RAD Studio C++ Builder IDE Console Output Pane - console

Is there a setting to display a console output pane in the RAD Studio IDE? I have been hunting through the settings but have been unable to find such a setting.
Thanks in Advance
-Tim C.


Visual Studio created Qt Project not opening terminal window when running

I have the problem, that I wrote an executable (windows .exe) in Visual Studio 2019 with Qt 5.12 (x64). It is supposed to be a console (no-gui-, server-) application. And it works just fine. But when I start the application I get not console window. In other applications of the same type I do get the terminal console window. AND (and this is why I wanted that) I can see debug output. I already tried "subsystem:windows" -> "subsystem:console" but with no success. Does anyone know a setting I might change there to get the console showing up again?

breakpoint not working on Xamarin PCL but working fine on .Android

Hello I have been trying to debug an Android project on mac os that was built with Xamarin Forms but have been unable to hit a single breakpoint in the Portable Class Library.
After deployment I get hollow type debugger.
Hollow breakpoint image
But its working fine on .Android and .IOS
Here is a list of everything I have tried so far:
Deleting the bin and obj folders then clean and rebuild Setting the
Android build property "Link Behavior" to "Don't Link" Unselecting Strip
native debugging symbols Removed all symbols on path to debug file
Fresh installation of Xamarin
fresh cloning
changing Debug information to "Symbol only"
Can you please suggest any answer that can help me in this ?
This issue was introduced in a recent visual studio update and should be fixed soon
Visual studio for Mac
While I wait for the new visual studio update I manage to fix this by enabling Fast Assembly Deployment located at: Android Project Options -> Android build
Visual studio for Windows
Try enabling Use Fast Deployment check this thread:
According to the screenshot you provided, it seems on Windows Visual Studio.
The hollow red circle in your screenshot means disable a breakpoint without deleting it. It shows the breakpoint, but it would not work in debug.
You could click the black circle in the screenshot to enable breakpoint.
For more details, you could refer to the MS docs. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/using-breakpoints?view=vs-2022

MSVC build kit selection in QT project

Trying to create Windows widget application by using QT. Unfortunately Kit selection not allows to select MSVS build kits. Why? How to solve this problem?

Visual Studio 2017 QT: No default QT version found

Working with Windows 7,
installed VS 2017 community,
Installed QT Visual Studio Tools,
Downloaded QT: "qt-opensource-windows-x86-winrt-msvc2015-5.8.0"
and added the path of winrt_x86_msvc2015 and winrt_x64_msvc2015.
When i start a new project "QT GUI Application" and click on the *.ui file, then the error message "No default QT version found. Check your Qt VS Tools settings." appears.
What did i do wrong?
Is the QT Download the right one? If not can you link the right?
which version is actually the right? x86 or x64?
Do i have to change something in Qt default settings?
In VS2017, at the top menu I had to choose:
Qt VS Tools > Qt Options
The entry list may be empty.
Click "Add"
Give it a name
Give it a path
Name: Qt5.8
Path: C:\Qt\5.8\msvc2015_64
Now, you can right-click the Solution
Choose > "Change Qt Version" at the bottom of the right-click dialogue
Select your new entry "Qt5.8"

Can't export Visual Studio project to Qt Creator

I want to export a visual studio project or the entire solution and I installed the Qt Visual Studio add-in but the menu actions are not clickable:
What can I do to export the project or solution?
You are probably trying to convert a project that doesn't actually use Qt and there's a bug preventing you to do that. Here is a workaround for Visual Studio 2008:
Open yourproject.vcproj file and after the line:
Add a new attribute like this:
And the workaround for Visual Studio 2010 is (haven't tried this one myself):
1) Open yourproject.vcxproj with a text editor
2) Locate the tag :
3) Between and add the following line :
4) Reload your project in VS2010
5) In solution explorer, righ-click on your project
6) In the menu, select "Convert project to Qt Add-in project"
Revise your Qt Project Settings to include the modules you need and then you are ready to go.
Taken from here:
