GTK3 theme dialog box renders solid black background in Audacity - css

I was using Audacity with a GTK 3 theme I created. On some of the dialog boxes the background comes up as a solid black color, while the theme's background color is a light yellow. I noticed this happens only on some of the dialog boxes.
Below is an image of the Compressor dialog.
I want to know how to get the proper background color, as I checked some other themes with GTK Inspector and they render correctly.
The code for the gtk-widgets.css file is on this GitHub page.

Perhaps you can try:
window > box > widget > widget { background-color:yellow; }


Angular Material Progress Spinner with Image icons - (mat-spinner)

I Implemented mat-spinner in my project, but it only has few configurable changes like Color, mode of spinning. I want to include Image Icon which is the Logo of a brand/Company inside the spinner, how can i achieve it ?
Below is the Stackblitz link:
It has mode and color change but how do i include any image to fit inside the progress spinner ?
you can access the background layer of the spinner using:
.mat-progress-spinner svg {
background: red;
Note however that the svg is subject to transforms, so the background may end up being rotated as well.

Prevent Foundation button text from changing color on click

I am working with Foundation in a Rails app, and I have some buttons.
When I click a button, the text inside the button changes from white to grey, because it is remembering that I have previously clicked that button before.
I do not want this to happen. I want the button text to remain white all the time.
So how can i disable this feature of the text color changing after a button has been pressed?
Nvm, I just found it.
In the CSS you add
color: white;

QTabBar: Border of tabs disappearing when changing background color

I would like to change the default background colour of my QT-application (QT 4.8.6 based) to a different (darker) grey. I did this by adding
background-color: #A3A3A3;
to the QWidget-section in my QSS file. This works well, with the exception of the tabs. When I don't have this line the tabs in my application look OK, so the selected tab does not have a line between the tab and the tab-widget, all the others have a border (works for both top and bottom tabs).
When I add the background-color the line between the (unselected) tabs and the tab-widget disappears, both for top and bottom tabs. I tried adding a border to the tab-widget-pane, but this also adds a border between the selected tab and the tab-widget.
How can I change the background colour of my application and still have the tabs look as they should?
As requested the QSS file. I removed everything not related to this issue:
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #A3A3A3;
font-weight: normal;
With this QSS file the background is darker, but there are no lines between the tabs and the pane. When I disable the background-color line the tabs are shown OK (but the window becomes light-gray of course).
Also an image indicating the problem:

Remove Focus Box Around TextField

Using JavaFX when I create a TextField and set
and then click on the field the blue box shows up around it. I guess that makes sense
but there is no
I want to get rid of the box. Any suggestions?
The setFocusTraversable(false) disables the focus traversing (by TAB and SHIFT+TAB) for that node. Thus it has nothing related with node's GUI style. To hide the focused blue color do:
Via code
numberField.setStyle("-fx-focus-color: transparent;");
or via css file
.text-field {
-fx-focus-color: transparent;
or pseudo class in css file
-fx-focus-color: transparent;
-fx-focus-color is not a css property, it is a predefined color of caspian.css (JavaFX 2).
This answer is related to and referenced from: How do I remove the default border glow of a JavaFX button (when selected)?.

Qt style sheet properties for toolbox buttons

I want to give some color to the area where they are toolbox buttons with icons (light grey on picture). Please help in determining what is a parameter style sheet?
If I understand correctly, you are trying to change the background color of the toolbar area.
Suppose I have a mainwindow with a toolbar called mainToolBar. Here is what I did :
ui->mainToolBar->setStyleSheet("QWidget { background : red; } QToolButton { background : green; }");
The first part of the stylesheet will change the background color of the toolbar where there is no toolbuttons.
The second part of the stylesheet will change the background color of the toolbuttons.
Note : I tested the code snippet above on Windows, I suppose it should work on a Mac too, but I cannot guarantee.
