My goal is to create a barplot that visualises the percentages of three variables; however, my current graph does so in a rather confusing way.
A little bit of context: Each of my variables can can have one of two possible values:
Reference: null or overt
Variety: SING or GB
Register: S1A or S1B
Overall, the data frame looks like this (with a few more thousand lines):
Reference Register Variety
1 null S1A SING
2 null S1A SING
3 null S1A SING
4 null S1A SING
5 null S1A SING
6 null S1A SING
I have used the following code to create the barplot below:
data_raw <- read.csv("INPUT.csv", TRUE, ",")
data_2 <- data_raw %>%
count(Reference, Variety, Register) %>%
mutate(pct = n / sum(n),
pct_label = scales::percent(pct))
ggplot(data_2, aes(x= Reference, fill = Variety, y = pct)) +
geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label = paste(pct_label, n, sep = "\n")),
lineheight = 0.8,
position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)
The third variable, Register, is represented by two separate values within a single-coloured box, e.g., 684/20.22% (S1B) and 931/27.52% (S1A) for the variety GB. While I can infer from my data which of these two values stands for S1A or S1B, I need this to be apparent from the barplot as well. For example, would it be possible to add a label to "684/20.22%" that indicates that it is the S1B value?
Another obvious problem is that the data for the x-value "null" contains very low percentages, making it hard to read. I'm not sure what would be the best way to handle this. Perhaps it would make sense to do away with the numbers altogether and rely on colours only.
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions or solutions to my problem. I'm still a beginner and hope to become better at using R for data analysis.
If you just want to add Register into the label, I think just add it to the label should work:
geom_text(aes(label = paste(Register, pct_label, n, sep = "\n")),
However I think you may want to look for some more aesthetic ideas, such as adding stripes or making it semi-transparent for the Register variable.
To jitter crowded label, you can look at this post.
I'm plotting a sort of chloropleth of up to three selectable species abundances across a research area. This toy code behaves as expected and does almost what I want:
square <- expand.grid(X=0:10, Y=0:10)
sq2 <- square[rep(row.names(square), 2),] %>%
arrange(X,Y) %>%
mutate(SPEC = rep(c('red','blue'),len=n())) %>%
mutate(POP = ifelse(SPEC %in% 'red', X, Y)) %>%
group_by(X,Y) %>%
mutate(CLR = rgb(X/10,0,Y/10)) %>% ungroup()
ggplot(sq2, aes(x=X, y=Y, fill=CLR)) + geom_tile() +
scale_fill_identity("Species", guide="legend",
labels=c('red','blue'), breaks=c('#FF0000','#0000FF'))
Producing this:
A modified version properly plots the real map, appropriately mixing the RGBs to show the species proportions per map unit. But given that mixing, the real data does not necessarily include the specific values listed in breaks, in which case no entry appears in the legend for that species. If you change the last line of the example to
labels=c('red','blue','green'), breaks=c('#FF0000','#0000FF','#00FF00'))
you get the same legend as shown, with only 'red' and 'blue' displayed, as there is no green in it. Searching the data for each max(Species) and assigning those to the legend is possible but won't make good legend keys for species that only occur in low proportions. What's needed is for the legend to display the idea of the entities present, not their attested presences -- three colors in the legend even if only one species is detected.
I'd think that scale_fill_manual() or the override.aes argument might help me here but I haven't been able to make any combination work.
Edit: Episode IV -- A New Dead End
(Thanks #r2evans for fixing my omission of packages.)
I thought I might be able to trick the legend by mutating a further column into the df in the processing pipe called spCLR to represent the color ('#FF0000', e.g.) that codes each entry's species (redundant info, but fine). Now the plotting call in my real version goes:
df %>% [everything] %>%
ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y, height = WIDTH, width = WIDTH, fill = CLR)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_identity("Species", guide="legend",
labels=spCODE, breaks=spCLR)
But this gives the error: Error in check_breaks_labels(breaks, labels) : object 'spCLR' not found. That seems weird since spCLR is indeed in the pipe-modified df, and of all the values supplied to the ggplot functions spCODE is the only one present in the original df -- so if there's some kind of scope problem I don't get it. [Re-edit -- I see that neither labels nor breaks wants to look at df$anything. Anyway.]
I assume (rightly?) there's some way to make this one work [?], but it still wouldn't make the legend show 'red', 'blue' and 'green' in my toy example -- which is what my original question is really about -- because there is still no actual green-data present in that. So to reiterate, isn't there any way to force a ggplot2 legend to show the things you want to talk about, rather than just the ones that are present in the data?
I have belatedly discovered that my question is a near-duplicate of this. The accepted answer there (from #joran) doesn't work for this but the second answer (from #Axeman) does. So the way for me to go here is that the last line should be
labels=c('red','blue','green'), limits=c('#FF0000','#0000FF','#00FF00'))
calling limits() instead of breaks(), and now my example and my real version work as desired.
I have to say I spent a lot of time digging around in the ggplot2 reference without ever gaining a suspicion that limits() was the correct alternative to breaks() -- which is explicitly mentioned in that ref page while limits() does not appear. The ?limits() page is quite uninformative, and I can't find anything that lays out the distinctions between the two: when this rather than that.
I assume from the heatmap use case that you have no other need for colour mapping in the chart. In this case, a possible workaround is to leave the fill scale alone, & create an invisible geom layer with colour aesthetic mapping to generate the desired legend instead:
ggplot(sq2, aes(x=X, y=Y)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = CLR)) + # move fill mapping here so new point layer doesn't inherit it
scale_fill_identity() + # scale_*_identity has guide set to FALSE by default
# add invisible layer with colour (not fill) mapping, within x/y coordinates within
# same range as geom_tile layer above
geom_point(data = . %>%
slice(1:3) %>%
# optional: list colours in the desired label order
mutate(col = forcats::fct_inorder(c("red", "blue", "green"))),
aes(colour = col),
alpha = 0) +
# add colour scale with alpha set to 1 (overriding alpha = 0 above),
# also make the shape square & larger to mimic the default legend keys
# associated with fill scale
scale_color_manual(name = "Species",
values = c("red" = '#FF0000', "blue" = '#0000FF', "green" = '#00FF00'),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, shape = 15, size = 5)))
I am trying to plot the gene expression of "gene A" among several groups.
I use ggplot2 to draw, but I fail
p <- ggplot(MAPK_plot, aes(x = group, y = gene_A)) + geom_violin(trim = FALSE , aes( colour = gene_A)) + theme_classic()
And I want to get the figure like this from
You would have to provide data to get a more specific answer, tailored to your problem. But, I do not want that you get demotivated by the down-votes you got so far and, based on your link, maybe this example can give you some food for thought.
Nice job on figuring out that you have to use geom_violin. Further, you will need some form of faceting / multi-panels. Finally, to do the full annotation like in the given link, you need to make use of the grid package functionality (which I do not use here).
I am not familiar with gene-expression data sets, but I use a IMDB movie rating data set for this example (stored in the package ggplot2movies).
mv <- copy(movies)
# make some variables for our plotting example
mv[, year_10 := cut_width(year, 10)]
mv[, rating_10yr_avg := mean(rating), by = year_10]
mv[, length_3gr := cut_number(length, 3)]
aes(x = year_10,
y = rating)) +
geom_violin(aes(fill = rating_10yr_avg),
scale = "width") +
facet_grid(rows = vars(length_3gr))
Please do not take this answer as a form on encouragement of not posting data relevant to your problem.
I'm struggling to get the exact output needed for a ggplot line graph. As an example, see the code below. Overall, I have two conditions (A/B), and two treatments (C/D). So four total series, but in a factorial way. The lines can be viewed as a time series but with ordinal markings (rather than numeric).
I'd like to generate a connected line graph for the four types, where the color depends on the condition, and the line type depends on the treatment. Thus two different colors and two line types. To make things a bit more complicated, one condition (B) does not have data for the third time period.
I cannot seem to generate the graph needed for these constraints. The closest I got is shown below. What am I doing wrong? I try to remove the group=condition code, but that doesn't help either.
example_df <- data.frame(time = c('time1','time2','time3','time1','time2','time3','time1','time2','time1','time2'),
time_order = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2),
condition = c('A','A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B'),
treatment = c('C','C','C','D','D','D','C','C','D','D'),
value = runif(10))
ggplot(example_df, aes(x=reorder(time,time_order), y=value, color=condition , line_type=treatment, group=condition)) +
You've got 3 problems, from what I can tell.
linetype doesn't have an underscore in it.
With a categorical axis, you need to use the group aesthetic to set which lines get connected. You've made a start with group = condition, but this would imply one line for each condition type (2 lines), but you want one line for each condition:treatment interaction (2 * 2 = 4 lines), so you need group = interaction(condition, treatment).
Your sample data doesn't quite make sense. Your condition B values have two treatment Cs at time 1 and two Ds at time 2, so there is no connection between times 1 and 2. This doesn't much matter, and your real data is probably fine.
This should work:
x = reorder(time, time_order),
y = value,
color = condition,
linetype = treatment,
group = interaction(condition, treatment)
) +
I am trying to build from a question similar to mine (and from which I borrowed the self-contained example and title inspiration). I am trying to apply transparency individually to each line of a ggparcoord or somehow add two layers of ggparcoord on top of the other. The detailed description of the problem and format of data I have for the solution to work is provided below.
I have a dataset with thousand of lines, lets call it x.
x = data.frame(a=runif(100,0,1),b=runif(100,0,1),c=runif(100,0,1),d=runif(100,0,1))
After clustering this data I also get a set of 5 lines, let's call this dataset y.
y = data.frame(a=runif(5,0,1),b=runif(5,0,1),c=runif(5,0,1),d=runif(5,0,1))
In order to see the centroids y overlaying x I use the following code. First I add y to x such that the 5 rows are on the bottom of the final dataframe. This ensures ggparcoord will put them last and therefore stay on top of all the data:
df <- rbind(x,y)
Next I create a new column for df, following the question advice I referred such that I can color differently the centroids and therefore can tell it apart from the data:
df$cluster = "data"
df$cluster[(nrow(df)-4):(nrow(df))] <- "centroids"
Finally I plot it:
p <- ggparcoord(df, columns=1:4, groupColumn=5, scale="globalminmax", alphaLines = 0.99) + xlab("Sample") + ylab("log(Count)")
p + scale_colour_manual(values = c("data" = "grey","centroids" = "#94003C"))
The problem I am stuck with is from this stage and onwards. On my original data, plotting solely x doesn't lead to much insight since it is a heavy load of lines (on this data this is equivalent to using ggparcoord above on x instead of df:
By reducing alphaLines considerably (0.05), I can naturally see some clusters due to the overlapping of the lines (this is again running ggparcoord on x reducing alphaLines):
It makes more sense to observe the centroids added to df on top of the second plot, not the first.
However, since everything it is on a single dataframe, applying such a high value for alphaLine makes the centroid lines disappear. My only option is then to use ggparcoord (as provided above) on df without decreasing the alphaValue:
My goal is to have the red lines (centroid lines) on top of the second figure with very low alpha. There are two ways I thought so far but couldn't get it working:
(1) Is there any way to create a column on the dataframe, similar to what is done for the color, such that I can specify the alpha value for each line?
(2) I originally attempted to create two different ggparcoords and "sum them up" hoping to overlay but an error was raised.
The question may contain too much detail, but I thought this could motivate better the applicability of the answer to serve the interest of other readers.
The answer I am looking for would use the provided data variables on the current format and generate the plot I am looking for. Better ways to reconstruct the data is also welcomed, but using the current structure is preferred.
In this case I think it easier to just use ggplot, and build the graph yourself. We make slight adjustments to how the data is represented (we put it in long format), and then we make the parallel coordinates plot. We can now map any attribute to cluster that you like.
# I start the same as you
x <- data.frame(a=runif(100,0,1),b=runif(100,0,1),c=runif(100,0,1),d=runif(100,0,1))
y <- data.frame(a=runif(5,0,1),b=runif(5,0,1),c=runif(5,0,1),d=runif(5,0,1))
# I find this an easier way to combine the two data.frames, and have an id column
df <- bind_rows(data = x, centroids = y, .id = 'cluster')
# We need to add id's, so we know which points to connect with a line
df$id <- 1:nrow(df)
# Put the data into long format
df2 <- gather(df, 'column', 'value', a:d)
# And plot:
ggplot(df2, aes(column, value, alpha = cluster, color = cluster, group = id)) +
geom_line() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("data" = "grey", "centroids" = "#94003C")) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c("data" = 0.2, "centroids" = 1)) +
I want to put labels of the percentages on my stacked bar plot. However, I only want to label the largest 3 percentages for each bar. I went through a lot of helpful posts on SO (for example: 1, 2, 3), and here is what I've accomplished so far:
counts<-c(7554,6982, 6296,16152,6416,2301,0,
20704,10385,22041,27596,4648, 1325,0,
17200, 11950,11836,12303, 2817,911,1,
tot<-c(rep(45701,7),rep(86699,7), rep(57018,7), rep(11528,7))
prop<-sprintf("%.1f%%", counts/tot*100)
ggplot(data, aes(x=site, y=counts,fill=groups)) + geom_bar()+
stat_bin(geom = "text",aes(y=counts,label = prop),vjust = 1) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent)
I wanted to insert my output image here but don't seem to have enough reputation...But the code above should be able to produce the plot.
So how can I only label the largest 3 percentages on each bar? Also, for the legend, is it possible for me to change the order of the categories? For example put "Missing" at the first. This is not a big issue here but for my real data set, the order of the categories in the legend really bothers me.
I'm new on this site, so if there's anything that's not clear about my question, please let me know and I will fix it. I appreciate any answer/comments! Thank you!
I did this in a sort of hacky manner. It isn't that elegant.
Anyways, I used the plyr package, since the split-apply-combine strategy seemed to be the way to go here.
I recreated your data frame with a variable perc that represents the percentage for each site. Then, for each site, I just kept the 3 largest values for prop and replaced the rest with "".
# I added some variables, and added stringsAsFactors=FALSE
data <- data.frame(groups, site, counts, tot, perc=counts/tot,
prop, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Load plyr
# Split on the site variable, and keep all the other variables (is there an
# option to keep all variables in the final result?)
data2 <- ddply(data, ~site, summarize,
prop=ifelse(perc %in% sort(perc, decreasing=TRUE)[1:3], prop, ""))
# I changed some of the plotting parameters
ggplot(data2, aes(x=site, y=perc, fill=groups)) + geom_bar()+
stat_bin(geom = "text", aes(y=perc, label = prop),vjust = 1) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent)
EDIT: Looks like your scales are wrong in your original plotting code. It gave me results with 7500000% on the y axis, which seemed a little off to me...
EDIT: I fixed up the code.