QGIS changes colors of the raster after importing - raster

I add a raster
Then, I use Georeferencer to attach it to the map
After that colors of the raster are randomed and completely messed.
How can I return the colors to the original raster


QGIS Choropleth Map

I am trying to make a simple choropleth map in QGIS. I have a shape file for my country (Egypt) at the governorate level as well as csv with my variable of interest. The csv has the name of the governorate as well as a lat/lon combo for a random point within the governorate.
I can add the csv file and get the points and shade each of the points based on my variable of interest. But what I really want is to shade the entire governorate based on the variable of interest. Is there a way to do this in QGIS or should I try it in R? Am open to advise on whatever approach is easiest.

Clipping of raster as a shapefile in r

I want to clip a raster using shapefile in r as a shape of shapefile. I used crop function but it clipping as extents not as a shape. Please help me
Crop, as stated in the manual pages, crops to the extent of the object,
for your purposes you may use raster::mask(), with the same syntaxis of crop
mask function "Creates a new Raster* object that has the same values as x, except for the cells that are NA (or other maskvalue) in a ’mask’."
You may pass inverse=T so you get those values out of the spatialPolygon.

How can I animate using SPPLOT?

I have a shapefile with 5000+ polygons.
I have a netCDF file with timeseries data for several variables with one common key with the shapefile.
Static Map
For any particular time, I plot a static map by
Merging netCDF data for one timestep into the shapefile
Plot the shapefile using spplot
Now, I want to create an animation for a small time period.
For ggplot2, there are packages such as gganimate etc.
But, how can I do this using spplot?
P.S. GGPLOT2 is too slow for this purpose.
Try the animation package?
Remember that spplot is a lattice based function, so if you're doing this in a function you'll need to print() inside the function.

Custom background image with ggmap

I'm using R and ggmap to analyse some geographic data. I would like to use my own background map (a tif file) instead of the ones provided by ggmap (google maps, osm, stamen, etc.).
Is there a way to load my own raster file and display it using ggmap ? I really want to keep ggmap as most of my analysis use ggmap's functions (geom_density2d, geom_tile, etc.). For example a wrapper that transform a raster file reads by the raster package to a ggmap get_map object ?

Density Heat Map with ggplot2 in R

Trying to plot density map based on values in a csv file. The csv data is of the format LAT,LONG,VALUE.
**How do I restrict the density contour plotting only to inside the shape of the region obtained from the shape file (which is shown red here). It should not extend to the whole rectangular box, but remain inside the shape.
