Ride Robot Framework IDE - Mac Interface Trouble - robotframework

I've just installed Ride editor on my Mac and I'm new to this. My python version is 3.9.4 on BigSur 11.4 and I'm using the dark mode theme.
I have trouble with the colors because I can barely see anything, only when something is selected. I've tried to change colors in the preferences but no luck.
I can't see the names of my files only when they are selected.
My project structure
I can't even write simple text case because I can't see what I am typing because of that yellow background and characters are white. Only after enter or when it is selected you can see what is in the field.
Test case fields
I can't make dictionary nor the list variables. I can only define them and add them values directly in the script because that window with the fields on the left is to small and I can't stretch it.
Dictionary Variables
If someone has facing the same thing or has an idea or solution at least for part of it would be great because I am out of the ideas. Thanks.

If you installed latest development from master (you probably did, so you can use with Python 3.9), you have options to change colors (and save and restore), from Tools->Preferences->General and for the Grid, Editor and Run tabs.
It would be nice to have those color settings files shared with the community. Please go to the project page and create an issue with those settings, or communicate on our Slack.


Can't re-open project files sidebar anymore in Atom Editor

Sorry if this is the wrong place to answer but I found no other community which could help me with this. I accidentally closed the left-sidebar that shows the currently open project and it's files. Not sure what it's called, maybe navigation, folder view, either way, I tried pressing nearly every key combination to no results. I tried searching in the command palette for something that looked like "open project sidebar" but nothing. Now I'm stuck having no idea how to restore my primary navigation means when working with Atom. I tried opening multiple projects but I just get a black screen without the project sidebar, like it was hidden.
Any ideas?
I'm talking about this sidebar:
It is called "Tree-View".
You should be able to enable it via command pallete or ctrl + ,
It depends on your OS. On Mac OS X, it's CMD-\ (Command-Backslash) to toggle it. The option located on the View menu, called Toggle Tree View (the last menu option).

Eclipse matching bracket margin mark - What is it properly called, and how to change its appearance

The question is basically just the title. In the above image, Eclipse is highlighting the function scope/block with the blue dotted pattern on the left margin. While helpful, I find the pattern visually distracting, especially using Moonrise or the Dark theme. What is this feature called, and where would I find its appearance settings/controls?
This is eclipse 4.4 with PyDev and StatET installed, though I see the same behavior with basic Java files as well.
I assume you are using Linux OS.
What is this feature called, and where would I find its appearance settings/controls?
This is called as Range indicator.You can switch off the range indicator.
Click Windows > Preferences. Navigate to General > Editors > Text Editors. De select Show Range indicator option.
If you want to change the colour then refer this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/25155197/1391924

Aptana Studio 3 Not Showing Themes

So I recently moved all of the files that I want to keep onto a secondary hard drive in my laptop. This also included the workspace I use for Aptana Studio 3. As a result, there was a particular file that I had to delete and let the program recreate just to get the program to start up as well as re-import the projects I was working with.
The issue now, though, is that I cannot change or even bring up the themes in the preferences editor. When I first go to Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Themes, I get a message that reads:
The currently displayed page contains invalid values.
and doesn't show anything. On the rare occurrences that I AM able to get that particular window to show up, there's nothing there except an empty drop down menu. Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this? Thanks.
P.S. YES, I have Googled it and hence, since I didn't find anything, I'm asking the question here.
got this answer from another post...
I got the same problem. After updating Aptana to 3.5, whenever I looked at the themes settings, it crashed down saying.
"the currently displayed page contains invalid values"
Probably the new update has its own bugs for some reason.
the only way to fix the problem is to downgrade the version of Aptana studio.
just Download 3.4.1 version and all things gonna be ok.
Add Eclipse Themes from http://eclipsecolorthemes.org/?view=plugin
Details to add themes on this post.
Edit: This does not seem to work :( only the bg changes. I never noticed that the font colors never changed. Have to wait for patches I guess. Don't want to downgrade though :-|

Brackets editor code suggestion

I'm using the Brackets editor, and I ran into this extension.
If you look at the picture on this extension's page you can see the small light bulbs next to some lines. I really want this feature, so I've installed the extension, but I can't see those light bulbs.
Is it a part of this extension or is it another extension in this picture?
If so, which one is it?
Those icons come from the Brackets Interactive Linter extension, created by the same author. However, they don't give you "auto correct" options like the lightbulbs in some other editors. As far as I can tell, the icon just shows you more details about the linting error.
If "auto correct" is what you're looking for, you might still be able to interest someone in working on that functionality. (The Brackets community is pretty responsive!). I suggest:
File an issue in the extension's repo asking for the enhancement; or
Start a thread on the brackets-dev forum making this suggestion, in case any other extension developers would be interested in working on it.
If you are using AEM Brackets Extension and are unable to install the extension via url then either try to drag and drop the .zip into the DragDrop area or add your unzipped extension folder into \www\extensions\default directory and run the brackets tool via cmd line rather than double clicking on it.
It worked for me!!

Xcode 4 - Analyze issues won't show in editor

Running Analyze in Xcode 4.0.2 shows issues in the Issue Navigator. Clicking on an issue makes the appropriate file appear in the Editor pane, but nowhere does it show where in the code the issue occurs as I am used to from Xcode 3.x. Does anyone know how I can turn on this feature?
A couple of tips:
First, if you're looking for the view where Xcode annotates the project with arrows, bear in mind that you may need to expand the top-level analyser result in Xcode's Issue navigator and click the second-level issue in order to see those - see screenshots.
Screenshot 1: top-level issue selected - no arrows
Screenshot 2: second-level issue selected - arrows!
Second tip: if that stuff isn't working, try cleaning the project's build products folder. Hold down the Option (alt) key and choose Clean Build Folder... from the Product menu. (You need to hold down the Option key, otherwise you won't see that menu option.)
I've seen this happen before sometimes. I believe it's a bug in Xcode. Restart Xcode and try again.
One note. I'm seeing this for files that are referenced outside the current project. I currently have a library in which the files with missing annotations live and simply added them to my current project without copying them. Haven't done the project dependency setup yet, so if you're referring to files outside your project that could be why. (I opened the library project, did an analyze and the annotations showed up.)
Woohoo, I've nailed it! At least for me. I've been struggling with this problem for about 2 hours now, trying out all the things suggested here and more (Xcode 4.0.2, Snow Leopard). Bizarre thing was I had one file where the warning were correctly showing in the editor. Then I noticed the difference to all other files; in the File Inspector pane the location was specified as "Relative to Project" (warnings show correctly in the editor), all the other project files were "Relative to Group" (warnings not showing in the editor).
I took one of the problem files, switched it's location to "Relative to Project", reanalyzed and bingo! I've see it's warnings in the editor.
I guess this ties in a bit with David Goodine's answer refering to files outside the project.
