How to use lottie-web to get animated icons in angular11? - icons

I works an angular project.Ii need animated icons into my project. so i am going to use lottie-web. I have installed lottie-web. I followed this guide But icon does not display.
Can anyone help me please..


How to enable horizontal scrolling with keyboard keys?

I bought Plexar theme on envato. It's an HTML theme based on Bulma, that I'm using for a personal project.
I have adapted it to my will and upload it here :
But I would like to add the possibility to scroll on the page horizontally using the right and left keyboard keys. Here, the scrolling is possible with the mouse wheel but not with the keyboard. I would be very grateful if someone could provide me some help...
you are using swiper so you should take a look here maybe it will help you

Disable shiftmode xamarin forms android navbar

If you have more than a certain number
Of icons the navbar bottom mode
Shows icon with no text and shifts the icon when selected
Is there an official fix for forms no renderer
If not I will take any fix
That is an Android Problem, Xamarin is working on a fix in the next release, in the meanwhile, you can follow this gist, with code to prevent that:

Icon overlays are showing blurry on "Large Icons"

We use Icon Overlays to show a state to the users. All but one of our icons are shown sharp.
This unsharpness only happens when we set the explorer to the large icon view.
We can't figure out why this happens.
We tried different tools to create th icon file.
This is the result :
And we started from this image:
You can find the source files (png's) and the ico file here
Does anyone knows how to fix this or what is causing this?
It looks like a specific of Windows resize engine.
In large icons mode shell uses 48x48x32 icon. I created icon with grid:
And shell draws this icon without any interpolation:
And it looks like there is no solution of your problem.

Fix images in bootstrap rails

I am creating a rails application using bootstrap. In my header, I am creating a carousel that provides links to other pages. My images are of different sizes and the carousel keeps reflecting this. I do not want the carousel to change size based on the images. How can I fix this so all of the images are the same size within the carousel?
Thanks for any help given in advance!
I guess the easiest option would be to resize them all to the same size using well any photo editor or even online.
Google output:
Alternatively you could use a gem like carrierwave or paperclip. More complex but if you are going to have images like profile pictures then it might be useful.

Where can I find the icon set Github uses?

I'm talking about the icon set that Github uses for their own site design.
Example Page
On this page, near the top right corner, the "Watch" and "Fork" buttons, as well as the buttons next to them have beautiful icons!
Any idea where the full set can be found?
To clarify, I'm just looking for minimalist grey icons of that size and style to be used in web apps.
I am unsure if the icons Github utilizes are under creative commons. However, the icon packages below are used in other popular software packages that might be a fit for your project (e.g. you can always convert to grayscale and resize them using Gimp):
famfamfam icons
fugue icons
mini icons 2 (already grey for you)
They use wireframe mono icons. You can find them here.
FWIW, I think you can find them here...
The directories seem from famfamfam... But the other answer already told you that.
