How do I index queries in Firebase? - firebase

I'm trying to get documents that contain location fields that match with the user's location using:
getLocationListings(placemark) async {
setState(() {
isLoading = true;
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where('location', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: placemark.locality)
setState(() {
posts = => Post.fromDocument(doc)).toList();
isLoading = false;
I'm getting the error:
Operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution. If performing a query, ensure it has been indexed via the Firebase console.
Yet I have created indexes at the console as
How can I correct this?

Something might be wrong in the indexes you created for that collection group. I would recommend you to delete the index you created and run the function again, it's going to throw an error and if you were to check android device logs by executing
adb logcat
on the terminal you will see a message like this:
'FAILED_PRECONDITION: The query requires an index. You can create it here:'.
Just click on the link and create the proposed index, this should fix the issue.


Flutter Firestore Update Where

I'm trying to run a query that retrieves a single row given a where clause and updates it. I understand that Firebase doesn't support an UpdateWhere operations so I'm trying to use a Transaction instead.
I'm having difficulty making it work, maybe I'm too used to sql dbs... Here's my broken code
try {
final whereQuery = _db
.where("active", isEqualTo: true)
await _db.runTransaction((transaction) async {
final entry = await transaction.get(whereQuery); // This doesn't compile as .get doesn't take in a query
await transaction.update(entry, {
"someValue": "newValue",
} catch (e) {
From the test I’ve made, I would suggest the following to achieve what you mention:
Based on the following answer:
As you can see from the API documentation, where() returns a Query object. It's not a DocumentReference.
Even if you think that a query will only return one document, you still have to write code to deal with the fact that it could return zero or more documents in a QuerySnapshot object. I suggest reviewing the documentation on queries to see examples.
After doing the query consult, you have to get the DocumentReference for that given result.
Then, you can use that reference to update the field inside a Batched writes
try {
final post = await firestore
.where('active', isEqualTo: true)
.then((QuerySnapshot snapshot) {
//Here we get the document reference and return to the post variable.
var batch = firestore.batch();
//Updates the field value, using post as document reference
batch.update(post, { 'someValue': 'newValue' });
} catch (e) {
You are passing the DocumentSnapshot back in the update() operation instead of DocumentReference itself. Try refactoring the like this:
final docRefToUpdate = _db.collection("colName").doc("docId");
await _db.runTransaction((transaction) async {
final entry = await transaction.get() // <-- DocRef of document to update in get() here
await transaction.update(docRefToUpdate, {
// Pass the DocumentReference here ^^
"someValue": "newValue",
You can use a collection reference and then update single fields using .update().
final CollectionReference collectionReference = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users');
await collectionReference.doc(user.uid).collection('yourNewCollection').doc('yourDocumentInsideNestedCollection').update({
'singleField': 'whatever you want,
Same code using "where"
collectionReference.doc(user.uid).collection('yourNewCollection').doc().where('singleField', isEqualTo: yourValue).update({
'singleField': 'whatever you want,

checking if querysnapshot has made a connection to the firestore

When a certain document exists I want to go to another page then when a document does not exist. The code below does well when the app user has connection. However, when the connection to the internet is lost, the function will always return that it could not find the query. What I want to do is let the function give an error when it could not connect to the firestore so I can stay on the same page and try again.
Thank you in advance!
Future<bool> checkIfDocExists({String? id}) async {
var snapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where('DeviceID', isEqualTo: id)
.where('Status', isEqualTo: 0)
return (;
In this case you should check device internet connection.
There is a package to help you to check internet status.
connectivity_plus =>
connectivity =>
Code sample :
ConnectivityResult? _connectivityResult;
Future<void> _checkConnectivityState() async {
final ConnectivityResult result = await Connectivity().checkConnectivity();
if (result == ConnectivityResult.wifi) {
print('Connected to a Wi-Fi network');
} else if (result == {
print('Connected to a mobile network');
} else {
print('Not connected to any network');
setState(() {
_connectivityResult = result;
You can check internet connection before read document from firestore.
If you want to make sure the document is read from the server, you can specify a source option for that:
.get(GetOptions(source: Source.server));
With this option the call will fail when it can't read the document from the server.
Also see the FlutterFire reference documentation for Source.

How to check if a document with a field having some value exists and return true/false?

I got a Firebase Firestore database. And I want to check if in my database exists a document that contains a field with some data. And if exists return true otherwise false.
I'm using this in an onPressed function so thats why I need a value of true of false, because if it's true the other tasks can continue, but if it's not I want to display an error message. It's an invitation code that some particular users have, and I want to check if some user has that code, it means the invitation code it's correct.
I've tried
var users = FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where('invitation_code', isEqualTo: inputCode)
but I cant use " users.length " to see if the length is greater than 0 or not.
I'm using Flutter.
Can you please help me?
Thank you!
You can check its document if empty or not
.where('invitation_code', isEqualTo: inputCode)
.then((value) {
if ( {
// return true;
} else {
// return false;

How to listen firebase updates in real time in Flutter

I have a stream which read user data from firebase. I trigger it after signin, it works perfectly. I show the data in my appbar. When I update firebase manually, I want to see the new date instantly on my appbar. First, I guessed there is something wrong with my appbar but then I noticed that my stream do not triggered when I update firebase data. Here is my stream code snippet. What am I missing?
static Future<User> userDataStream(userID) async {
final databaseReference = Firestore.instance;
User currentUser = User();
await for (var snapshot in databaseReference
.where('userID', isEqualTo: userID)
.snapshots()) {
currentUser.userName =['userName']; =['email'];
currentUser.userID =['userID'];
currentUser.level =['level'];
currentUser.balance =['balance'];
return currentUser;
return currentUser;
How you are using this stream matters. await for starts listening to the user, then you do return currentUser; in it and break the await for. Therefore, it cannot keep listening to the stream in the future.
Instead of the return currentUser; inside await for, you can do something like setState((){this.renderedUser = currentUser;}) so that the user that comes from the server becomes the rendered one. If you do that, also add if (!mounted) return; inside the await for so that you stop listening to it when you realize you are in a different screen.
A better alternative may be to use the StreamBuilder widget.
If you run your current code, and make a change to the database, the print statement should be run again. That's because the snapshots is already listening for changes to the database, and calling your code when those happens.
The problem is that you return a Future<User> and a future can only be resolved (get a value) once. If you want to return live data that'd be a Stream<User> (and typically a StreamBuilder instead of a FutureBuilder to build a UI from it).

Flutter cloud firestore not updating automatically

I try to read listen to a stream from Firebase with this code:
visibleListsIds.forEach((final String listId) async {
final Stream<List<WishList>> wishListStream = sharedCollection()
.map((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
log.d("updated Document Snapshot: ${}");
return [
Where sharedCollection() gives me access to the Firestore instance with the correct collection
I try to write to the collection, with this code
DocumentReference postRef = sharedCollection().document(wishList.listId);
firestore.runTransaction((Transaction tx) async {
DocumentSnapshot postSnapshot = await tx.get(postRef);
if (postSnapshot.exists) {
await tx.update(postRef,
_getSerializers().serializeWith(WishList.serializer, wishList));
} else {
await tx.set(postRef,
_getSerializers().serializeWith(WishList.serializer, wishList));
What happens:
I can write to Firebase but only one change at a time. When I do the next update, the last one gets reverted.
I can see the updated data only in the Firebase Console. The App does not show it and it does not show in the log at log.d("updated Document Snapshot: ${}");.
When I modify data in the Firebase Console, I can also not see it change
BUT once I reload the App, all the Data syncs up to the current state of the Firebase Console
Anyone know why I do not get updates with the Stream?
Thanks for your help.
I use the Cloud Firestore Plugin:
cloud_firestore: ^0.13.0+1
