Say I have original URL:\
And I shorten it using Firebase Dynamic Link, and set with Social Metadata (image, title, desc), it becomes new URL :
Now I want to have a Link Preview functionality, I'm using simple_url_preview package. Basically, the package did a GET request of the new URL and parse the og(s) property from the body.
The problem is, it returns the metadata of the original URL, as depicted below:
Behavior that I want to achieve is as below (Example from Telegram's Link Preview, same behavior observed on other major platform ie Twitter, WhatsApp etc):
So, how can I get the metadata of the Firebase Dynamic link itself and not the original/target URL?
I have a custom domain setup with Firebase Dynamic Links. The URL prefix is and I am then able to create a new dynamic link that will resolve to within my app or on the website.
What I need to do is also pass the ID of the article that I want people to see. The copy writers need a URL structure that lets them cross-link articles, so it needs to be a URL like this: but when I test this in the browser it resolves to .. this should be possible right? I shouldn't have to create a dynamic link for every single piece of content should I? Would I need to add so it links to that specific article?
If I were to create Dynamic Links using the REST API in a Cloud Function that is triggered when new content is added to the Firestore, would these links persist?
I know that using the long Dynamic Link format will give me what I need, as I can create the short URL with the param added. But this doesn't solve the issue of giving the Copy Writers a URL structure that is easy to use in their content. Maybe a Cloud Function that strips out the URL links from the body copy, and replaces it with the long-form Dynamic Link?
I have a Woo store with an API integration from Salesforce.
Each time a product is saved in Salesforce, the data from all connected fields pushes over to Woo and overwrites the data in Woo.
The Product Image is being populated with a full URL from a Salesforce field, like this:
Each time the field pushes over to Woo, the image is duplicated in the Media Library, like this:
And so on..
The Product always uses the latest version of the duplicated image.
Is this a core function of Woo, to duplicate an image when its URL is re-populated via an API integration? I don't imagine I would want to try to "turn off" that feature. Or maybe it's actually WP core function?
After speaking to an engineer at, they confirmed that if I create/update the image via the API using the "id" field rather than the "src" field, the image duplication problem will go away because WordPress will correctly recognize the image as an existing image in the Media Library.
I want to get the authenticated user's mentioned media using Instagram API.Is that possible to fetch those posts? Besides, as of all of us know that Instagram has released a new feature like multiple image as single post.For these kind of posts we are receiving a gray image as image url and type as video.Can we get all the uploaded image urls or the first image url at least? It looks so bad while showing that grayed picture in our application.
There is no API to get media with user mentions.
For the multiple image, use this as work around for now:
Plugin: Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags
Purpose: The plugin is supposed to provide ograph tags around your posted content. The options set should first point to the ograph image specified in the plugin's added image field. If not found, then the featured image. If not found then the default image (blank.gif for test purposes).
Issue: Sporadic results. Sometimes the ograph image specified appears (after several FB Debugger scrapes. Other times the default image appears.
In all test cases, the suggested image size of 1200x630 px in JPG format was specified in the plugins ograph image field.
FB Open Graph Object Debugger provides me with this:
The app (my app id) specified in fb:app_id meta tag is not published
yet. App attribution will be disabled when shared stories are
rendered. Please check the status in the app settings.
The FB App ID is specified in the plugin config. True, the FB App Id is not submitted to be published.
Would we need to publish the FB App ID? Not sure since we really aren't developing an app. If we must publish, which screens would I supply?
The domain's DNS is set up with an A record, not a CName. Some research suggests only CName will work - but no mention of that on FB documentation.
Test results:
Military test for URL: wels(DOT)net/dev-military/heavenly-math/
Daily Dev test for URL: wels(DOT)net/dev-daily/20160608/
:) Once I get a solution, how do I get the entire site scraped if I have more than 3000 pages?
Note: Plugin author speaks another language and is inactive on his forum.
I found the answer! The permalink structure on our site is domain/postname However, what has been entered into the permalink field (to make each post unique) was domain/post-type/date manually. Post-type is also the archive link.
Since Wordpress permalink structure is domain/postname... the postname MUST be unique. As soon as I added a prefix to the date, Facebook was able to grab the ograph.
BAD - domain/post-type/date
GOOD - domain/post-type/prefix-date
Why? Because we have multiple CPT's and they were all using date as the postname. Facebook didn't know how to resolve even though they were valid URLs.
I would like to understand how does instagram show large image thumbnails, with each thumbnail having individual actions such as Like and comment. Is it possible to do via the Open Graph API or is this due to Instagram being a property of Facebook?
The custom action and objects API does not seem to allow such a layout. An example is shown below
This is supported by the API via the user generated photos functionality:
has the docs, and you need special approval for your actions
You add the following parameters to your existing publish calls:
image[0][url]=<URL TO IMAGE>
image[1]... etc
{edit:} Actually, i'm not sure how to render that aggregated unit - my answer above is for the photos functionality itself