for load balancing using backplane by the signalr team(Azure service bus, Redis and SQL Server). However my scenario is little different. Any help will be appreciated.
