Add / Remove class of button when Clicked by user - css

I am using Angular 12 and I have a button:
<button class="action">Sign In</button>
I need to add a CSS Class when it is being clicked by the user so I can change its style.
The moment it stops being clicked the style should be removed.
I tried with CSS but wasn't able. I think it is not possible.
Is it possible to do this with an Angular directive?

Import ElementRef from the angular core and define in constructor then try the below code:
The below line of code will give you the first occurrence of the button tag from the Component. querySelector gives you the first item and querySelectorAll gives you all items from DOM.
import { Component, ElementRef } from "#angular/core";
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
let myTag = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector("button");
Add Class:
Remove Class:


Can I use css modules in react class based components?

I have to implement css modules for some older React code. But when I try to import CSS modules, I can´t use this class in another files.
Do I have to refactor the code to React Components? Or is there another easier solution?
Code example:
import styles from "styles.module.css"
var Greeting = createReactClass({
render: function() {
return <h1>Hello</h1>;
Yes, module CSS is also supported in class-based components.
In the module CSS you have to use CSS as an object,
For Example, You have a CSS class for an alert component
then you can use it in components like this:-
import styles from "styles.module.css"
var Alert = createReactClass({
render: function() {
return <h1 className={styles.alert}>Hello</h1>;

How to dynamically change styleUrls or style in Angular?

I want to allow users to customize colors and some styles in Angular application. For that I want to make something like this
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./{clientId}.css'],
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
clientId: string;
ngOnInit(): void {
// pseudocode
clientId = service.fetchClientId() // for example
How I can achieve that? I want to have some css files for every component and depend on user id I want to assign them to styleUrls. Someone can tell me how to do it?
You can use scss and wrap every stylesheet in a different class then based on the user’s selection change the class of your body.
Something like:
your first css here…
your second css here…
<body class="lightMode"></body>
Doing the above will by default apply the lightMode styling and if you remove the classes of your body in any of your components and replace it with darkMode then the darkMode styling will apply.
Adding/Removing class to/from body:
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}
this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'className');
this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'className');
Adding/Removing the class does not have to be only in the index.html file, all you need to do is have a tag with a certain class that wraps around your whole code. For example in one of your components:
<div [class]="className">
the rest of your html here...
green default css here...
red default css here...
grey default css here...
className: string;
changeStyle(class: string){
this.className = class;

is there a way to add class from module css with variable? in react

see example below:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import styles from './Button.module.css';
class Button extends Component {
let classNameVariable= "error-button"
render() {
return <button className={styles.classNameVariable}>Button</button>;
as you saw above example, I need to use variable instead of className, to add className.
so is there a way to do it?
Take a look at bracket notation:
Instead of styles.clasNameVariable make it styles[classNameVariable]

Using existing css class in Stripe Elements for React

I'm trying to use our existing CSS classes in my Stripe Elements form. According to this document under section Elements options, I can pass my existing CSS classes but my code below didn't work.
const customStripeClasses = {
base: 'app-form-default input',
class MyPaymentForm extends Component {
render() {
<CardElement classes={customStripeClasses} />
Basically, I'm trying to get Stripe Elements form components to use the CSS classes we created for regular HTML elements e.g. input, textarea, etc.
Any idea how I can get this to work?
As far as I can see from the docs you need to use react-stripe-elements to use stripe with react. And CardElement has no prop classes. You can pass css classes to it with className:
import React from 'react';
import {CardElement} from 'react-stripe-elements';
class CardSection extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<CardElement className="app-form-default input" />

Way to add custom class when using ngx-bootstrap modalService

When looking to the ngx-bootstrap source code here:
There is an optional class property defined as class?: string;.
What is the way to use it ?
Is it possible to add a custom class like:
this.modalService.config.class = 'myClass';
Before using the servive as for example:
this.modalRef =, {
animated: false
This way, I think we can add custom CSS to the displayed modal
I've tried to add a custom class without success.
That class property is not an array, if applicable, does it mean that we can only add one custom class ?
Demo: by adding and overriding the modal class, the modal is not showing
Adding the modal class this way do not help:
this.modalRef =, Object.assign({},
this.config, { class: 'gray modal-lg modal' }));
According to the ngx-bootstrap documentation about the Modal component (see the component tab), you can add a class member to the config object.
Important: Since the modal element is outside of the component element in the rendered HTML, the CSS encapsulation should be turned off for the component, or the style attributes for the class should be specified in another file, to make sure that the styles are applied to the modal element.
The code snippet below can be executed in this stackblitz.
import { Component, TemplateRef, ViewEncapsulation } from '#angular/core';
import { BsModalService, BsModalRef } from 'ngx-bootstrap';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class AppComponent {
modalRef: BsModalRef;
config = {
animated: true,
keyboard: true,
backdrop: true,
ignoreBackdropClick: false,
class: "my-modal"
constructor(private modalService: BsModalService) { }
openModal(template: TemplateRef<any>) {
this.modalRef =, this.config);
with a CSS file like this:
.my-modal {
border: solid 4px blue;
.my-modal .modal-header {
background-color: lime;
.my-modal .modal-body {
background-color: orange;
Update: This other stackblitz shows an example of CSS styles imported from an external file into styles.css, allowing to keep the CSS encapsulation in the component.
