Does igraph has "has_path" function? - r

I am trying to port code from python NetworkX to R igraph. In NetworkX there is a function with the name has_path that finds if two vertices have a path. I want to find in an efficient way all the vertices of a graph that don't have an edge between them but they have a path.

I think you can use the code below to check if there is a path from vertex V1 to V2 (the graph can be directed or undirected)
c(!is.infinite(distances(g, V1, V2, mode = "out")))

If you need to check this repeatedly in an undirected graph, simply break it into connected components and check if both vertices are within the same component. This will be very efficient, as the components need to be found only once.
See the components function. It gives you a membership vector. You need to check if the position corresponding to the two vertices has the same value (same component index).
If the graph is directed, the simplest solution is the one posted by #ThomasIsCoding. This is perfectly fine for a one-time check. Speeding up repeated checks is more trouble and warrants its own question.


Can we use Bellman-ford algorithm for a graph containing multiple sources?

we know that we can use Dijkstra Algorithm for graph containing multiple sources for example this problem can be solved by using multiple Dijkstra's algorithm for multiple sources. Similarly, can we implement
Bellman-ford algorithm ? If possible share pseudo code.
Assume that the graph contains negative weight edges and no negative cycles.
Sure! One simple way to do this is to turn the original graph, which has multiple sources, into a new graph with exactly one source. Just add in a new node s that has zero-cost directed edges to each of the sources from the original graph. Running Bellman-Ford starting at this new node s then effectively simulates finding shortest paths starting from each of the sources.

Gremlin: How to obtain outgoing edges and their target vertices in a single query

Given a set of vertices (say, for simplicity, that I start with one: G.V().hasId("something")), I want to obtain all outgoing edges and their target vertices. I know that .out() will give me all target vertices, but without the information about the edges (which have properties on them, too). On the other hand, .outE() will give me the edges but not the target vertices. Can I obtain both in a single Gremlin query?
Gremlin is as much about transforming graph data as it is navigating graph data. Typically folks seem to understand the navigation first which got you to:
You then need to transform those edges into the result you want - one that includes the edge data and it's adjacent vertex. One way to do that is with project():
Each by()-modulator supplied to project() aligns to the keys supplied as arguments. The first applies to "e" and the second to "v". The first by() is empty and is effectively by(identity()) which returns the same argument given to it (i.e. the current edge in the stream).
Never mind. Figured this out.
G.V().hasId("something").outE().as("E").otherV().as("V").select("E", "V")

Trying to reverse a MetaGraph in Julia

I am currently working on Julia with the MetaGraphs.jl package.
I have created the Graph with a dataset, the characteristic of the graph is that there's one start vertex and one end vertex. However the graph is created by creating all possible options so some edges which "take too much time" don't reach the final vertex. In order to have a decent graph for my next step/ an optimization problem.
I am cleaning the graph by simply going through all edges and those who don't reach the end vertex are deleted. But this method is costly in time and I know a wiser way to do it.
The method is simple:
1.reversing the graph (end vertex becomes start vertex)
2.Calculating the distance of all vertices from the start vertex
3.erase the vertices which don't have a defined distance with the start vertex
I have created an example of a small digraph that would be the same type as mine:
module EssaiModule
using LightGraphs, MetaGraphs
g = DiGraph(8)
mg = MetaDiGraph(g, 1.0)
the end vertex is number 6 so normally I would like to erase edges 3->7 and 4->8
But I can't even start my function because I simply cannot reverse this graph.
I get the error message "LoadError: type MetaDiGraph has no field badjlist"
I know it's because the graph is a metaGraph and not a lightGraph but shouldn't we be able to reverse a metagraph? it seems like a basic function that could be useful on many occasions while working with graphs.
Thanks for your help!

Coloring a graph using Depth first traversal

I know that for coloring graph nodes, backtracking/brute force is a common solution. But I was wondering if using DFS I can also achieve a solution ?
Backtracking gives you the opportunity to go back and try other color possibility in order to paint all the nodes with N colors
DFS will start from one node and color it, then jump to its neighbor and color it in different color than its neighbors etc ...
I did a search about using this method but I didn't find an algorithm that uses this.
Question: Is using DFS possible for coloring graph nodes. If yes, is it more efficient than backtracking ?
Thank you
I believe there is some confusion when comparing backtracking and DFS wrt vertex coloring. DFS traversal for a graph gives full enumeration of its vertices in a sequence related to its structure. It does not, however, constitute a full enumeration for the vertex coloring problem, which would require taking into account the possible colors of the vertices.
Thus, if I understand correctly, what you have implemented is a greedy heuristic coloring for a graph directed by DFS.
On the other hand, a backtracking/brute force solution as you name it (such as [Randall-Brown 72]) will provide an exact solution for the minimum coloring problem since it considers every possible vertex coloring. Note that DFS traversal could be used to sort the vertices initially (topological sort) and feed that order to the exact solver.

Find All Cycle Bases In a Graph, With the Vertex Coordinates Given

A similar question is posted here.
I have an undirected graph with Vertex V and Edge E. I am looking for an algorithm to identify all the cycle bases in that graph. An example of such a graph is shown below:
Now, all the vertex coordinates are known ( unlike previous question, and contrary to the explanation in the above diagram), therefore it is possible to find the smallest cycles that encompass the whole graph.
In this graph, it is possible that there are edges that don't form any cycles.
What is the best algorithm to do this?
Here's another example that you can take a look at:
Assuming that e1 is the edge that gets picked first, and the arrow shows the direction of the edge.
I haven't tried this and it is rather greedy but should work:
Pick one node
Go to one it's neighbors's
Keep on going until you get back to your starting node, but you're not allowed to visit an old node.
If you get a cycle save it if it doesn't already exist or a subset of those node make up a cycle. If the node in the cycle is a subset of the nodes in another cycle remove the larger cycle (or maybe split it in two?)
Start over at 2 with a new neighbor.
Start over at 1 with a new node.
Comments: At 3 you should of course do the same thing as for step 2, so take all possible paths.
Maybe that's a start? As I said, I haven't tried it so it is not optimized.
EDIT: An undocumented and not optimized version of one implementation of the algorithm can be found here: But, it doesn't solve the solution completely since it can only recognize "true" subsets.
