Protecting a file with Basic Authentication -

How do I secure one aspx page with basic authentication, in a website running IIS 8 (Windows Server 2012)? The Forms authentication is used elsewhere on the website, but I need a temporary protection to this particular file with Basic Authentication.
In IIS, I have disabled anonymous authentication on the folder where the file resides, and enabled the Basic Authentication. I have also created the new local user, and given it permissions to read the folder. I would like to use this username/password to access the resource.
Yet, I can access the file without seeing any user name/password prompts.

Try the steps below:
On the IIS Manager application, access your website and select the directory that you want to protect.
On the right part of the screen, access the option named: Authentication.
Disable the Anonymous authentication on the selected directory.
Enable the basic authentication on the selected directory.
In this example, i configured the IIS server to use the basic type of authentication and configured the IIS server to require authentication to access a directory. As an administrator, create a local user account.
net user /add xxxx
To test the installation, open the browser and try to access the protected directory. Enter the URL in the Browser, the IIS server will require you to perform the user authentication.


Cannot get Orchard CMS site to load on Network Solutions Windows Hosting

I get the following .NET error when trying to load my Orchard CMS website:
Access to the path '\\.........\www\App_Data\Dependencies\Lucene.dll' is denied.
Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\WDP\DFS\30\7\4\5\3024678547\user\sites\\www\App_Data\Dependencies\Lucene.dll' is denied.
ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6 and IIS 7, and the configured application pool identity on IIS 7.5) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.
To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in File Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.
How do I actually go about granting access rights? I've googled and found I should go into the server and right-click on the directory and edit the properties. BUT, I am in a shared hosting plan and don't think I can do that.
Am I pretty much at a dead end?
Things I've tried:
Setting file permissions through FTP, but I get a:
500 'SITE CHMOD 777...command not understood
I've downloaded and installed IIS Manager and successfully connected to my site, but still did not find any options to set permissions in there.
I've also called Network Solutions, but all I was told was to try to do the file permissions settings (as I mentioned above).
Thanks in advance.

IIS Requests Login Credentials on Windows Authentication

I have decided to transfer several of my web applications from one virtual server ot another. The way everything works on my current server is pretty bad - everyone has rights for reading and accessing the content of my "applications" folder on the machine, and so does the IIS. I want to organize stuff on the new server, so only IIS can access this folder.
I have installed IIS and the ASP.NET addons on the new server, and forced my test website to Windows Authentication, as all of my websites are configured on the current server. Then, after doing some reading regarding the permissions, I have given full control to the folder that contains my website to the next users: IIS_IUSRS & TestAppPool (which is the Application Pool I have created for my 'Test' application).
For some reason when I try to access the website from another user within the domain, through the browser, it promts for Login Credentials. I would like to understand why my application wont retrieve the permissions I have granted the IIS users upon accessing the website.
not sure if this would help, but can you try changing the app pool's identity to Network Service?

Using ASP.Net Impersonation w/ Windows Authentication

We have a web application that copies files to a remote server within our domain (OurDomain). The following issue occurs with users that log on to their laptop with another domain, and then log on to the web application with OurDomain. Users that log on to both the laptop and web application with OurDomain\User don't have this problem.
We have two webforms:
The 1st webform retrieves the user's ID using System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() and then sends an email with this userid. This code retrieves the user's ID only if we have Windows Authentication set to Enabled and ASP.Net Impersonation also set to Enabled. If ASP.Net Impersonation is set to Disabled, the user will be Network Service. So I set both to Enabled and everything here works great.
The 2nd webform copies some files to the remote server, also under the domain OurDomain. With Windows Authentication set to Enabled and ASP.Net Impersonation set to Disabled, then Network Service is used to copy the files to the remote server and are copied correctly. On the other hand, If ASP.Net Impersonation is set to Enabled, it seems to bypass Network Service and even OurDomain\User and tries to copy with, apparently, the credentials used to log on to the laptop (Another domain). The files don't copy and I get error Access to the path is denied
The only fix I've found is to add OurDomain\User to the folder, and it's really not a big deal, but I wanted to see why this was happening.
I believe OurDomain\User is the user who is logged into the system from web browser. It is not a good security practice to give server folder access to that group of users. If you give access to those users they can even browse the remote folder without your web application.
NetworkService is a user who has role on in the system where it is created.
Better create a user as appPool user in OruDomain\webappuser ie the user who runs the w3wp worker process. Let the password with be the admin.Give OurDomain\webappuser the permission on the remote folder. Run the web form without impersonation.
Now the files which are received via file upload dialog in webform2 can be copied to the folder safely as the application run in the context of OurDomain\webappuser

WIndows Authentication not working

Newly installed IIS on a clean windows Server 2008 R2. Installed all security option. Then for the default web site authentication, enabled windows authentication and disabled all others. Then when access the default page iisstart.htm, it should give me a popup for authentication message.
but when I access the test page like: http://localhost/iisstart.htm, there is no popup. same as enabled Anonymous Authentication.
How to fix it?
I think your webservice is accessing files via your app pool identity, remove this user from the security access list on the file.
If you go to "localhost", then IE will see this as part of the "Intranet Zone". In the "Intranet Zone", IE will by default automatically send your current credentials to sites that use "Windows Authentication".
The result is that everything is probably working correctly.
First of all make sure you check if the app pool user can access the files of the website (NTFS security settings). See: IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity
After that (and double checking that only Windows Authentication is enabled in IIS) take into account that your URL must not contain dots! You can make an extra binding (see: that contains only letters and numbers and then add that binding to your local hosts file (open a text editor as administrator and then edit the file hosts in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) to check.

ASP.NET access files on another computer shared folder

I have ASP.NET project which do some file access and manipulation, the methods which I use for file access are below. Now I need to access files on another server shared folder, how to do that? I easily can change file path to shared folder path but I get "can't access" error because shares are password protected.
As I understand I need somehow to send credentials to remote server before executing methods below. How to do that?
FileStream("c:\MyProj\file.doc", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)
An ASP.NET application (by default) will execute in IIS6 under the "ASPNET" computer account. You therefore have a couple of options:
Configure your ASPNET application to run under a (weak) domain account with permissions to access the remote computer's share
Set the permissions on the share to enable access to "Everybody" (not recommended)
Disable Forms authentication and use Windows authentication in your ASP.NET app. Turn off impersonation in web.config and IIS should pass the credentials of the user who is currently using your web application through to the underlying share (I think).
The latter option is only useful, of course, if your users all have domain accounts on your intranet, for instance. I'll continue to look around for ways to add credentials but I'm not sure off the top of my head if that's possible.
