Tkinter create RadioButtons from dictionary issue - dictionary

Here is my problem: I've made a tkinter program which calculate the cost of a creation my wife make. She sews accessories. So far my program is working pretty well. I search in a JSON file if this fabric already exist in some kind of catalogue.
When my catalogue have the same fabric name, I want to make a popup window with radiobutton. By checking the correct radiobutton I chose the correct fabric. So I've extracted the dictionary of same fabric names, when I type the fabric name entry and then click on enter, it sends the dictionnary to the popup window which creates radiobutton in a for loop.
The problem comes here, my radiobutton are correctly made but impossible to get there state nor which button is checked...
First, here's the dictionary :
{"Tissu 1": {"Type": "Tissu", "Matière": "coton", "Prix du coupon": "8",
"Laise du coupon (cm)": "150",
"Prix au mètre (€)": 8.0,
"Fournisseur": "lol"},
"Tissu 2": {"Type": "Tissu", "Matière": "molleton", "Prix du coupon": "10",
"Laise du coupon (cm)": "150",
"Prix au mètre (€)": 10.0,
"Fournisseur": "lol"},
"Tissu 3": {"Type": "Tissu", "Matière": "coton", "Prix du coupon": "12",
"Laise du coupon (cm)": "150",
"Prix au mètre (€)": 12.0,
"Fournisseur": "mol"}}
Here's my code:
First there is the main class:
class ProgramCalcul(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.frames = {}
for F in (StartPage, CalculTissuPage, CalculMercPage):
frame = F(container, self)
self.frames[F] = frame
frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nsew")
def show_frameSP(self, cont):
frame = self.frames[cont]
Then I have a class for each other calcul page
Here is the fabric calcul page (I've removed some entries and other widgets for legibility and because they work fine):
class CalculTissuPage(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, controller):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
tissuType = tk.StringVar()
TissuNameEntry = tk.Entry(self, textvariable = tissuType, width = 50)
TissuNameEntry.grid(row = 2, padx = 20, pady = 5, sticky = "ew")
def keyPress(arg):
TissuNameEntry.bind('<Return>', keyPress)
def checkCatalogueTissu(txt):
tmpDict = {}
with open("catalogue tissu.json") as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
dictLen = len(data)
for i in range(1, dictLen+1):
if "Tissu {}".format(i) not in data:
if data["Tissu {}".format(i)]["Matière"] == txt:
tmpDict["Tissu {}".format(i)] = data["Tissu {}".format(i)]
def setText(txtPrix, txtFournisseur, txtLaise, txtLong):
fournisseurEntry.delete(0, tk.END)
fournisseurEntry.insert(0, txtFournisseur)
laiseDimEntry.delete(0, tk.END)
laiseDimEntry.insert(0, txtLaise)
And finally the function which create the popup in which appear the radiobuttons:
def popupRadio(tmpDict):
popup = tk.Toplevel()
popupVar = tk.IntVar()
def checkState(popupVar):
for (key, val) in tmpDict.items():
tk.Radiobutton(popup, text = key, variable = popupVar, value = val, command = checkState(popupVar)).grid()
print(key, popupVar.get())
chk = ttk.Button(popup, text = "Select this", command = checkState(popupVar))
When I run it, the checkState() method seems to run automatically and then the chk button doesn't do anything... I can check the radiobuttons but nothing happens (even if I pass the command=chechState in the radiobutton settings. I want to get which button is checked to use this value in my setText() method further.
for the moment, here is the output the print() send in my console :
Tissu 1 0
Tissu 3 0
So here I am, it's been 2 days since I've tried evrything I found on the web but nothing...
A little help would be very appreciated
PS: sorry if my english is not perfect :)


Control display of an ipyvuetify page by a dropdown works in notebook not in voila

I have encountered another working in notebook but not in voila issue. I have tried for a couple of hours but feel like I am still missing something and therefore seeking expert opinions here.
I have a function create_pages_and_run() that takes in a dictionary, d, as an input to generate a dashboard (the data type is ipyvuetify.generated.App.App). The dictionary can be retrieved from a json file scenario_dict using a country name as key where I designed a dropdown to collect the country name.
The purpose is to ask user to select a country name and the page will be redrawn/refreshed. I have the following code that works in notebook but not in Voila. (Works means that when a new country name is selected, the dashboard is displayed with the widgets using data from that countries)
scenario_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
layout=widgets.Layout(margin="0 20px 0 0", height="39px", width="15%"),
d = scenario_dict[initial_scenario]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
#the below code works for notebook
def on_change(change):
global d, app
if change["name"] == "value" and (change["new"] != change["old"]):
d = scenario_dict[change["new"]]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
My failed code using ipywidgets.Output is as below. (Failed in the sense, after selecting country name in the dropdown no change is observed).
scenario_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
layout=widgets.Layout(margin="0 20px 0 0", height="39px", width="15%"),
d = scenario_dict[initial_scenario]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
out = widgets.Output()
with out:
# the code works failed for voila
def on_change(change):
global d, app, out
if change["name"] == "value" and (change["new"] != change["old"]):
d = scenario_dict[change["new"]]
app = create_pages_and_run(d)
with out:
I appreciate your help, thanks.
I'm not sure why your code didn't work. Maybe it was the use of globals which can be avoided. Could you provide a working example to test. Here is a working example based on your code that works in Voila.
import ipywidgets as widgets
all_scenarios = ['aa','bb','cc']
initial_scenario = all_scenarios[0]
scenario_dict = {}
scenario_dict['aa'] = 'do_this'
scenario_dict['bb'] = 'do_that'
scenario_dict['cc'] = 'do_what'
def create_pages_and_run(action):
scenario_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
layout=widgets.Layout(margin="0 20px 0 0", height="39px", width="15%"),
d = scenario_dict[initial_scenario]
out = widgets.Output()
with out:
app = widgets.VBox([scenario_dropdown, out])
def on_change(change):
if change["name"] == "value" and (change["new"] != change["old"]):
d = scenario_dict[change["new"]]
with out:

Kivy regarding binding multiple buttons to each individual function

Hi I am new to Kivy and just started programming. I have problem, I want to bind all the buttons i created in the for loops to the on_release for every single buttons. So that to make all buttons once click is able to go different screens. Below is my a small part of my code( I EDITED with more information)
#this are the pictures of the buttons
a = '_icons_/mcdonald2.png'
b = '_icons_/boostjuice.png'
c = '_icons_/duckrice.png'
d = '_icons_/subway_logo.png'
e = '_icons_/bakery.png'
f = '_icons_/mrbean.png'
#these are the names of the different screen
n1 = 'mcdonald_screen'
n2 = 'boost_screen'
n3 = 'duck_screen'
n4 = 'subway_screen'
n5 = 'bakery_screen'
n6 = 'mrbean_screen'
arraylist = [[a,n1],[b,n2],[c,n3],[d,n4],[e,n5],[f,n6]]
self.layout2 = GridLayout(rows=2, spacing = 50,size_hint = (0.95,0.5),
pos_hint = {"top":.65,"x":0},padding=(90,0,50,0))
for image in arraylist:
self.image_outlet = ImageButton(
size_hint=(1, 0.1),
source= image[0])
self.screen_name = image[1]
self.image_outlet[0].bind(on_release= ??) ## This part is the one
i want to change
according to the
different screen
GUI = Builder.load("_kivy_/trying.kv")
class TRYINGApp(App):
def build(self):
return GUI
def change_screen(self,screen_name):
screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager']
screen_manager.current = screen_name
#kv file#
# all the varies kv file screen
#: include _kivy_/variestime_screen.kv
#: include _kivy_/homescreen.kv
#: include _kivy_/mcdonaldscreen.kv
#: include _kivy_/firstpage.kv
#: include _kivy_/mrbeanscreen.kv
#: include _kivy_/boostscreen.kv
#: include _kivy_/duckscreen.kv
#: include _kivy_/subwayscreen.kv
#: include _kivy_/bakeryscreen.kv
id : screen_manager
name :"first_page"
id : first_page
name: "variestime_screen"
id: variestime_screen
name : "home_screen"
id : home_screen
name : "mcdonald_screen"
id : mcdonald_screen
name : "boost_screen"
id : boost_screen
name: "duck_screen"
id: duck_screen
id: subway_screen
name: "bakery_screen"
id: bakery_screen
name: "mrbean_screen"
id : mrbean_screen
Your on_release can be something like:
self.image_outlet.bind(on_release=partial(self.change_screen, image[1]))
where change_screen is a method that you must define:
def change_screen(self, new_screen_name, button_instance):
# some code to change to the screen with name new_screen_name
Note that I have removed the [0] from self.image_outlet (I suspect that was a typo). I can't determine what code should go in the new method, because you haven't provided enough information.
If you have a change_screen method in your App class, you can use that directly by referencing it in your on_release as:
self.image_outlet.bind(on_release=partial(App.get_running_app().change_screen, image[1]))
You will need to make a minor change to your change_screen method to handle additional args:
def change_screen(self, screen_name, *args):
screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager']
screen_manager.current = screen_name

Asynchronous Loop mixing meta item

I'm trying to scrape the following website:
I have a dropdown list to select a state, from that state it gives me a dropdown list from the cities available.
After submitting, I get the list of all offices (address,e-mail,phone number) for that city.
With this code, I'm not getting all the results and also I'm getting repeated city names, it looks like the meta item is mixing from one loop with the other.
I tried to debug, but here is what happens:
I start the first parse function, when I enter the loop for each state, I get the first state ("AC") when I arrive at the yield line, I expected it to go to the parseStates function but it starts the loop again.
The thing is, it doesn't do the whole loop, it loops through the first five states, then it jumps the the parseStates function.
def parse(self, response):
statesList = ["AC","AL","AM","BA","CE","DF","ES","GO","MA","MG","MS","MT","PA","PB","PE","PR","RJ","RN","RO","RS","SC","SE","SP"]
for state in statesList:
linkState = '' + state
location = LocationItem()
yield scrapy.Request(url=linkState, callback=self.parseStates, meta={'item':location})
def parseStates(self,response):
root = ET.fromstring(response.body)
cityList = [city.text for city in root.iter('{}Nome')]
for city in cityList:
state = location['state']
linkCity = '' + state + '&vNomeCidade='+city.replace(' ','%20')
yield scrapy.Request(url=linkCity, callback=self.parseCities,meta={'item':location})
def parseCities(self,response):
location = response.meta['item']
state = location['state']
city = location['city']
root = ET.fromstring(response.body)
mailList = [elem.text for elem in root.iter('{}EmailPadronizadoSocioResponsavel')]
companyList = [elem.text for elem in root.iter('{}RazaoSocial')]
contactList = [elem.text for elem in root.iter('{}SocioResponsavel')]
telList = [elem.text for elem in root.iter('{}Telefone')]
for i in range(len(mailList)):

Why does WTForms have unbound fields the first time the page is loaded?

I have the following form classes:
class FieldsRequiredForm(FlaskForm):
class Meta:
def render_field(self, field, render_kw):
render_kw.setdefault('required', True)
return super().render_field(field, render_kw)
class SingleStringFieldForm(FieldsRequiredForm):
def __init__(self, field_label=None, question_id=None,
SingleStringFieldForm.answer = StringField(field_label)
SingleStringFieldForm.question_id = HiddenField(default=question_id)
SingleStringFieldForm.submit = SubmitField(submit_label)
class SingleRadioFieldForm(FieldsRequiredForm):
def __init__(self, field_label=None, question_id=None,
submit_label='Submit', choices=None):
SingleRadioFieldForm.answer = RadioField(field_label, choices=choices)
SingleRadioFieldForm.question_id = HiddenField(default=question_id)
SingleRadioFieldForm.submit = SubmitField(submit_label)
The function that's using these forms looks like this:
#bp.route('/survey/<string:slug>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def question(slug):
survey = Survey.query.filter_by(slug=slug).first_or_404()
questions = survey.questions
question_ids = [ for question in questions]
if 'answers' not in session:
session['answers'] = json.dumps({id: None for id in question_ids})
answers = json.loads(session['answers'])
if request.method == 'POST':
answers = json.loads(session['answers'])
if None in answers.values():
question = get_next_question()
if question.category == 'word':
form = SingleStringFieldForm(field_label=question.question,
elif question.category == 'likert':
form = SingleRadioFieldForm(field_label=question.question,,
form = SingleStringFieldForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
if None not in answers.values():
with open('app/static/ty.txt', 'r') as f:
ty = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
return render_template('ty.html', ty=ty)
return redirect(url_for('survey.question', slug=slug))
return render_template('survey.html', form=form, answers=answers)
The first time I load the page after clearing the session, the form doesn't show up, and when I'm stepping through with a debugger when that happens, the debugger reports that form.answer has a value of:
<UnboundField(RadioField, ('Question 1',), {'choices': (('1', 'Strongly Agree'),
('2', 'Agree'), ('3', 'Neutral'), ('4', 'Disagree'), ('5', 'Strongly Disagree'))})>
If I reload the page, it has this value:
<app.survey.forms.SingleRadioFieldForm object at 0x110788d30>
I don't notice anything else different in the state of the program between the two page loads.
What is causing this the first time and how can I fix it?
While I still don't know why the original function wasn't working on first page load, but did on a reload, I went about this in another way and solved the problem. Instead of setting the fields within __init__, I subclassed within the function and edited the class directly.
#bp.route('/survey/<string:slug>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def survey(slug):
class F(FieldsRequiredForm):
if None in answers.values():
question = get_next_question()
F.question_id = HiddenField(
if question.category == 'word':
F.answer = StringField(question.question)
elif question.category == 'likert':
F.answer = RadioField(question.question, choices=tuple(likert().items()))
F.submit = SubmitField('Submit')
F.answer = StringField()
form = F()

Groovy GroupBy field with and without white spaces

I have invoices list as below
def invoices = [
I am trying to do groupBy on the above collection with INVOICE_NUMBER and trying to achieve map with INVOICE_NUMBER and lines as values, below code does it
def lines = invoices*.split('\\|').findAll{ it.size()>1 }
def heads = lines.first()
def invoiceMap = lines.tail().collect{ [heads, it].transpose().collectEntries() }.groupBy{ it.INVOICE_NUMBER }
If I print invoiceMap I get what I intended as below map
[INV-Error_Test1:[[LINE:1, INVOICE_DATE:20150301, INVOICE_NUMBER:INV-Error_Test1, INVOICE_TOTAL:22],
But but if the INVOICE_NUMBER has any white spaces with it in the invoices map my code doesnt work. Can someone help me to make my code work with white spaces on INVOICE_NUMBER?
Use a proper CSV parser, rather than rolling your own.
import static com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser.parseCsv
def invoices = [
def data = parseCsv(invoices.drop(1).join('\n'), separator:'|')
def invoiceMap = data.collect().groupBy { it.INVOICE_NUMBER }
Or with a space in the column title:
def invoices = [
def data = parseCsv(invoices.drop(1).join('\n'), separator:'|')
def invoiceMap = data.collect().groupBy { it.'INVOICE NUMBER' }
You just need to quote your name, like this
def invoiceMap = lines.tail().collect{ [heads, it].transpose().collectEntries() }.groupBy{ it.'INVOICE NUMBER' }
