Changing font of the browser tab in React App - css

Does anyone out there in the universe know how to change the font family for the app title that appears in the tab of your web browser? Like the one shown below
I know in the index.html file in the public folder there is the <title>React App</title> where you can change the title, but I'm not sure how to change the font.
Thanks in advance!

You asked very good questions, in fact you can't change it. Simply go to your console. Do this :
const title = document.getElementByTagName('title');
Then press enter. After that simply write again the console:
And you will see the html collection for the tag title. If you keep looking you will see a lot of options are null. Do you will understand that the tag title it's can't be modified as much as the other tags like h1 or span. You can add a javascript code to update the title let's say the number of notifications along side the title so you can do this :
document.title= (3) + is "react app".
Hope I answered your question 🙋.
Ps: I'm using my phone sorry to not provide the codes in there specific area.


Accessibility error - Empty link. A link contains no text. - Wordpress

As you can check in the following link
there are some color attributes.
In the following link, you can check a report via webaim with some accessibility errors.
Just because all colors are buttons too, I want to insert somewhere an alt txt or something which, if I understand right, points out that it is a link.
The error I got is:
Empty link
A link contains no text.
Due to my limited developing skills, I don't know where exactly I must edit the code. I found something relevant, a plugin called "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce".
Can anyone help me out fixing this?
Just add an aria-label to your link. It will not only make the WebAIM/WAVE report happy, it will also allow a screen reader to hear the color name when they navigate to the link.
<a aria-label="red" href="" rel="nofollow" class="rtwpvs-term-span rtwpvs-term-span-color" style="background-color:#db100a;" role="link"></a>
Note that you have role="link" on the <a>. The default role of an <a> element is already a link so the role attribute is not needed.

Custom tab icon based on site url

In Firefox, I wish to change the tab icon based on the url of the site -- is this possible?
The closest I've gotten is the following (in userChrome.css):
tab[label*="title of site"] .tab-icon-image { ..custom favicon... }
Which works! But as soon as you browse the rest of the site, as the page titles change, it no longer changes the icon, obviously.
I do not wish to use an extension, I'd like to achieve this in css or some sort of profile tweak, if at all possible.
Good news,
I was able to figure this out without the use of javascript:
tab[image*='sitename'] .tab-icon-image { ..custom icon.. }
Hope this helps anyone looking for this type of functionality :)

fa-fa icon not showing on a mapped domain of the same site

I am using fa-fa icons on this site:
a mapped domain to this same site is
but the icons are not appearing here at all only on the
can clues as to why this could be - many thanks
Try the generated code first. for example if you go to the icon sites which supports html5, will give you a sort code for the icon, for example: like this.. you get a code for example, you can use this for additional option.
also sometimes the fa fa-icon dont works, only try to input, fa-icon or just icon name, as shown on git.
Hope this one helps you!

Meteor xolvio:md-blog: Site title is changed to "name"

I have finally successfully installed the Meteor package md-blog from xolvio. The only thing that is bothering me, is that the title of the site is changed to "name". Where can I remove this?
Also on some blog entries my logo in the navbar disappears. Does anyone know what this could be?
If you're basing your blog on the example app (, the strings used in the app are defined in the internationalization directory ( You can edit the en.i18n.json file as you see fit. The site_title property is what you need to edit to change the title of the blog.
Without seeing your blog, I can't evaluate why your logo disappears. Inspect the page to see if it's there but not visible. It's likely a css issue.

Css background Wont work?

I have a question.
I am currently building a "blog" website. Not that it matters but..
I am trying to set my background to be a specific image that i have.
And it used to work! Until recently and I just don't know why it wont.
It works when i am on my computer, everything works fine.
But i am using 000Webhost as the hoster for the website.
So if u go to ""
You might see that the website is completely white. Cause the picture wont load for the background.
In my css sheet, i am using:
body {
background-image: url("bakgrund.jpg");
And yes, i did name the picture bakgrund.jpg and uploaded it to 000webhost. Its the exact same name etc. I wondering.. Could two different css stylesheets make so it gets weird or something? Cause I added a second css style sheet to be able to have a drop-down menu in a different sheet, and i added the drop-menu. Around that time it started messing with me..
Is it me doing something wrong.
Or is it 000Webhost?
(Might add that none of my pictures is working now, i can also contribute with more code if needed!)
If you go to you get a message
"The image cannot be
displayed because it contains errors".
If you go to you get 404 page, which means that the first path (bakgrund.jpg) is correct - but the image itself isn't good.
Try to upload it again or contact the hosting service.
If you use FTP maybe you need to change something in your FTP program settings - maybe change from ASCII to Binary transfer.
