I have a configured DBC in CANoe with CAN messages and mapped signals. Now I would like to send the messages configured in the DBC in my simulation via Ethernet/TCP and still keep the signal mapping. The two ECUs are activated in the CAN and Ethernet networks. The transmission of general TCP messages works.
So far I have not found a working approach. Do you have any ideas? Are there ways to keep the signal mapping?
There are at least two projects that allow you to send CAN messages over Ethernet:
There are also Applications that allow you to send/receive CAN-messages using these protocols and that support DBCs:
SavvyCAN supports socketcand (disclaimer: I implemented this support myself)
CANdevStudio supports cannelloni (I haven't tested it)
Both will keep your signal mapping intact.
If you specifically want to achieve this with CANoe, you might have better luck contacting Vector.
I have been trying to establish a network of ESP8266 (Specifically ESP-01). However, I am not able to find any documentation or anything related on how to actually communicate using HTTP GET and POST methods since I only need a temporary short time communication between multiple sending Nodes to one main Aggregator node.
I don't want to use any Arduino-related libraries as I'm working with STM32. However, I have seen some Arduino-based libraries related to this like ESPAsyncWebServer. But I am not able to find any AT-commands inside it and it's too complicated and intricate for me to understand.
I am basically making a custom library in short so how is communication using HTTP is done between 2 ESPs either using AT commands or any other way (I am going to be communicating to the ESP modules using a dedicated microcontroller through UART) or better if there's any other better way for implementing multiple to 1 connection on ESP. How can I establish this communication to basically send and receive numbers and characters.
Suppose I have a producer located on one machine and two independent consumers on the other. Consumers share the same IP. I want my data to be sent via WiFi and I want to avoid sending the same packages twice: I mean I want the packages to be replicated as late as possible -- either on router or on destination machine.
I managed to find these options:
1) Just use different ports -- in this case everything will be sent twice, but at least all consumers will get their copy of data.
2) Try to use SO_REUSEPORT -- without multicast this will make only one of two consumers get the packages.
3) Use multicast (with SO_REUSEADDR) -- I guess it is the only solution for my problem, and the packages will be replicated by router, not publisher.
I know, that there are messaging libraries and frameworks, which are supposed to be responsible for marshaling and routing, but I need "pure" UDP solution with maybe some simple logic upon it. I am not sure if I am correct with options that I mentioned, and I don't know whether there exists any more simple and suitable solution.
As people told you in the comments, one popular and efficient solution to you problem (one publisher multiple subscribers over network, aka pubsub) is to send UDP datagrams to a multicast IP address. The listeners must join that IP multicast group in order to tell the intermediate routers to forward those datagrams.
You can code it up yourself, there are plenty of examples elsewhere.
In a production setting, however, I recommend against reinventing the wheel along with associated mistakes. Have a look at existing solutions, such as ZeroMQ. It supports this messaging pattern of one publisher to multiple subscribers using UDP/IP multicast but with a nice interface, cross-language compatibility and much more. See Publish/Subscribe example in Python.
I've got a proprietary BMS language that is sending it's info over a specific UDP port on the network. The existing interface is not very well made or maintained, and functions poorly.
I have access to the stack for the code, and don't mind creating some interpretation functionality
My question is what is the best way that I should be receiving these raw packets in my program to be interpreted? I'm not finding any good documentation on how to do this, and I wanted to try and do it in a reasonably appropriate way.
Do I basically need to make my program constantly sniff a specific port? and will this be cumbersome to the network or program to be doing this?
You tagged this BACnet. Why don't you try Wireshark, with a capture filter "udp port 47808" and see if wireshark exposes the packets in a way that makes sense to you. (or have you done this). If it is bacnet, then normal UDP sockets, bound to port 47808 is the way to go. Note, that 47808-47823 are the most common BACnet "default" ports. Use cports or something to see exactly what port(s) your application is bound to.
You could use a packet-capture library - but that has security connotations, so instead you can probably (for most part) get away with using a .NET 'UdpClient'.
But! The real challenge is the breaking-down & interpretation of the BACnet packets, which is the hard part.
There is (now!/finally) a NuGet package for BACnet - not that I've used it, but that might be one of the best choices for your case.
But I also suggest you experiment with the (advanced & free) VTS (Visual Test Tool) too.
You could also try using the BACnet stack that YABE uses too.
Are there any libraries which put a reliability layer on top of UDP broadcast?
I need to broadcast large amounts of data to a large number of machines as quickly as possible, and generally it seems like such a problem must have already been solved many times over, but I wasn't able to find anything except for the Spread toolkit, which has a somewhat viral license (you have to mention it in all materials advertising the end product, which I'm not sure our customer will be willing to do).
I was already going to write such a thing myself (because it would be extremely fun to do!) but decided to ask first.
I looked also at UDT (http://udt.sourceforge.net) but it does not seem to provide a broadcast operation.
PS I'm looking at something as lightweight as a library - no infrastructure changes.
How about UDP multicast? Have a look at the PGM protocol for which there are several commercial and open source implementations.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of OpenPGM, an open source implementation of said protocol.
Though some research has been done on reliable UDP multicasting, I haven't yet used anything like that. You should take into consideration that this might not be as trivial as it first sounds.
If you don't have a list of nodes in the target network you have no idea when and to whom to resend, even if active nodes receiving your messages can acknowledge them. Sending to a large number of nodes, expecting acks from all of them might also cause congestion problems in the network.
I'd suggest to rethink the network architecture of your application, e.g. using some kind of centralized solution, where you submit updates to a server, and it sends this message to all connected clients. Or, if the original sender node's address is known a priori, then just let clients connect to it, and let the sender push updates via these connections.
Have a look around the IETF site for RFCs on Reliable Multicast. There is an entire working group on this. Several protocols have been developed for different purposes. Also have a look around Oracle/Sun for the Java Reliable Multicast Service project (JRMS). It was a research project of Sun, never supported, but it did contain Java bindings for the TRAM and LRMS protocols.
I have a client which sends data via UDP-broadcast. (To let's say
Now I want to have multiple servers listening to this data. To do so on a local machine, they need to share the port 12345 for listening.
My question is, if that is possible, if there are any disadvantages and if there could be problems with this approach.
There is one alternative which unfortunately brings with a lot of overhead:
Implement some kind of registration-process. On startup, each server tells the client its port. The client then sends the messages to each port (having to send the data multiple times, some kind of handshaking needs to be implemented...)
Do you know any better alternative?
If that matters:
I'm using C++ with Boost::Asio. The software should be portable (mainly Linux and Windows).
You will have to bind the socket in both processes with the SO_REUSEPORT option. If you don't specify this option in the first process, binding in the second will fail. Likewise, if you specify this option in the first but not the second, binding in the second will fail. This option effectively specifies both a request ("I want to bind to this port even if it's already bound by another process") and a permission ("other processes may bind to this port too").
See section 4.12 of this document for more information.
This answer is referenced to the answer of cdhowie, who linked a document which states that SO_REUSEPORT would have the effect I'm trying to achieve.
I've researched how and if this option is implemented and focused mainly on Boost::Asio and Linux.
Boost::Asio does only set this option if the OS is equal to BSD or MacOSX. The code for that is contained in the file boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp (Boost Version 1.40, in newer versions, the code has been moved into other files).
I've wondered why Asio does not define this option for platforms like Linux and Windows.
There are several references discussing that this is not implemented in Linux:
There also is a patch which should add this functionality to the kernel:
I don't know if this option is existing for Windows, but by defining portable as an attribute for software which runs on Linux too, this means, that SO_REUSEPORT is OS specific and there is no portable solution for my question.
In one of the discussions I've linked it is recommended for UDP to implement a master-listener which then provides the incoming data to multiple slave-listeners.
I will mark this answer as accepted (though feeling kind of bad by accepting my own answer), because it points out why the approach of using SO_REUSEPORT will fail when trying to use it with portable software.
Several sources explain that you should use SO_REUSEADDR on windows. But none mention that it is possible to receive UDP message with and without binding the socket.
The code below binds the socket to a local listen_endpoint, that is essential, because without that you can and will still receive your UDP messages, but by default your will have exclusive ownership of the port.
However if you set reuse_address(true) on the socket (or on the acceptor when using TCP), and bind the socket afterwards, it will enable multiple applications, or multiple instances of your own application to do it again, and everyone will receive all messages.
// Create the socket so that multiple may be bound to the same address.
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint listen_endpoint(
listen_address, multicast_port);
// == important part ==
// == important part ==
boost::array<char, 2000> recvBuffer;
socket_.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recvBuffer), m_remote_endpoint,
boost::bind(&SocketReader::ReceiveUDPMessage, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)