Querying wordpress with meta queries from Gatsby - wordpress

I'm trying to fetch data from my Wordpress backend using a meta query. I'm using this plugin:
I can run my query in GraphiQL IDE in Wordpress, but not in Gatsbys GraphiQL tool.
I get this error:
Unknown argument "where" on field "Query.allWpPage"
query test {
where: {metaQuery: {
relation: OR,
metaArray: [
key: "some_value",
value: null,
compare: EQUAL_TO
{key: "some_value",
value: "536",
compare: EQUAL_TO
) {
edges {
node {
I've tried deleting the cache directory and rebuilding, didn't help.
And just to clarify, I have no problems running other queries and getting ACL-data and what not. The only problem I have (right now) is exposing the where argument to Gatsby.

where filter is restricted in Gatsby. Here you have a detailed list of comparators, but they are:
eq (equals)
ne (not equals)
in (includes)
nin (not includes)
lt, lte, gt, gte (less than, equal or less than, greater than, equal or greater than respectively)
regex, glob (regular expression)
elemMatch (element matches)
On the other hand, there is a list of filters available. In your case, filter is what you are looking for. Your final query should look like:
query test {
filter : {uri : {ne : "" }}
) {
edges {
node {
Of course, adapt the filter to your needs. elemMatch should work for you either.
You will need to add each condition for each property of the object you're trying to match.
Why is where restricted?
Because it belonged to Sift, a library that Gatsby was using to use MongoDB queries, where where is available. Since Gatsby 2.23.0 (June 2020) this library is not being used anymore. More details at History and Sift:
For a long time Gatsby used the Sift library through which you can use
MongoDB queries in JavaScript.
Unfortunately Sift did not align with how Gatsby used it and so a
custom system was written to slowly replace it. This system was called
“fast filters” and as of gatsby#2.23.0 (June 2020) the Sift library is
no longer used.


Sanity GROQ: How do i get drafts for the array of references in a document?

I have a document type page which contains an array of blocks that are the references to other object types. When i fetch the data for page document, it returns draft data for document but not for the references that are in array.
I have written query like this which returns me both drafts and non-drafts data for document:
*[_type == "page" && slug.current == "${querySlug === '/' ? 'home' : querySlug}"] {
subNavigation[] -> {slug, title},
blocks[] -> {
heroCardBlock -> {...},
oneColumnContent -> {...},
featuredNews -> {...},
newsCategories[] -> {...},
newsList[] -> {..., selectedCategory -> {...}},
caseStudiesListSource[] -> {...},
This returns drafts and non-drafts data for page document and drafts are available for non-referenced blocks e.g title, description, showSubNav etc but for subNavigation and blocks array which are array of references to other object types, draft data is not being returned only published data is returned in query.
My sanity desk structure is like this:
Sanity Desk Structure
How can i get draft data for these references?
The dereference operator (->) will always return published content only. To get draft content you'd need to use a subquery (and the query must be authenticated, though if you're getting drafts of the page type back then that must be the case).
It's probably easiest to consider a simpler example, which you can then expand to your larger query. If we consider this:
*[_type == "page"] {
I'd expect you to get back your published heroCardBlock references. This revision should highlight the difference between getting back published and draft references:
*[_type == "page"] {
'published': heroCardBlock->,
'draft': *[_type == '<HERO_CARD_BLOCK_TYPE>' && _id in path('drafts.' + ^.^.heroCardBlock._ref)][0]
I don't know what <HERO_CARD_BLOCK_TYPE> is but you'll want to specify it to help make this query more efficient. The double caret (^.^.) is needed to traverse twice up to the proper scope. The [0] is needed because the draft subquery will return an array even though it will always only be one document; specifying this causes published and draft to be formatted the same.

DynamoBD/Amplify non-negative field and field validation on mutations

I am new to AWS in general, I am building a relatively simple application with Amplify, but I've used Google Firebase before. My question is: Is there a way to set a constrain for a field to be non-negative? I have an application that does transactions and I don't want my balance to be negative. I just need a simple error/exception. Is it possible to set a field constraint in DynamoDB that says "This field should be >= 0"?.
I also checked if it was possible to do it in the VTL amplify generated resolver of my graphql mutation, and indeed it is possible to set some constraints, But somehow it allows the operation and crashes on the next one (when the balance on the DB is already < 0, like if it checks it before the update). I tried saying something like "current_balance - transaction >= 0" but I couldn't get it to work.
So it seems that the only way is to create a custom lambda resolver that does the various checks before submitting the mutation to DynamoDB. I haven't tried it yet but I don't understand how I can do a check on the current balance (stored in the DB) without doing a query.
More in general is it even possible to validate fields (even with simple assertions like non-negative) on amplify/dynamoDB? Moving to another DB like Aurora would help?
Thanks for you help
DynamoDb supports conditional updates which allow an update to be applied when the given condition is met. You can set the condition current_balance >= cost for your update.
However, the negative balance is not the main problem. What you should address is how to prevent other requests from updating the same current_balance at the same time, or in short, race conditions on current_balance. In order to deal with that, you also need a conditional update whose condition is "current_balance = initial_balance". The initial_balance is, I guess, what you get from DynamoDB at the very beginning of the purchase process.
Sample VTL code
#set( $remaining_balance = $initial_balance - $transaction_cost )
#if( $remaining_balance < 0 )
$util.error("Insufficient balance")
"version" : "2018-05-29",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key": { <your-dynamodb-key> },
"update" : {
"expression" : "SET current_balance = :remaining_balance",
"expressionValues" : {
":remaining_balance" : $util.dynamodb.toNumberJson($remaining_balance)
"condition": {
"expression": "current_balance = :initial_balance",
"expressionValues" : {
":initial_balance" : $util.dynamodb.toNumberJson($initial_balance)

AddToSet operation requires a target array field

Trying to make use of Azure DocumentDB/CosmsoDB using the MongoDB driver. I have learned that there are many limitations as the full set of features is not currently implemented. I want to use aggregate functions, specifically $group, and .distinct but I don't think that is available yet. As a work around, I am trying to maintain a separate "tracking" document to enable "distinct". trying to update a document using $addToSet, but getting the following:
MongoError: Message: {"Errors":["Encountered exception while executing function. Exception = Error: AddToSet operation requires a target array field.\r\nStack trace: Error: AddToSet operation requires a target array field.\n at arrayAddToSet (__.sys.commonUpdate.js:2907:25)\n at handleUpdate (__.sys.commonUpdate.js:2649:29)\n at processOneResult (__.sys.commonUpdate.js:2484:25)\n at queryCallback (__.sys.commonUpdate.js:2461:21)\n at Anonymous function (__.sys.commonUpdate.js:619:29)"]}
The update command i am using:
var usersDocument = collection.updateOne(
{ "type": "users" },
{ $addToSet: {users: "someone#gmail.com"} },
function(err, count, status) {
console.log("updateOne err: " + err)
console.log("updateOne count: " + count)
console.log("updateOne status: " + status)
This seems to me to be a pretty straight-forward command, pulled from the mongo documentation and fields adjusted as needed. Maybe I am missing something really basic?
My ultimate goal was to make sure that my code was portable as to be able to move it into a Mongo cluster, if I so desired (not be locked into Azure-specific). To get started and not have to manage a multi-server cluster, Azure CosmosDB looked like a great jumpstart, but the limitations are maddening.
Now that I have fixed my document and I actually have a field with an array, $addToSet is just replacing the value, rather than adding to the array. I'll create a new question for that.
Yup, something basic. The error message was actually correct. After inspecting the existing document:
I found:
{ "users": "[]" }
And changed it to:
{ "users": [] }
Now it is working.

In Sequelize, How do you perform a where query on an association inside of an $or statement?

I have three models, User, Project and ProjectMember. Keeping things simple, the models have the following attributes:
- id
- id
- owner_id
- is_published
- user_id
- project_id
Using sequelize.js, I want to find all projects where the project owner is a specific user, or where there is a project member for that project whose user is that user, or where the project is published. I imagine the raw SQL would look something like this:
FROM Project p
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProjectMember m
ON p.id = m.project_id
WHERE m.user_id = 2
OR p.owner_id = 2
OR p.is_published = true;
There are plenty of examples out there on how to perform a query on an association, but I can find none on how to do so conditionally. I have been able to query just the association using this code:
where: { },
include: [{
model: memberModel,
as: 'projectMembers',
where: { 'user_id': 2 }
How do I combine this where query in an $or to check the project's owner_id and is_published columns?
It's frustrating, I worked for hours to try to solve this problem, and as soon as I ask here I found a way to do it. As it turns out, sequelize.js developers recently added the ability to use raw keys in your where query, making it (at long last) possible to query an association inside of the main where clause.
This is my solution:
where: {
$or: {
'$projectMembers.user_id$': 2,
owner_id: 2,
is_published: true
include: [{
model: memberModel,
as: 'projectMembers'
Note: this solution breaks if you use 'limit' in the find options. As an alternative, you can fetch all results and then manually limit them afterwards.

Translation from blaze query to GraphQL query

I have a data consumer which is a Jupyter Notebook. Is there any way to translate queries written in blaze to graphQL queries?
for example in blaze we have:
accounts[accounts.balance < 0].name
and in GraphQL we might have this:
GraphQL doesn't expose any built-in filtering capability. It can be implemented manually in form of the parameters. So depending on your needs you may define query field like:
type Query {
accounts(balanceBelow: Int!): [Account!]
type Constraint {
fieldName: String!
operator: OperatorEnum!
value: String!
type Query {
accounts(where: Constraint): [Account!]
or something in between. But if things like custom query filtering and aggregations are common in your domain, you may find GraphQL cumbersome choice to work with.
