I have two df that look something like this
iris <- iris%>% mutate_at((1:4),~.+2)
iris2 <- iris
names(iris2)<-sub(".", "_", names(iris2), fixed = TRUE)
My aim is to reduce the values of the variables in iris that are above the maximum values of the corresponding variable in iris2, to match the maximum value in iris2.
I have written a function that does this.
[1] 9.9
[1] 7.9
# i want every value of iris that is >= to max value of iris2 to be equal to the max value of iris 2.
# my function:
fixmax<- function(data,data2,var1,var2) {
data<- data %>%
mutate("{var1}" := ifelse(get(var1)>=max(data2[[var2]],na.rm = T),
max(data2[[var2]],na.rm = T),get(var1)))
# apply my function to a variable
tst_iris <- fixmax(iris,iris2,"Sepal.Length","Sepal_Length")
7.9 # it works!
The challange I face is that I would like to iterate my function sequentially overtwo lists of variables- i.e. Sepal.Length with Sepal_Length, Sepal.Widthwith Sepal_Width etc.
Does anyone knows how I can do this?
I tried using Map but I am doing something wrong.
lst1 <- names(iris[,1:4])
lst2 <- names(iris2[,1:4])
final_iris<- Map(fixmax,iris, iris2,lst1,lst2)
My goal is to obtain a df (final_iris) where every variable has been adjusted using the criteria specified by fixmax.
I know I can do this by running my function on every variable like so.
final_iris <- iris
final_iris <- fixmax(final_iris,iris2,"Sepal.Length","Sepal_Length")
final_iris <- fixmax(final_iris,iris2,"Sepal.Width","Sepal_Width")
final_iris <- fixmax(final_iris,iris2,"Petal.Length","Petal_Length")
final_iris <- fixmax(final_iris,iris2,"Petal.Width","Petal_Width")
But in the real data, I have to run this operation tens of times and I would like to be able to loop my function sequentially.
Does anyone know how I loop my fixmax over lst1 and lst2 sequentially?
Rather than explicitly iterating over the different datasets and columns by name, you can take advantage of the vectorization built into R. If the dataframes have the same column/variable ordering a function mapped to both dataframes using mapply or purrr::map2 will iterate column by column without the need to specify column names.
Given two input data frames (df_small and df_big) the steps are:
Calculate the max of each column in df_small to create df_small_max
Apply the pmin function to each column of df_big and each value of df_small_max using mapply (or purr::map2_dfc if you prefer tidyverse mapping)
#set up fake data
df_small <- iris[,1:4]
df_big <- df_small + 2
# find max of each col in df_small
df_small_max <- sapply(df_small, max)
# replace values of df_big which are larger than df_small_max
df_big_fixed <- mapply(pmin, df_big, df_small_max)
# sanity check -- Note the change in Sepal.Width
#> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> 7.9 4.4 6.9 2.5
head(df_big, 3)
#> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> 1 7.1 5.5 3.4 2.2
#> 2 6.9 5.0 3.4 2.2
#> 3 6.7 5.2 3.3 2.2
head(df_big_fixed, 3)
#> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> [1,] 7.1 4.4 3.4 2.2
#> [2,] 6.9 4.4 3.4 2.2
#> [3,] 6.7 4.4 3.3 2.2
Created on 2021-07-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
It's likely that your issue is related to the fact that dataframes are themselves lists. Map() expects the non-function arguments to be lists of the same length. Any arguments that are shorter than the longest list are "recycled" to match it's length.
Currently, you have:
final_iris<- Map(fixmax,iris, iris2,lst1,lst2)
This is actually equivalent to:
final_iris<- Map(fixmax,
(To understand why, you must remember that dataframes like iris and iris2 are, technically, under the hood, lists of [atomic] vectors.)
I suspect that you want iris and iris2 to be supplied to each call to fixmax(). In order to have Map() recycle these two vectors, they need to be supplied as single-element lists. Like so:
final_iris<- Map(fixmax, list(iris), list(iris2),lst1,lst2)
To combine a list of dataframes into a single dataframe do
do.call(rbind, final_iris)
Here is a mostly base way. I also renamed the variables because I had some trouble replicating since originally the approach would save over the iris object.
The approach is that instead of mutating a data.frame object, we instead only return the vector of the expected values from our modified function. Then, we re-assign those values back to our original data.frame.
fixmax2 = function(x, y) {
max_y = max(y, na.rm = TRUE)
ifelse(x >= max_y, max_y, y)
cols = which(sapply(df_plus, is.numeric))
df_plus[cols] = Map(fixmax2, df_plus[cols], df_iris[cols])
Raw data:
df_plus = iris %>% mutate_at((1:4), ~. + 2) ## let's not save over iris
df_iris = iris
names(df_iris)<-sub(".", "_", names(df_iris), fixed = TRUE)
Is that what you're expecting ?
my_a <- iris %>% mutate_at((1:4),~.+2)
iris2 <- iris
names(iris2)<-sub(".", "_", names(iris2), fixed = TRUE)
my_var <- which(my_a$Sepal.Length >= max(iris2$Sepal_Length) & my_a$Sepal.Width >= max(iris2$Sepal_Width))
if (length(my_var)) {
my_a <- my_a[my_var,]
Your function seems convoluted and hard to read at a first glance. We can tidy up the function to return max(x, max_val) for each value in a column with a quick function
#function to correct max
adjust_max <- function(x, max_val) {
return(ifelse(x >= max_val, max_val, x))
Finally, we want to apply this automatically and sequentially using the two dataframes. We will use a simple for loop. Code to set up the problem is attached.
#set up fake data
iris_big <- iris%>% mutate_at((1:4),~.+2)
iris_small <- iris
names(iris_small)<- sub(".", "_", names(iris_small), fixed = TRUE)
#check which is the bigger one and the smaller
max(iris_big$Sepal.Length) #bigger
max(iris_small$Sepal_Length) #smaller
#function to correct max
adjust_max <- function(x, max_val) {
return(ifelse(x >= max_val, max_val, x))
#apply it to get a final result
iris_final <- iris_big
# iterate over columns, assuming same positions
# you can edit the 1:ncol(iris_final) to only take the columns you want
for (i in 1:ncol(iris_final)) {
#check numeric
if (is.numeric(iris_final[,i])) {
#applies the function - notice we call iris_final and iris_small
iris_final[,i] <- sapply(iris_final[,i],
max_val = max(iris_small[,i]))
#check answer is correct
apply(iris_final[,1:4], 2, max)
apply(iris_small[,1:4], 2, max)
For a tidyverse approach you can use transmute instead of mutate. transmute would return only one column in each iteration whereas mutate would return all the columns every time.
Apart from that to make it more tidyverse friendly I am using .data instead of get. Also using pmin instead of complicated ifelse solution.
fixmax<- function(data,data2,var1,var2) {
data<- data %>% transmute("{var1}" := pmin(.data[[var1]], max(data2[[var2]])))
To apply the function to each pair of columns you can use map2_dfc which will also combine the results in one dataframe.
lst1 <- names(iris[,1:4])
lst2 <- names(iris2[,1:4])
Compare the max values of two dataframes before applying the function.
map_dbl(iris[lst1], max)
#Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
# 9.9 6.4 8.9 4.5
map_dbl(iris2[lst2], max)
#Sepal_Length Sepal_Width Petal_Length Petal_Width
# 7.9 4.4 6.9 2.5
Apply the function -
iris[lst1] <- map2_dfc(lst1, lst2, ~fixmax(iris, iris2, .x, .y))
Compare the max values of two dataframes after applying the function.
map_dbl(iris[lst1], max)
#Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
# 7.9 4.4 6.9 2.5
map_dbl(iris2[lst2], max)
#Sepal_Length Sepal_Width Petal_Length Petal_Width
# 7.9 4.4 6.9 2.5
You should consider using column indices; a complete (not including the data-frame construction) base R solution could look like:
# Resolve the indices of the numeric vectors in
# iris: num_cols => integer vector
num_cols <- which(
arr.ind = TRUE
# Map the pmin function over iris to select the
# minimum of the vector element in iris and the
# maximum values of that vector in iris2:
# iris => data.frame
iris[,num_cols] <- Map(function(i){
na.rm = TRUE
You can do this by creating a matrix of the max value repeated in each column and use pmin to take the minimum values between the max values in iris2 and the values in the other dataframe. I created a new fixmax function which only takes the two dataframes as arguments.
Preparing the data
initial <- iris %>% mutate_at(1:4, ~.+2)
iris2 <- iris
names(iris2)<-sub(".", "_", names(iris2), fixed = TRUE)
# [1] 9.9
# [1] 7.9
Creating the function
fixmax <- function(df, dfmax){
colids <- which(unlist(lapply(dfmax, is.numeric)))
dfmax <- apply(dfmax[, colids], 2, max) %>%
matrix(nrow=nrow(dfmax), ncol=length(colids), byrow=TRUE) %>%
df[, colids] <- pmin(df[,colids], dfmax)
Testing the function
newiris <- fixmax(initial, iris2)
# [1] 7.9
assertthat::assert_that(!identical(newiris, iris2))
# [1] TRUE
assertthat::assert_that(all((initial == newiris) || (iris2 == newiris)))
# [1] TRUE
imax = apply(iris2[, 1:4], 2, max) %>%
matrix(nrow=nrow(iris2), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE) %>%
assertthat::assert_that(all(newiris[, 1:4] <= imax))
# [1] TRUE
# Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
# 1 7.1 4.4 3.4 2.2 setosa
# 2 6.9 4.4 3.4 2.2 setosa
# 3 6.7 4.4 3.3 2.2 setosa
# 4 6.6 4.4 3.5 2.2 setosa
# 5 7.0 4.4 3.4 2.2 setosa
# 6 7.4 4.4 3.7 2.4 setosa
I need to select the levels of Species in the dataset Iris (available in R) with the function subset() and calculate the mean of the column Petal.Length from the same dataset, everything with a for loop. I know that I can do this calculations with the function tappy, but the task consists in using a for loop.
I tried writing a vector in which I would put the results:
medie <- rep(NA,3)
names(medie) <- levels(iris$Species)
and then this as the loop:
for (i in 1:length(medie)){
medie[i] <- mean(subset(iris, Species==levels(Species))$Petal.Length)
but this are the results I get:
> medie
setosa versicolor virginica
3.796 3.796 3.796
Any help?
I think you need to include i in levels(Species)[i]
for (i in 1:length(medie)){
medie[i] <- mean(subset(iris, Species==levels(Species)[i])$Petal.Length)
> medie
setosa versicolor virginica
1.462 4.260 5.552
There is an argument called select in subset to select your target column, so you can use:
medie[i] <- mean(subset(iris, Species==levels(Species)[i], select = "Petal.Length"))
Here's a dplyr approach if you, someday, want to avoid for loop.
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise(medie = mean(Petal.Length))
I am trying to apply successive filters on a dataframe without knowing in advance the number of filter or their arguments. Arguments are stocked in a list. With 1 or 2 filters, i can do it with purrr.
For instance with 2 filters :
f2 <- list("Species" = "virginica", "Sepal.Length" = c(5.8, 6.3))
iris_f2 <- map2_df(.x = f2[[1]],
.y = f2[[2]],
.f = ~{
iris %>%
filter(get(names(f2)[1]) %in% .x,
get(names(f2)[2]) %in% .y)
# With 3 filters or more, I am completely stuck !
f3 <- list("Species" = "virginica", "Sepal.Length" = c(5.8, 6.3), "Sepal.Width" = 2.7)
I would like to generalize my code so that it applies successive filters with n arguments in a list (n can be 1, or 2 as in my example or more).
Ideally, I would like to know how to do it with purrr but I am also interested in loop-based solutions.
Here is one way that uses call() to construct defused expressions that can be spliced inside of filter().
fns <- imap(f3, ~ call(if (length(.x) == 1) "==" else "%in%", sym(.y), .x))
Which gives the following:
Species == "virginica"
Sepal.Length %in% c(5.8, 6.3)
Sepal.Width == 2.7
However, the names cause an issue when spliced, so it needs to be unnamed before use:
iris %>%
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1 5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 virginica
2 6.3 2.7 4.9 1.8 virginica
3 5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 virginica
I have a larger dataframe from which I would like to split up based on 2 columns and a changing 3rd column.
Am on mobile so hard to give a reproducible example so I will try my best to describe.
I have a large Dataframe with 10 columns, the first 2 being ID and Year.
I would like to have smaller ones where the 3rd column will be each of the remaining 8.
So a total of 8 smaller dataframes
I have tried:
newDF1<-select(BIGdf, c("ID", "Year", "3rdVariable"))
newDF2<-select(BIGdf, c("ID", "Year", "4thVariable"))
And achieve the result but is there a way I don't have to write out each individual variable.
Sorry for the poor formatting any help would be appreciated.
It is usually bad practice to split up data which belongs together.
However, you can automatically create new R objects based on expressions using assign:
columns <-
iris %>%
colnames() %>%
#> [1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"
columns %>%
walk(~ {
data <- iris %>% head(2) %>% select_at(c("Species", .x))
assign(.x, data, envir = globalenv())
# access created objects
#> Species Sepal.Width
#> 1 setosa 3.5
#> 2 setosa 3.0
#> Species Sepal.Length
#> 1 setosa 5.1
#> 2 setosa 4.9
Created on 2021-11-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Adding to danlooos answer, if you want a Base R solution you could just use a loop:
for (col in colnames(iris)[-1:-2]) {
assign(col, iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", col)], envir = globalenv())
Or do the same thing and store the resulting data frames in a list, which I personally find somewhat cleaner:
new_frames <- list()
for (col in colnames(iris)[-1:-2]) {
new_frames <- append(new_frames, list(iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", col)]))
I need to perform calculation based on inputs defined in a dataframe. Refer the dataframe RefDf below. It has 3 columns - column name, calculation, New Variable Name. When Calculation column contains count, we should use n_distinct( ) function.
RefDf <- read.table(text = "Variables Calculation NewVariable
Sepal.Length sum Sepal.Length2
Petal.Length count Petal.LengthNew
", header = T)
Manual Approach - Needs to be automated via inputs in RefDf. Species remains same for grouping.
iris %>% group_by_at("Species") %>%
summarise(Sepal.Length2 = sum(Sepal.Length,na.rm = T),
Petal.LengthNew = n_distinct(Petal.Length, na.rm = T)
I am looking for dplyr or base R based solution
Here's a solution with data.table package
# using data.table
dt <- as.data.table(RefDf)
dt[Calculation == "count", Calculation := "n_distinct"]
# function for doing grouping calculation
inner.fun <- function(calc, data, column, group="Species"){
data.dt <- as.data.table(data)
data.dt[, .(as.numeric(get(calc)(get(column)))), by=group][]
out <- dt[, inner.fun(calc=Calculation, data=iris, column=Variables), by=NewVariable]
# reshape from wide to long
out2 <- dcast(data=out, Species ~ NewVariable, value.var="V1")
# convert to data.frame
out_df <- as.data.frame(out2)
Species Petal.LengthNew Sepal.Length2
1 setosa 9 250.3
2 versicolor 19 296.8
3 virginica 20 329.4
Im trying to create a new variable e.g, iris$Sepal.Length_above with numeric and species-dependent classification of a variable e.g., sepal length above (1) or below (0) cut-offs. I'll illustrate using iris.
iris_rm <- subset(iris, Species == 'setosa')
iris_2 <- iris[!(iris$Species %in% iris_rm$Species),] #two species
For variables without species-specific cut-offs Ive used the below line
iris_2$Sepal.Width_above <- ifelse(iris_2$Sepal.Width >= 3.0, 1, 0)#1 is above cut-off
Now I want to do the same, but with species-dependent cut-offs. Assume:
#Species "virginica" has Sepal.Length cut-off: 6.5
#Species "versicolor" has Sepal.Length cut-off: 6.0
The best Ive come up with is the below, but there are two problems.
iris_2$Sepal.Length_above <- if (iris_2$Species == 'virginica'){
ifelse(iris_2$Sepal.Length >= 6.5, 1, 0)
} else (iris_2$Species =='versicolor'){
ifelse(iris_2$Sepal.Length >= 6.0, 1, 0)
#problem 1: 6.0 seems to override the 6.5 for virginica
#problem 2: >= and <= seems to be switched
I would be so greatful for help!
Create a cut_off dataset which has species information and it's respective cut off value.
cut_off_data <- data.frame(Species = c('virginica', 'versicolor'),
cut_off = c(6.5, 6))
# Species cut_off
#1 virginica 6.5
#2 versicolor 6.0
Join it with your data (iris_2) and create a new column with 1 for values above cut off and 0 otherwise.
left_join(iris_2, cut_off_data, by = 'Species') %>%
mutate(Sepal.Length_above = as.integer(Sepal.Length >=cut_off)) -> result
In base R :
result <- transform(merge(iris_2, cut_off_data, by = 'Species', all.x = TRUE),
Sepal.Length_above = as.integer(Sepal.Length >=cut_off))