Is there an inbuilt function to identify outliers in all columns of a dataframe? [duplicate] - r

I've got some multivariate data of beauty vs ages. The ages range from 20-40 at intervals of 2 (20, 22, 24....40), and for each record of data, they are given an age and a beauty rating from 1-5. When I do boxplots of this data (ages across the X-axis, beauty ratings across the Y-axis), there are some outliers plotted outside the whiskers of each box.
I want to remove these outliers from the data frame itself, but I'm not sure how R calculates outliers for its box plots. Below is an example of what my data might look like.

Nobody has posted the simplest answer:
x[!x %in% boxplot.stats(x)$out]
Also see this:

OK, you should apply something like this to your dataset. Do not replace & save or you'll destroy your data! And, btw, you should (almost) never remove outliers from your data:
remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
y <- x
y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
To see it in action:
x <- rnorm(100)
x <- c(-10, x, 10)
y <- remove_outliers(x)
## png()
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
And once again, you should never do this on your own, outliers are just meant to be! =)
EDIT: I added na.rm = TRUE as default.
EDIT2: Removed quantile function, added subscripting, hence made the function faster! =)

Use outline = FALSE as an option when you do the boxplot (read the help!).
> m <- c(rnorm(10),5,10)
> bp <- boxplot(m, outline = FALSE)

The boxplot function returns the values used to do the plotting (which is actually then done by bxp():
bstats <- boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray")
#need to "waste" this plot
bstats$out <- NULL
bstats$group <- NULL
bxp(bstats) # this will plot without any outlier points
I purposely did not answer the specific question because I consider it statistical malpractice to remove "outliers". I consider it acceptable practice to not plot them in a boxplot, but removing them just because they exceed some number of standard deviations or some number of inter-quartile widths is a systematic and unscientific mangling of the observational record.

I looked up for packages related to removing outliers, and found this package (surprisingly called "outliers"!):
if you go through it you see different ways of removing outliers and among them I found rm.outlier most convenient one to use and as it says in the link above:
"If the outlier is detected and confirmed by statistical tests, this function can remove it or replace by
sample mean or median" and also here is the usage part from the same source:
rm.outlier(x, fill = FALSE, median = FALSE, opposite = FALSE)
x a dataset, most frequently a vector. If argument is a dataframe, then outlier is
removed from each column by sapply. The same behavior is applied by apply
when the matrix is given.
fill If set to TRUE, the median or mean is placed instead of outlier. Otherwise, the
outlier(s) is/are simply removed.
median If set to TRUE, median is used instead of mean in outlier replacement.
opposite if set to TRUE, gives opposite value (if largest value has maximum difference
from the mean, it gives smallest and vice versa)

data_clean <- data[data$attribute >=x[1] & data$attribute<=x[2],]
I find this very easy to remove outliers. In the above example I am just extracting 2 percentile to 98 percentile of attribute values.

z <- df[df$x > quantile(df$x, .25) - 1.5*IQR(df$x) &
df$x < quantile(df$x, .75) + 1.5*IQR(df$x), ] #rows
accomplish this task quite easily?

Adding to #sefarkas' suggestion and using quantile as cut-offs, one could explore the following option:
newdata <- subset(mydata,!(mydata$var > quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[2] | mydata$var < quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[1]) )
This will remove the points points beyond the 99th quantile. Care should be taken like what aL3Xa was saying about keeping outliers. It should be removed only for getting an alternative conservative view of the data.

1 way to do that is <-[-boxplot.stats($my.column)$out, ]
my.high.value <- which($age > 200 |$age < 0) <-[-my.high.value, ]

Outliers are quite similar to peaks, so a peak detector can be useful for identifying outliers. The method described here has quite good performance using z-scores. The animation part way down the page illustrates the method signaling on outliers, or peaks.
Peaks are not always the same as outliers, but they're similar frequently.
An example is shown here:
This dataset is read from a sensor via serial communications. Occasional serial communication errors, sensor error or both lead to repeated, clearly erroneous data points. There is no statistical value in these point. They are arguably not outliers, they are errors. The z-score peak detector was able to signal on spurious data points and generated a clean resulting dataset:

It is more difficult to remove outliers with grouped data because there is a risk of removing data points that are considered outliers in one group but not in others.
Because no dataset is provided I assume that there is a dependent variable "attractiveness", and two independent variables "age" and "gender". The boxplot shown in the original post above is then created with boxplot(dat$attractiveness ~ dat$gender + dat$age). To remove outliers you can use the following approach:
# Create a separate dataset for each group
group_data = split(dat, list(dat$age, dat$gender))
# Remove outliers from each dataset
group_data = lapply(group_data, function(x) {
# Extract outlier values from boxplot
outliers = boxplot.stats(x$attractiveness)$out
# Remove outliers from data
return(subset(x, !x$attractiveness %in% outliers))
# Combine datasets into a single dataset
dat =, group_data)

Try this. Feed your variable in the function and save the o/p in the variable which would contain removed outliers
new_variable<-variable[variable>mild_low & variable<mild_high]


How do I remove outliers from my dataset? [duplicate]

I've got some multivariate data of beauty vs ages. The ages range from 20-40 at intervals of 2 (20, 22, 24....40), and for each record of data, they are given an age and a beauty rating from 1-5. When I do boxplots of this data (ages across the X-axis, beauty ratings across the Y-axis), there are some outliers plotted outside the whiskers of each box.
I want to remove these outliers from the data frame itself, but I'm not sure how R calculates outliers for its box plots. Below is an example of what my data might look like.
Nobody has posted the simplest answer:
x[!x %in% boxplot.stats(x)$out]
Also see this:
OK, you should apply something like this to your dataset. Do not replace & save or you'll destroy your data! And, btw, you should (almost) never remove outliers from your data:
remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
y <- x
y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
To see it in action:
x <- rnorm(100)
x <- c(-10, x, 10)
y <- remove_outliers(x)
## png()
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
And once again, you should never do this on your own, outliers are just meant to be! =)
EDIT: I added na.rm = TRUE as default.
EDIT2: Removed quantile function, added subscripting, hence made the function faster! =)
Use outline = FALSE as an option when you do the boxplot (read the help!).
> m <- c(rnorm(10),5,10)
> bp <- boxplot(m, outline = FALSE)
The boxplot function returns the values used to do the plotting (which is actually then done by bxp():
bstats <- boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray")
#need to "waste" this plot
bstats$out <- NULL
bstats$group <- NULL
bxp(bstats) # this will plot without any outlier points
I purposely did not answer the specific question because I consider it statistical malpractice to remove "outliers". I consider it acceptable practice to not plot them in a boxplot, but removing them just because they exceed some number of standard deviations or some number of inter-quartile widths is a systematic and unscientific mangling of the observational record.
I looked up for packages related to removing outliers, and found this package (surprisingly called "outliers"!):
if you go through it you see different ways of removing outliers and among them I found rm.outlier most convenient one to use and as it says in the link above:
"If the outlier is detected and confirmed by statistical tests, this function can remove it or replace by
sample mean or median" and also here is the usage part from the same source:
rm.outlier(x, fill = FALSE, median = FALSE, opposite = FALSE)
x a dataset, most frequently a vector. If argument is a dataframe, then outlier is
removed from each column by sapply. The same behavior is applied by apply
when the matrix is given.
fill If set to TRUE, the median or mean is placed instead of outlier. Otherwise, the
outlier(s) is/are simply removed.
median If set to TRUE, median is used instead of mean in outlier replacement.
opposite if set to TRUE, gives opposite value (if largest value has maximum difference
from the mean, it gives smallest and vice versa)
data_clean <- data[data$attribute >=x[1] & data$attribute<=x[2],]
I find this very easy to remove outliers. In the above example I am just extracting 2 percentile to 98 percentile of attribute values.
z <- df[df$x > quantile(df$x, .25) - 1.5*IQR(df$x) &
df$x < quantile(df$x, .75) + 1.5*IQR(df$x), ] #rows
accomplish this task quite easily?
Adding to #sefarkas' suggestion and using quantile as cut-offs, one could explore the following option:
newdata <- subset(mydata,!(mydata$var > quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[2] | mydata$var < quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[1]) )
This will remove the points points beyond the 99th quantile. Care should be taken like what aL3Xa was saying about keeping outliers. It should be removed only for getting an alternative conservative view of the data.
1 way to do that is <-[-boxplot.stats($my.column)$out, ]
my.high.value <- which($age > 200 |$age < 0) <-[-my.high.value, ]
Outliers are quite similar to peaks, so a peak detector can be useful for identifying outliers. The method described here has quite good performance using z-scores. The animation part way down the page illustrates the method signaling on outliers, or peaks.
Peaks are not always the same as outliers, but they're similar frequently.
An example is shown here:
This dataset is read from a sensor via serial communications. Occasional serial communication errors, sensor error or both lead to repeated, clearly erroneous data points. There is no statistical value in these point. They are arguably not outliers, they are errors. The z-score peak detector was able to signal on spurious data points and generated a clean resulting dataset:
It is more difficult to remove outliers with grouped data because there is a risk of removing data points that are considered outliers in one group but not in others.
Because no dataset is provided I assume that there is a dependent variable "attractiveness", and two independent variables "age" and "gender". The boxplot shown in the original post above is then created with boxplot(dat$attractiveness ~ dat$gender + dat$age). To remove outliers you can use the following approach:
# Create a separate dataset for each group
group_data = split(dat, list(dat$age, dat$gender))
# Remove outliers from each dataset
group_data = lapply(group_data, function(x) {
# Extract outlier values from boxplot
outliers = boxplot.stats(x$attractiveness)$out
# Remove outliers from data
return(subset(x, !x$attractiveness %in% outliers))
# Combine datasets into a single dataset
dat =, group_data)
Try this. Feed your variable in the function and save the o/p in the variable which would contain removed outliers
new_variable<-variable[variable>mild_low & variable<mild_high]

Remove the outlier in the dataset before running factor analysis in R

The introduction about my dataset: It is the questionnaire data, mentioning the different reasons for students' antisocial behaviours. And I want to run the factor analysis to organize similar reasons to a factor.
For instance, there is one reason that students have antisocial behaviour because of their parents' educating, and another reason is that this happens because of their parents' educational background. There are some similarity between these two reasons, so that I am wondering whether these two reasons could be merged into one factor, so I want to run a factor analysis to see whether I could merge different reasons in one factor.
In order to run the factor analysis, removing the outlier(those which is smaller than mean minus 3 standard deviation, and bigger than mean add 3 standard deviation) is quite important from my understanding. However, I am not sure whether it is necessary for the questionnaire data, and if it is necessary, or at least it is not completely redundant, then with which R code could I reach this aim?
I did some research on Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) method, which could partial out the outliers. And I also wrote the R code as below:
mad.mean.D.O <- as.numeric($D.O_Mean)
mad(mad.mean.D.O, center = median(mad.mean.D.O), constant = 1.4826,
na.rm = FALSE, low = FALSE, high = FALSE)
print(Upper.MAD <- (median(mad.mean.D.O)+3*(mad(mad.mean.D.O, center = median(mad.mean.D.O), constant = 1.4826,
na.rm = FALSE, low = FALSE, high = FALSE))))
print(Lower.MAD <- (median(mad.mean.D.O)-3*(mad(mad.mean.D.O, center = median(mad.mean.D.O), constant = 1.4826,
na.rm = FALSE, low = FALSE, high = FALSE)))) <- %>%
D.O_Mean) %>%
filter(D.O_Mean < 4.197032 & D.O_Mean > 0.282968)
This R code works.
However, I just wonder whether there are also other methods which could reach the same aim, but in a simpler approach.
In addition, my data set looks like this:
All the variables are questionnaire data, being measured by likert scale. And all of those are reasons for antisocial behaviour. For example, the first participants, she/he give 1 to anonymity, that means from not exactly yo exactly, he/ she think anonymity not exactly contribute to his/ her antisocial behaviour.
I would be really thankful for all of your input here.
You can try this function to remove outliers. It'll comb through all columns to identify outliers, so be sure to temporarily remove columns do not need outliers removed and you can cbind() it back later.
#identify outliers
idoutlier<- function(data, cutoff = 3) {
# Calculate the sd
sds <- apply(data, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
# Identify the cells with value greater than cutoff * sd (column wise)
result <- mapply(function(d, s) {
which(d > cutoff * s)
}, data, sds)
#remove outliers
rmoutlier<- function(data, outliers) {
result <- mapply(function(d, o) {
res <- d
res[o] <- NA
}, data, outliers)
cbind() if necessary, and then na.omit() to remove your outliers

Making subsets by means of quantiles

I made quantiles of equal size with the cut2 function, now I want to make 4 different subsets, by means of the 4 quantiles.
The first and fourth quantile I can make with the subset function:
quantile1 <- subset (trial, NAG <22.1)
quantile4 <- subset(trial, NAG >=61.6)
But if I try to make subsets of the second and third quantile, it doesn’t quite work and I don’t understand why. This is what I’ve tried:
quantile2<- subset(trial, NAG >=22.1 | NAG<36.8)
quantile3<-subset(trial, NAG >=36.8 | NAG <61.6)
If I use this function, R makes a subset, but the subset consists of the total number of observations, which can’t be right. Anyone an idea about what's wrong with the syntax is or how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
I had the same kind of problem a while ago (here). I made a GetQuantile function which could be helpful to you:
# Extract the nth quantile from a time series
# args:
# x = xts object
# q = quantile of xts object
# n = nthe quantile to extract
# Returns:
# Returns an xts object of quantiles
# TRUE / FALSE depending on the quantile we are looking for
if(n==1) # first quantile
test<-xts((coredata(x[,])<c(coredata(q[,2]))), = index(x))
else if (n== dim(q)[2]-1) # last quantile
test<-xts((coredata(x[,])>=c(coredata(q[,n]))), = index(x))
else # else
test<-xts( (coredata(monthly.returns[,])>=c(coredata(q[,n]))) &
(coredata(monthly.returns[,])<c(coredata(q[,(n+1)]))) , = index(x))
# replace NA by FALSE
# we only keep returns for which we need the quantile
with this function I can have an xts with all the monthly returns of the quantile I want and NA everywhere else. With this xts I can do some stuff like computing the mean for each quantile ect..
rowMeans(monthly.returns.stock.Q1,na.rm = TRUE)
I had the same problem. I used this:
df$cumsum <- cumsum(df$var)
# makes cumulative sum of variable; my data were in shares, so they added up
# to 100
df$quantile <- cut(df$cumsum, c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100, NA), names=TRUE)
# cuts the cumulative sum at desired percentile
For variables that do not come in shares, I used the info from the summary, where R gives you quantiles and then cut the data according to those values.
Question: Are your quantiles equal? I mean, do they all contain exactly 25% of observations? Because mine were lumpy... ie some were 22%, some 28% etc. Just curious how you may have worked around that.

How to find a percentile that can maximize the correlation coefficient between two vector?

Suppose I have two continuous vectors such like:
df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100),
y = rnorm(100,3,5))
with(df, cor(x,y))
My question is how to find a percentile of x so that to maximize the absolute correlation of x and y such that:
perc <- quantile(df$x, 0.3)
df1 <- subset(df, x > perc)
with(df1, cor(x,y))
Namely how to find perc?
This problem is ill defined. Take your example data set and the function you want to find the maximum of (copied from #coffeinjunky):
df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100),
y = rnorm(100,3,5))
findperc <- function(prop, dat) {
perc <- quantile(dat$x, prop)
with(subset(dat, dat$x > perc), abs(cor(x,y)))
Now plot the result of findperc for percentiles between 0 and 1.
x <- seq(0,1,0.01)
The circled point indicates that found by optimize as in #coffeinjunky's answer. This is clearly only a local maximum. The applicability of the warning from #Thierry, "You need to rethink the question. As soon a x and y contain only 2 element the correlation will be either 1 or -1", should be apparent on the right hand side of the plot.
In general, the fact that you are getting moderate to high correlations when starting with independently generated random variables should warn you that your results are spurious and method suspect.
Well, why not take your question literally, and just search for it? For instance, try:
findperc <- function(prop, dat) {
perc <- quantile(dat$x, prop)
with(subset(dat, dat$x > perc), abs(cor(x,y)))
optimize(findperc, lower=0, upper=1, maximum=T, dat=df)
This defines a function that computes the absolute correlation between your vectors based on the corresponding percentile (which here is a single value), just as in your example code. And then I feed this function to a linear optimizer which searches for the input that produces the maximum value for the output.
Edit: Thanks to #A. Webb's answer I learned that optimize uses a gradient search as opposed to a grid search. I thought that this was the main difference between optim and optimize, a clearly wrong assumption I should have checked myself. However, just to provide a solution using grid search that will get you closer to the global maximum, one could use the following:
x <- seq(0,0.97,0.01)
x[which.max(sapply(x, findperc, dat=df))]
Note that I have cut x here at 97%. This ensures that at least 3 people are left in the sample (given a sample size of 100).

How to remove outliers from a dataset

I've got some multivariate data of beauty vs ages. The ages range from 20-40 at intervals of 2 (20, 22, 24....40), and for each record of data, they are given an age and a beauty rating from 1-5. When I do boxplots of this data (ages across the X-axis, beauty ratings across the Y-axis), there are some outliers plotted outside the whiskers of each box.
I want to remove these outliers from the data frame itself, but I'm not sure how R calculates outliers for its box plots. Below is an example of what my data might look like.
Nobody has posted the simplest answer:
x[!x %in% boxplot.stats(x)$out]
Also see this:
OK, you should apply something like this to your dataset. Do not replace & save or you'll destroy your data! And, btw, you should (almost) never remove outliers from your data:
remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
y <- x
y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
To see it in action:
x <- rnorm(100)
x <- c(-10, x, 10)
y <- remove_outliers(x)
## png()
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
And once again, you should never do this on your own, outliers are just meant to be! =)
EDIT: I added na.rm = TRUE as default.
EDIT2: Removed quantile function, added subscripting, hence made the function faster! =)
Use outline = FALSE as an option when you do the boxplot (read the help!).
> m <- c(rnorm(10),5,10)
> bp <- boxplot(m, outline = FALSE)
The boxplot function returns the values used to do the plotting (which is actually then done by bxp():
bstats <- boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray")
#need to "waste" this plot
bstats$out <- NULL
bstats$group <- NULL
bxp(bstats) # this will plot without any outlier points
I purposely did not answer the specific question because I consider it statistical malpractice to remove "outliers". I consider it acceptable practice to not plot them in a boxplot, but removing them just because they exceed some number of standard deviations or some number of inter-quartile widths is a systematic and unscientific mangling of the observational record.
I looked up for packages related to removing outliers, and found this package (surprisingly called "outliers"!):
if you go through it you see different ways of removing outliers and among them I found rm.outlier most convenient one to use and as it says in the link above:
"If the outlier is detected and confirmed by statistical tests, this function can remove it or replace by
sample mean or median" and also here is the usage part from the same source:
rm.outlier(x, fill = FALSE, median = FALSE, opposite = FALSE)
x a dataset, most frequently a vector. If argument is a dataframe, then outlier is
removed from each column by sapply. The same behavior is applied by apply
when the matrix is given.
fill If set to TRUE, the median or mean is placed instead of outlier. Otherwise, the
outlier(s) is/are simply removed.
median If set to TRUE, median is used instead of mean in outlier replacement.
opposite if set to TRUE, gives opposite value (if largest value has maximum difference
from the mean, it gives smallest and vice versa)
data_clean <- data[data$attribute >=x[1] & data$attribute<=x[2],]
I find this very easy to remove outliers. In the above example I am just extracting 2 percentile to 98 percentile of attribute values.
z <- df[df$x > quantile(df$x, .25) - 1.5*IQR(df$x) &
df$x < quantile(df$x, .75) + 1.5*IQR(df$x), ] #rows
accomplish this task quite easily?
Adding to #sefarkas' suggestion and using quantile as cut-offs, one could explore the following option:
newdata <- subset(mydata,!(mydata$var > quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[2] | mydata$var < quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[1]) )
This will remove the points points beyond the 99th quantile. Care should be taken like what aL3Xa was saying about keeping outliers. It should be removed only for getting an alternative conservative view of the data.
1 way to do that is <-[-boxplot.stats($my.column)$out, ]
my.high.value <- which($age > 200 |$age < 0) <-[-my.high.value, ]
Outliers are quite similar to peaks, so a peak detector can be useful for identifying outliers. The method described here has quite good performance using z-scores. The animation part way down the page illustrates the method signaling on outliers, or peaks.
Peaks are not always the same as outliers, but they're similar frequently.
An example is shown here:
This dataset is read from a sensor via serial communications. Occasional serial communication errors, sensor error or both lead to repeated, clearly erroneous data points. There is no statistical value in these point. They are arguably not outliers, they are errors. The z-score peak detector was able to signal on spurious data points and generated a clean resulting dataset:
It is more difficult to remove outliers with grouped data because there is a risk of removing data points that are considered outliers in one group but not in others.
Because no dataset is provided I assume that there is a dependent variable "attractiveness", and two independent variables "age" and "gender". The boxplot shown in the original post above is then created with boxplot(dat$attractiveness ~ dat$gender + dat$age). To remove outliers you can use the following approach:
# Create a separate dataset for each group
group_data = split(dat, list(dat$age, dat$gender))
# Remove outliers from each dataset
group_data = lapply(group_data, function(x) {
# Extract outlier values from boxplot
outliers = boxplot.stats(x$attractiveness)$out
# Remove outliers from data
return(subset(x, !x$attractiveness %in% outliers))
# Combine datasets into a single dataset
dat =, group_data)
Try this. Feed your variable in the function and save the o/p in the variable which would contain removed outliers
new_variable<-variable[variable>mild_low & variable<mild_high]
