TEXT Deforming Separetor lines - qt

I need the text in qml app looks like
In below not in image
--- ---- ---------- --- - ----------- ----- ----- - ----------- -----
139 m4a audio only | 355.74KiB 48k https |
249 webm audio only | 404.19KiB 55k https |
250 webm audio only | 526.19KiB 72k https |
140 m4a audio only | 942.33KiB 129k https |
251 webm audio only | 1011.70KiB 139k https |

You have to use a monospace font like "monospace" or "Courier New":
--- ---- ---------- --- - ----------- ----- ----- - ----------- -----
139 m4a audio only | 355.74KiB 48k https |
249 webm audio only | 404.19KiB 55k https |
250 webm audio only | 526.19KiB 72k https |
140 m4a audio only | 942.33KiB 129k https |
251 webm audio only | 1011.70KiB 139k https | "
font.family: "monospace"


Deploy Drupal 9 site from ubuntu local machine to shared hosting

I am newbie with drupal. My Drupal 9.4.3 sit dev.xyz.in created with composer is ready for deployment. I have a linux based shared hosting plan.
My Local web development environment/IDE is :
OS Ubuntu 18.04LTS
php 7.4.3
mariaDB 15.1
local server nginx
My website directory structure – var/www/dev.xyz.in
| - config
| | - sync
| | | - .htaccess
| - drush
| | - Commands
| | - sites
| | - drush.yml
| | - README.md
| - scripts
| | - composer
| - vendor
| | - composer
| | - drush
| | - bin
| | - twig
| | - symphony
| | - …. more
| - web
| | - core
| | - modules
| | | - contrib
| | | - ds
| | - profiles
| | - sites
| | | - default
| | | - default.services.yml
| | | - default.settings.php
| | | - settings.local.php
| | | - settings.php
| | - themes
| | | - contrib
| | | - custom
| | - update.php
| | - .htaccess
| | - …. more
| - .github
| - composer.json
| - composer.lock
| - load.environment.php
| - phpunit.xml.dist
| - README.md
| - .editorconfog
| - .env.example
| - gitattributes
| - .gitignore
I have changed some settings locally on settings.php as given below:
if (file_exists($app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/settings.local.php')) {
include $app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/settings.local.php';
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [
I have changed some settings locally on settings.local.php as given below:
$settings['rebuild_access'] = TRUE;
changed it to
$settings['rebuild_access'] = FALSE;
How can I deploy my website to linux based shared hosting using ftp (filezilla) and what necessary change will taken before deployment of local website? please help me!

Centos7.8 install openstack mitaka version, control the node to install mirror service glance, the mirror contains problems

Centos7.8 install openstack mitaka version, control the node to install mirror service glance, the mirror contains problems
According to the official documentation Mitaka official documentation operations, Step 3 Upload the image to the image service using the QCOW2 disk format, bare container format, and public visibility so all projects can access it:
I execute the following command
openstack image create "cirros" --file cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public
The size of the image in the output is zero. How should I check this problem
[root#controller ~]# openstack image create "cirros" --file cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public
| Field | Value |
| checksum | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | 2020-05-24T14:45:54Z |
| disk_format | qcow2 |
| file | /v2/images/c89f6866-0c48-4ee5-84f1-bf7fa0998edf/file |
| id | c89f6866-0c48-4ee5-84f1-bf7fa0998edf |
| min_disk | 0 |
| min_ram | 0 |
| name | cirros |
| owner | a9629b19eb9348adbf02a5432dd79411 |
| protected | False |
| schema | /v2/schemas/image |
| size | 0 |
| status | active |
| tags | |
| updated_at | 2020-05-24T14:45:54Z |
| virtual_size | None |
| visibility | public |

docker - multiple projects on one Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml

I'm starting with Docker and in my opinion is great! Now I'm looking solution for this organization:
Now I have this structure:
| +--app1
| | +--node_modules
| | +--package.json
| | +--...
| +--app2
| | +--node_modules
| | +--package.json
| | +--...
| ....
| docker-compose.app1.yml
| docker-compose.app2.yml
| ....
| Dockerfile //my personalized image for all projects
But I want reach this:
| +--app1
| | +--node_modules //empty in host
| | +--package.json
| | +--docker-compose.app1.yml //override compose
| | +--...
| +--app2
| | +--node_modules //empty in host
| | +--package.json
| | +--...
| ....
| +--node_modules //global node_modules folder (linked to projects)
| docker-compose.yml //principal compose
| Dockerfile //my personalized image for all projects
I thinking too about create one global "server" and link all projects on VHosts but how I'll get access to each of project?
You are looking for docker-comopose extends. Thas permits you override previus configurations.
extends: file: common-services.yml
service: webapp
See full documentation in : https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/#extending-services

Vaadin: spacing with vertical scrollbar

Vaadin 7.6.2
no custom CSS rules so far besides for the headline
Default theme in place: 'valo'.
In a nutshell
I have trouble with spacing while showing vertical scroll bars.
Let me show some pictures to demonstrate the problem:
Correct on the left, incorrect on the right.
When no scroll bars are shown, the spacing (padding) is shown correctly on the left as well as on the right side horizontally (refer to the red boxes).
But as soon as the scroll bar gets visible, the spacing on the right between the Combobox and the scrollbar seems to be gone (refer to the red strokes on the left in each picture as measurement line).
However, if I add a margin (right) on the GridLayout containing the Combobox, the margin stays and behaves as expected when the scroll bars appears.
The setup of the single components involved is as follows:
--- Panel rightSection -------------------------
| |
| --- VerticalLayout componentContainer ------ |
| | | |
| | --- CustomComponent componentWrapper --- | |
| | | | | |
| | | --- GridLayout grid ---------------- | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | --- Label headline ------------- | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | -------------------------------- | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | --- ComboBox combobox ---------- | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | -------------------------------- | | | |
| | | | | | | |
The crucial settings are as following:
rightSection.setSizeFull(); // Panel
componentContainer.setSizeFull(); // VerticalLayout
// the CustomComponent for being able to show the vertical scrollbars
// as there is another component at the bottom of the
// componentContainer which has to be
// excluded of the vertical scrollbars
// therefore, in the constructor
CustomComponent(Component content) {
setHeight(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
content.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
// make the customComponent take full space inside its parent
componentContainer.setExpandRatio(componentWrapper, 1);
headline.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
combobox.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
How to preserve the space between the components inside the GridLayout and the vertical scrollbars (if present)?
As any time, any hint is appreciated :)

CherryPy 3.6 - reading Multipart Post http request

I coded a java client that sends a string of meta information and a byte array through a multipart post http request to my server running cherrypy 3.6.
I need to extract both values and I coded this in python3 on the server side to find out how to manipulate the result as I can't find any relevant documentation over internet that explains how to read this html part
def controller(self, meta, data):
print("meta", meta)
print("data", type(data))
outputs :
my meta information
<class 'cherrypy._cpreqbody.Part'>
Note : the data part contains raw binary data.
How can I read the http part content into a buffer or output it to a disk file ?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your answer.
I'v already read this doc but unfortunately methods read-into_file and make_file, read ... it doesn't work for me. for example when trying to read a zip file sent form my java client :
Assuming data is the Http post parameter
fp = data.make_file()
print("fp type", type(fp)) # _io.BufferedRandom
zipFile = fp.read()
AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'seek'
line 651, in read_lines_to_boundary raise EOFError("Illegal end of multipart body.")EOFError: Illegal end of multipart body.
file = data.read_into_file()
print("file type", type(file))
zipFile = io.BytesIO(file.read())
# zipFile = file.read() # => raises same error
line 651, in read_lines_to_boundary raise EOFError("Illegal end of multipart body.")EOFError: Illegal end of multipart body.
I don't understand what happens ...
Actually "data" is not a file like object but a cherrypy._cpreqbody.Part one. It holds a "file" file an _io.BufferedRandom class property.
Its read() method returns the whole body content in a binary form (bytes).
so to end up the straightforward solution is :
class BinReceiver(object):
def index(self, data):
zipFile = io.BytesIO(data.file.read())
path = "/tmp/data.zip"
fp = open(path)
fp.write(zipFile, 'wb')
print("saved data into", path, "size", len(zipFile))
index.exposed = True
and this works fine ...
fyi : I'm running python3.2
It seems like data is a file-like object which you can call .read on. In addition CherryPy provides a method read_into_file.
See the full documentation by typing help(cherrypy._cpreqbody.Part) in your REPL.
class Part(Entity)
| A MIME part entity, part of a multipart entity.
| Method resolution order:
| Part
| Entity
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, fp, headers, boundary)
| default_proc(self)
| Called if a more-specific processor is not found for the
| ``Content-Type``.
| read_into_file(self, fp_out=None)
| Read the request body into fp_out (or make_file() if None).
| Return fp_out.
| read_lines_to_boundary(self, fp_out=None)
| Read bytes from self.fp and return or write them to a file.
| If the 'fp_out' argument is None (the default), all bytes read are
| returned in a single byte string.
| If the 'fp_out' argument is not None, it must be a file-like
| object that supports the 'write' method; all bytes read will be
| written to the fp, and that fp is returned.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Class methods defined here:
| from_fp(cls, fp, boundary) from __builtin__.type
| read_headers(cls, fp) from __builtin__.type
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| attempt_charsets = ['us-ascii', 'utf-8']
| boundary = None
| default_content_type = 'text/plain'
| maxrambytes = 1000
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from Entity:
| __iter__(self)
| __next__(self)
| fullvalue(self)
| Return this entity as a string, whether stored in a file or not.
| make_file(self)
| Return a file-like object into which the request body will be read.
| By default, this will return a TemporaryFile. Override as needed.
| See also :attr:`cherrypy._cpreqbody.Part.maxrambytes`.
| next(self)
| process(self)
| Execute the best-match processor for the given media type.
| read(self, size=None, fp_out=None)
| readline(self, size=None)
| readlines(self, sizehint=None)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from Entity:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| type
| A deprecated alias for :attr:`content_type<cherrypy._cpreqbody.Entity.content_type>`.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from Entity:
| charset = None
| content_type = None
| filename = None
| fp = None
| headers = None
| length = None
| name = None
| params = None
| part_class = <class 'cherrypy._cpreqbody.Part'>
| A MIME part entity, part of a multipart entity.
| parts = None
| processors = {'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': <function process_u...
