I was following the wonderfully detailed answer by #JoséPereda to this question: How to testing Gluon app on iOS Simulator or Real Device?. All was going well, but, looking at my Gluon project now, I don't know if I even have a build.gradle file. I seem to only have a pom.xml and nbactions.xml file. In fact, I cannot find any files or anything that says "gradle" in my Gluon project.
I have installed cordova-plugin-firebase.
In the root folder of my app I have zipped www folder, config.xml, google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist.
I use this file in phonegap build and it builds fine for ios.
I have installed the app in a iPhone 7, but when I run the app it crashes.
In the plugin page I can read (https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-firebase#important-notes):
This plugin uses a hook (after prepare) that copies the configuration
files to the right place, namely platforms/ios/\/Resources for ios and platforms/android for android.
Firebase SDK requires the configuration files to be present and valid,
otherwise your app will crash on boot or Firebase features won't work.
PhoneGap Build
Hooks does not work with PhoneGap Build. This means you will have to
manually make sure the configuration files are included. One way to do
that is to make a private fork of this plugin and replace the
placeholder config files (see src/ios and src/android) with your
actual ones, as well as hard coding your app id and api key in
So I think what is happening is that GoogleService-Info.plist and google-services.json are not placed in the right place.
But, how can I fix this? I don't understand the solution about making a private fork?!?
Any help?
I answer myself.
Because of hooks doesn't work in phonegap build I have installed Xcode and Android Studio.
Now the plugin is working in android, but not ios.
I will post a question for this.
I need to implement Map functionality into an application that I'm building.
And I was folliwing this guide.
I downloaded the package and did all of the configuration.
I haven't implemented the Map class into my project yet, I only did the configuration required for both platforms (Android and iOS).
The Portable project and the iOS project are fine, the problem here is the Android project.
It has some broken references, these ones:
And when I try to compile the Android project, I get this error and these warnings:
Can anybody give me a hand? Thanks in advance.
As a sidenote, I'm using the Sdk installed by Android Studio, and that one has the latest Google Play Services installed.
I just upgraded the version of my Xamarin.GooglePlayServices one by one (the one listed up there in the first image) for some reason it downloaded a really old version of those. So I just upgraded them, and it seems those references are fine now.
But I still get the error:
The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" tasks failed unexpectedly.
I unloaded the Android project, added this:
To every property group in the .csproj file.
Load my android project back, and it all worked fine now.
I want to rewrite my old .net app based on FirebAse with the new C++ SDK, I have managed to link and compile the libraries in my VS2015 environment, but now have no idea about how to use them.
The firebase quick start here:
doesn't really show anything.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
Firebase C++ only provides stub libraries as a convenience for desktop at the moment so while you'll be able to link the libraries they won't actually do anything. We have a desktop implementation of our light platform abstraction layer for internal testing only - notice we don't ship desktop MSVC or Xcode projects.
See the readme.md in the Firebase SDK zip file for more information.
I'm using Unity 5. It still expects java plugins to be a .jar file built with JDK 1.6.
I had this working under Unity 4, but they changed something. Now I get this error while building the apk from Unity:
OBSOLETE - Providing Android resources in Assets/Plugins/Android/res
is deprecated, please move your resources to an Android Library. See
"Building Plugins for Android" section of the Manual.
How do I get AS to put the resources into classes.jar? The "Building Plugins for Android" doesn't mention resources.
Additional information about my project:
The project references Google Play Services, so I need version.xml in there
<integer name="google_play_services_version">6587000</integer>
Which contains the version number for the reference in the Manifest.
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="#integer/google_play_services_version" />
But if I include this file in res/values in my AS library project, it's still output as an xml file in res/values next to the classes.jar.
Incidentally, I'm digging the .jar file out of
after building the project.
First of all, this is a warning and not an error.
Providing resources in Unity in Assets/Plugins/Android/res/ folder is not recommended, because it can cause resource conflicts.
When you provide resources in an Android library, they are correctly merged during build process.
Basically, you have three options:
convert your plugin into an Android library. Or you can init an empty library, add your .jar file to bin/, your resources to res/ (there should be a manifest and android.library=true in project.properties). You can do this by calling android create lib-project (more details)
if you compile your plugin directly using gradle or in Android Studio, you can use .aar file produced, given that you have set your project up as a library (apply plugin: 'com.android.library' in your build.gradle file). Just put it in any folder of your project, it should automatically be detected as Android-only plugin.
continue providing resources in res/ and wait for it to be completely unsupported by Unity.
Hope this helps.
I have javadoc documentation written for a .jar library that I want the user to be able to see right after he imports our jar into a project. In eclipse, I was able to do this by adding a libname.jar.properties file that points to where my javadoc directory is. This way when I import my jar into a project in eclipse I would be able to see the javadoc documentation when I hover over one of the api methods in my library.
Basically, I want to be able to have the same functionality in Android studio. Any help would be appreciated.