Rule Editor Syntax Error in catia formula - formula

I try an example About the Rule Editor from CATIA V5 R28.
After "Apply" it appears:
Syntax Error line 1 :
Parameter sketch.4/radius cannot be used in this context.
Can you help me ?

If you want to get help, you have to post more than the error message. First try to explain what you want to accomplish and how you trying to do that. An Example code could be also helpful.
You are using EKL language in Catia so try to learn ho to use it.


Why can't read_csv use my directory/path?

I am having a problem with my read_csv. I have used this function with no problem but the path/directory I am using is a little different than normal and I can't figure it out by myself.
This is the code I have been using:
X2022_03_08_habit_and_OCD_clinical <- read_csv("Box/OCD: Habit or Learning?/experiment/data/raw/survey-data/2022-03-08_habit-and-OCD_clinical.csv")
I have tired tweaking this by not using the first two arguments with no luck. Has anyone used Box in a path before (Box is in my finder, like desktop would be). I also tried updating r for that first error code but maybe it didn't take, I am not sure how to update again.
Here is the error code I have been receiving:Error Message
I would appreciate any help and I apologize if there is a simple answer I have been missing!

Reactive UI Extending View Support The Type has a on_PropertyName_Changed method ** which is static

Based off this link:
Whenever I try to execute the code in the example using the RG.Plugins.Popup nuget I receive the following error: Fody: The Type MyType '1 has a on_PropertyName_Changed method (OnViewModelChanged) which is static.
My Code is exactly like the links code. Not sure why its causing this error to occur.
.... UPDATE....
Damn, So if anyone runs into this issue... my solution was removing the following weaver from the fodyweavers.xml file
<PropertyChanged/> --- REmove this line if added solves the problem!?
Why is this? Why does removing the above line solve the issue?
Below is my FodyWeaver file
<Weavers xmlns:""
I was just going to say. The code in the example is working because I use it. Your error points to ReactiveUI.Fody being the problem.
Can you provide a reproduction of what you had that was different from the sample?

unable to knit because the dudi.pca function from librray (ade4)

It is not possible to knit to a document because the function dudi.pca asks for a parameter while running, once you give the parameter shows the result. But this makes impossible to knit to get a document.
any idea how to handle these situations when working with functions like this?
Thank you!!
As Lamia said in the comments, it works for me using scannf=F, for the same issue.

Getting an error in using particular "?" this operator,How to use it in swirl?

I am using swirl package for R programming. And for that, in a particular part I have to give this command which gives this error and that's why can't progress further.
Error in shell.exec(url) :
file association for '' is not available or invalid
Please help me to solve this problem, otherwise I am stuck here and can't get any progress.
Type below,It worked for me

Markdown syntax: problems with superscript

This is my first time using R so this is about as basic of a question as they come.
I am making a presentation using markdown (ioslides). I want to do something very simple which is to put something in superscript. According to the manual, the syntax is the following:
Lower bound = α^Full – K^ - α^Full^
The first time I tried running this, I got a pop-up screen with some options. Too quickly, I pressed enter and inadvertently chose something. Now the syntax won't run and I can't figure out what I did to undo it.
Can someone help? Thank you in advance.
Markdown allows HTML to be used if necessary, so you should be able to use the HTML sup tag.
