Making a button that shows or hides multiple images in a random location - css

I have a problem when I am making the website for one gallery.
I made the code for the button that can show and hide multiple images.
I intend to make the button can place several images in randomly.
I write the code that can function for only one image.
Please tell me the code that functions as a button to place multiple images in a random location.
Users can hide images by pressing the button.
And when users press the button again, it places the images in another random location.
const btn = document.querySelector("button");
const height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
const width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
const box = document.getElementById("color");
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
let randY = Math.floor((Math.random() * height) + 1);
let randX = Math.floor((Math.random() * width) + 1); = randY + "px"; = randX + "px";
function showhide() {
var x = document.querySelectorAll("#color");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (x[i].style.display === "block") {
x[i].style.display = "none";
} else {
x[i].style.display =
body {
height: 500px;
.random {
position: absolute;
<button onclick="showhide()" value="Zeige Features" id="button">click me</button>
<img id="color" style="display: none;" class="random" src="">
<img id="color" style="display: none;" class="random" src="">

You're doing the correct thing in showHide() when using querySelectorAll. You are then able to get all images.
You should never have elements with the same ids. They should be unique. So querySelectorAll("#color") works, but it's now how you should do. Do a querySelector on "img.random" instead.
getElementById only returns a single element, not like querySelectorAll. So you need to use querySelectorAll('img.random').
This might be beyond your knowledge, I don't think you should add the images in HTML, but in javascript code.
a) Add all image paths in an array: ['', ...]
b) Add a single img element. <img id="template" class="random">
c) In javascript code, clone that element for each image path in the array. You can use cloneNode for this.
d) Randomize each position for each element, just like you have done now.
e) Add each element to the DOM through appendChild. Have a unique div that you append to. Be sure to clear it every time second time you hit the button.
f) Solve all bugs along the way. :P

The problem
The main issue here is that you're using getElementById to query #color
const box = document.getElementById("color");
Since getElementById only returns one element (but you have two in your DOM) and the style only applies to one element. That's why you're seeing only one element is randomly moving and the other just stay in the same place.
A side note here, id should be unique in a DOM.
You're in fact using the correct API for the job in the showhide function
var x = document.querySelectorAll("#color");
The fix:
To fix this, you need to query all images by their classname (as suggested in the side note, don't use id for the job)
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".random");
Now we have a node list, as you do in the showhide function, we need to loop thru it, I'm not using a for loop here, instead, a forEach loop, it's just more terser and a modern addition to the JS
// Since boxes are not array, we need to covert it to array so we can use that handy `.forEach` here:
Array.from(boxes).forEach(box => { = Math.floor((Math.random() * height) + 1) + "px"; = Math.floor((Math.random() * width) + 1) + "px";
Now, this should fix your issue. See the complete code below.
const btn = document.querySelector("button");
const height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
const width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".random");
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
Array.from(boxes).forEach(box => { = Math.floor((Math.random() * height) + 1) + "px"; = Math.floor((Math.random() * width) + 1) + "px";
function showhide() {
var x = document.querySelectorAll(".random");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (x[i].style.display === "block") {
x[i].style.display = "none";
} else {
x[i].style.display =
body {
height: 500px;
.random {
position: absolute;
<button onclick="showhide()" value="Zeige Features" id="button">click me</button>
<img id="color" style="display: none;" class="random" src="">
<img id="color" style="display: none;" class="random" src="">


CSS hover "through" element without blocking click

note: I do not have access to the HTML or javascript code
I am using the excellent Chrome plugin, Web Override, to improve usability on a vendor site my company uses. I am only looking for CSS solutions (or possibly js/jq scripts I can sideload).
I'm trying to set table rows to highlight on hover, which is easy enough:
#task-list-main-table tr:hover {
background-color: lightyellow;
The problem is that there is a little button that appears on each row when you hover over it. This means if I hover over the button, the corresponding row is not highlighted.
I know I could use pointer-events:none but then I can no longer click on the button, which I need to be able to do.
So, is there any way in CSS to "pass through" hover events without affecting click events?
This is a pretty convoluted method, but if you have the ability to inject javascript, this function will check if your mouse is overlapping whatever element you supply as the selector.
//Change this value to desired element
var hoverElement = "td";
//Change this value to the class you'd like to add when hovering
var addClass = "hover";
function getOffset( el ) {
var _x = 0;
var _y = 0;
while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) ) {
_x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
_y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
return { top: _y, left: _x };
function hasClass(element, cls) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1;
function overlapListener(element, x, y, classToAdd) {
var eTop = getOffset(element).top;
var eLeft = getOffset(element).left;
var eBottom = eTop + element.clientHeight;
var eRight = eLeft + element.clientWidth;
if (x <= eRight && x >= eLeft && y <= eBottom && y >= eTop) {
if (!hasClass(element, classToAdd)) {
element.className = classToAdd;
} else {
if (hasClass(element, classToAdd)) {
element.className = "";
var elementList = document.querySelectorAll(hoverElement);
[], function(b) {
overlapListener(b, e.clientX, e.clientY, addClass)
I'm sure there are some JS gurus around here that could write you something a bit less obfuscated, however I found this to be a good practice exercise for myself. I chose to write it in vanilla JS as I'm unsure of what your limitations are, although JQuery could substantially reduce the amount of needed code.

What element is jQuery UI draggable being dragged over in an iframe

Here is my code, where I'm trying to detect the element, which a jQuery UI draggable is hovering over. I need to get the element's object and attributes, such as class names (in this case .sortable-grid,.sortable-table,.sortable-row,.sortable-cell).
The answers found here only show how to get the draggable item itself (ui.helper or, but not the element it is hovering above.
The best way to answer would be using the prepared JSFiddle, since my code uses an iframe, which would not work if the full code is posted here:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div style="background-color:grey;display:inline;cursor:move" id="draggable">DRAG ME</div>
<iframe src="" id="frame" style="width:100%;overflow:visible" seamless="seamless" scrolling="no"></iframe>
drag: function(event, ui) {
//Some code here
It was possible by modifying the function from another answer to fit this purpose. After adapting it to use the contentWindow of the iframe and adding offset calculation it works now.
function allElementsFromPointIframe(x, y, offsetX, offsetY) {
var element, elements = [];
var old_visibility = [];
while (true) {
element = document.getElementById('frame').contentWindow.document.elementFromPoint(x - offsetX, y - offsetY);
if (!element || element === document.getElementById('frame').contentWindow.document.documentElement) {
old_visibility.push(; = 'hidden'; // Temporarily hide the element (without changing the layout)
for (var k = 0; k < elements.length; k++) {
elements[k].style.visibility = old_visibility[k];
return elements;
var selected = $('');
var tmpColor = 'transparent';
drag: function(event, ui) {
var el = $(allElementsFromPointIframe(event.pageX, event.pageY, $(frame).offset().left, $(frame).offset().top));
var div = $(el).filter('ul, li').not($(this));
selected.css({'backgroundColor': tmpColor});
selected = div.last()
tmpColor = selected.css('backgroundColor');
selected.css({'backgroundColor': 'red'});
iframeFix: true,
iframeOffset: $('#iframe').offset()

AngularJS C directive using ng-class

The title might not explain what I am trying to achieve, so I will elaborate here.
I have a directive that is restricted to a CSS class name (in this example flex-wrap).
But this class is not applied to the element until we actually have some data.
The HTML for that looks like this:
<div class="row" ng-class="{ 'loading': !controller.loadingRecent, 'flex flex-vertical flex-wrap': controller.recent.length }">
<div class="col-md-12 row-title">
<h1>Recent orders</h1>
<div class="col-xs-12" ng-if="!controller.recent.length">
<div alert type="danger">
No records have been found that match your search.
<div class="col-md-4 tile-lg" ng-repeat="order in controller.recent" tile>
<a class="box-shadow" id="{{ order.orderNumber }}" ui-sref="viewOrder({ orderNumber: order.orderNumber })" coloured-tile>
<div class="text">
<strong>{{ order.account.accountNumber }}</strong><br />
{{ }}<br />
{{ order.raisedBy }}<br />
{{ order.orderNumber }}<br />
{{ controller.getDescription(order) }}<br />
As you can see, the flex classes are not applied until our recent.length is greater than 0. What I would like to happen is that when we have records, the CSS class is applied and so the angular directive that is associated with that class fires.
Instead, it doesn't do anything at the moment.
Does anyone know how I can get my directive to fire?
Here is my directive, just so you can see it.
.directive('flexWrap', ['$window', '$timeout', function ($window, $timeout) {
// Sets the height of the element
var setHeight = function (element) {
// Declare our variables
var row = element.parent().parent(),
height = 630;
// If our row is a row
if (row.hasClass('row')) {
// Get the height of the rest of the items
height = height - getHeight(row);
console.log('height = ' + height);
// Set our elements height
element.css('height', height + 'px');
console.log('we are about to set the width');
// After we set the height, set the width
// Gets the height to minus off the total
var getHeight = function (element) {
// Declare our variables
var height = 0,
children = element.children(),
loopChildren = element.hasClass('row');
// Loop through the element children
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Get the child
var child = angular.element(children[i]);
// If the child is not a column
if (!child.hasClass('columns')) {
// If we need to loop the children
if (loopChildren) {
// Get the height of the children
height += getHeight(child);
// Otherwise
} else {
// Add the height of the child to
height += child[0].offsetHeight;
// Return our height
return height;
// Sets the width of the element
var setWidth = function (element) {
// After a short period
$timeout(function () {
// Get our last child
var children = element.children(),
length = children.length,
lastChild = children[length - 1];
// Work out the width of the container
var position = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
childPosition = lastChild.getBoundingClientRect(),
width = childPosition.left - position.left + childPosition.width;
var style = $window.getComputedStyle(lastChild, null);
console.log('width = ' + width);
// Apply the width to the element
element.css('width', width + 'px');
}, 500);
// Resize the container
var resize = function (element, width) {
// If our width > 992
if (width > 992) {
// Resize our element
// Otherwise
} else {
// Set our element width and height to auto
element.css('height', 'auto');
element.css('width', 'auto');
return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function (scope, element) {
// Get our window
var window = angular.element($window),
width = $window.innerWidth;
// Bind to the resize function
window.bind('resize', function () {
// After half a second
$timeout(function () {
// Get the window width
width = $window.innerWidth;
// Resize our element
resize(element, width);
}, 500);
// Initial resize
resize(element, width);
Directive declaration style (e.g. restrict: "C") and an ng-class directive are not related to each other at all.
ng-class just adds/removes CSS class - it does not trigger a compilation/link of a directive that might be associated with these classes. In other words, it does not provide a way to dynamically instantiate a directive.
Your directive should handle the situation where data is not yet available. There are a number of ways to achieve that, via $scope.$broadcast/$scope.$on or via a service, or even via $watch - depending on any particular situation.

How to position an element absolute to the window regardless of its DOM position?

I am creating a pop-up overlay modal and am having problems getting the positioning/scrolling working correctly.
I can set my modal to be position:fixed but then if the modal's height is too much, then the modal overflows off of the window and you cannot see the bottom of it.
If I set the modal to be position:absolute then the element becomes positioned relative to the closest ancestor with position:relative, correct? (or at least thats what it appears to do) Instead I want the modal to ALWAYS be relative to the window so that I can center it easily.
Is there a way to make the below .modal positioned relative to the window ( or element) even if the element is nested deep inside the DOM like this:
<body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="mycontroller">
<div ui-view>
<div class=".modal"></div>
If you insist on having it in that same markup and nested in the same manner, your best bet is in JavaScript.
Here's some JS code that gives a good method of accomplishing what you asked for:
function ShowDivInCenter()
divWidth = 100;
divHeight = 100;
divId = 'divLogin'; // id of the div that you want to show in center
// Get the x and y coordinates of the center in output browser's window
var centerX, centerY;
if (self.innerHeight)
centerX = self.innerWidth;
centerY = self.innerHeight;
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
centerX = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
centerY = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
else if (document.body)
centerX = document.body.clientWidth;
centerY = document.body.clientHeight;
var offsetLeft = (centerX - divWidth) / 2;
var offsetTop = (centerY - divHeight) / 2;
// The initial width and height of the div can be set in the
// style sheet with display:none; divid is passed as an argument to // the function
var ojbDiv = document.getElementById(divId); = 'absolute'; = offsetTop + 'px'; = offsetLeft + 'px'; = "block";
catch (e) {}
You can then call the function through any event, for example:
<body onload='ShowDivInCenter();' onresize='ShowDivInCenter();'>
if you want it to be dynamic.

Make text in select element wrap when too long?

I have a select list where the text within the options is too long as is getting cropped. Is it possible to make the text wrap instead so that all of it is visible?
<option>This is option 1</option>
<option>This is option 2</option>
select {
width: 92px;
select {
width: 92px;
This only appears to work in Google Chrome.
It seems there is no way to accomplish this in Firefox without reinventing the wheel.
The solution I have come up with achieves this for other browsers, and uses an ellipsis in Firefox:
select {
max-width: 100%;
white-space: normal;
/* For Firefox: */
text-overflow: ellipsis;
Using CSS to do this will only work in Chrome...
You can't do it just by using CSS, but you can use some jQuery for
a "look like" solution.
As you can see it behaves like you wanted - I'm wrapping the select box with a DIV
and adding another one that will overlap the select box - he takes the select box fixed width minus
the button of the select box. Now I'm assigning to this div the same appearance as the select box +
The selected value.
Every time the select box will be changed the new value will be set in the mask we created and
the calculated new height will be set to the select box to.
Here is the jQuery code:
var mYbrowser = detectBrows();
//get current style and fixed width:
var renderWidth = $(ele).outerWidth();
var renderWidthFixed = renderWidth;
var borderstyle = $(ele).css("border-bottom-style");
var bordercolor = $(ele).css("border-bottom-color");
var borderwidth = $(ele).css("border-bottom-width");
var font = $(ele).css("font");
var defaultValue = $(ele).val();
if (borderwidth == "0px") { borderwidth = "1px"; /*FF*/ }
$(ele).css({ cursor:"pointer" });
// set by browser (different buttons):
var borderRightParsed = borderwidth +" " + borderstyle + " " + bordercolor;
var topParsed = Math.round(parseInt(borderwidth.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"")));
switch(mYbrowser[0]) {
case "MSIE": renderWidthFixed = renderWidth-28; break;
case "I": renderWidthFixed = renderWidth-28; break;
case "Chrome": renderWidthFixed = renderWidth-30; break;
case "Firefox":
renderWidthFixed = renderWidth-27;
borderRightParsed= "0";
if (index > 0) topParsed++;
//wrap + add a overlapping layer that will hide content and calculate the correct height:
$(ele).wrap($('<div />').css({width:renderWidth, margin:0, padding:0, position:"relative"}));
$(ele).after($("<div>" + defaultValue + "</div>")
padding:"5px 0px 5px 8px",
//set select box new height:
//append change behavior:
function setHeight(ele) {
var newHeight = $(ele).next('div').outerHeight();
function detectBrows(){
var ua= navigator.userAgent, tem,
M= ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
tem= /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
return 'IE '+(tem[1] || '');
if(M[1]=== 'Chrome'){
tem= ua.match(/\bOPR\/(\d+)/)
if(tem!= null) return 'Opera '+tem[1];
M= M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
if((tem= ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i))!= null) M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]);
return M;
Its simple and not complicated - the problem is that the select box element behave
and look different on each browser.
I added a small quick function to detect which browser is used and fine tuning his
unique values.
This method can be Improved but that's a good starting point.
