How do I permanently hide the debug console in VS Code? - console

I would like to configure my Debug-Console, so that it stops opening automatically each, and every time, I run my code. FYI, I am writing C#, and using the OmniSharp C# extension.

Configure the Debug Console to Stop Auto-Opening
"To configure the Debug Console so that it doesn't open automatically when you run your code, you will need to correctly configure the following setting: debug.internalConsoleOptions by assigning the the string value "neverOpen" to it. The code snippet below demonstrates the correct configuration for disabling the Debug Console's Auto Open On Run feature."
// ".../.vscode/settings.json"
"debug.internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen"
Add the Setting to one of your settings.json files
"The configuration shown above can be configured in the user, or workspace settings.json file. Another option users have is to configure it via the V.S. Code GUI settings menu. The Settings Keyboard Shortcut, for opening the menu is shown below."
Settings Menu Keybinding: CTRL ,
(Edited the paragraph below)
Best Practices for Testing New Configurations:
"Its considered a good practice to always try a configuration for the first time in the workspace settings.json because the user settings.json file can be overridden by extensions. which can cause confusing results when testing new configurations. This is a Debug setting, so you need to go another step further, because launch.json is top level for debug settings, therefore you need to also add the setting to your launch.json file."
See this link to see what I am talking about
I don't write C#, but it should look something like this:
(and I bet you will find it there already, overriding your settings.json file)
"name": "Run_Nodejs_Debugger",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "./build/index.js",
"internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen" // ADD IT HERE!!!!
"args": [""]


Reset application settings to a clear/clean state

I use QML Settings in my application. Therefore, while developing and testing, every time I open the app, it remembers the settings.
How can I clear the settings status so that I can simulate the very first launch of the app by a user? Thanks.
You can specify the file that is used to store the Settings by setting the filename property.
Settings {
filename: "/path/to/my/settings/file"
Then when you want to clear the Settings, simply delete the file. Everything should start over with default values after that.

Writing logs to files using Serilog is not working

I have an ASP .NET based application that uses Serilog for logging and I want to test it by writing my logs to files. I am using Serilog and Serilog.Sinks.File
So far, the code looks like this:
_perfLogger = new LoggerConfiguration()
_perfLogger.Write(LogEventLevel.Information, "{#LogDetail}", infoToLog);
But all my files are empty or are not created and I am not getting any errors.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you.
You may be able to if you add read/write permission for IIS_IUSRS on the directory.
I usually put the log directory in the same directory as my IIS app and do the following:
You need local admin permissions:
Right-click on the directory that you want to log file in
Choose properties
Go to Security tab
Click Edit
Click Add
Click on Check Names
If it cannot find it then click on locations
Click on your computer name and click ok
Now click on check names and it should resolve.
Click OK
Give the Modify Permission
Click OK
Logging "should" work
If it is a directory outside of inetpub, I am not sure but worth a try.
I didn`t know that .Net is not allowed to write in any other folder except App_Data. This was the problem and I managed to fix it.

How can I config workspace in chrome?

I'm trying to activate workspace tool for my local project. I want to apply CSS changes on my codes when I edit them into browser.
I've added my folder, perfix url and path of my project to the Chrome like this:
But still there isn't any change in my codes when I change it into browser, What's wrong?
Here are the steps to map a local workspace to a server path, using my example:
Click "Add folder" in the Workspace settings, and navigate to your working directory. Click "Allow" in the bar at the top to grant Chrome permissions.
Add a mapping between your server and the path
Load the URL and navigate to the Sources tab. Open your file and start editing.
If you save with Cmd+S (Mac) / Ctrl+S (Windows / Linux), the changes will be persisted in the workspace.
You can read more information from the official documentation here, which shows how to add it directly from the Sources panel. Read the Limitations section, in case you are trying to do something that isn't supported.

Demandware - Pipeline not found for current domain

I already made pipeline. Which is working fine. Suddenly it give error like
2015-12-18 02:39:08.091 GMT] ERROR system.core ISH-CORE-2368 Sites-SiteGenesis-Site core Storefront [uuid] [request-id]-0-00 [timestamp] "Error executing pipeline: Hello com.demandware.beehive.core.capi.pipeline.PipelineExecutionException:Pipeline not found (Hello) for current domain (Sites-SiteGenesis-Site)"
Does anybody know how to solve this?
In the event that your pipeline can not be found for the selected domain, please go trough and verify all of the following:
Double check Pipeline-Node naming
Pipeline URLs are generated by their name and your desired entry node, in this scenario, I would expect a file named Hello.xml in you cartridge's pipeline directory, and a start node named Start, would be accessed via {instanceURL}/on/
Try and force upload of your cartridges
Occasionally the files on the server will not be updated correctly when a save is made; to force an update, right click your project, click Demandware > Upload Cartridges
Check your Cartridge Path
If you are using a shared instance, or your instance is re-provisioned, you may need to check your cartridge path to be sure your custom cartridge(s) are still there.
Check your Code Versions
Occasionally you may increment / change your code version - if you do, make sure that the path you select in Studio is the one that you have selected in Business Manager.
Tech Support
Should you still have issues following the four steps above, please file a support ticket and the tech-support team will be able to provide you with more assistance.

Copying files to a specific IIS directory using startup cmd in Azure

I want to create a startup cmd task in an Azure web role to copy a specific file into the inetpub\custerr\en-US directory before the role starts. Ideally, I'd like to be able to override the default error response html files. The overriding file will be stored inside the VS solution for the web role.
The following is a screenshot from IIS Manager's Error Pages window.
I'm not exactly sure how to do this. I suppose %SystemDrive%\inetpub\custerr\en-US should be the path to destination. How do I get the absolute/relative path to the file to be copied? I was thinking of adding it under the web role project and setting its Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always. What will the code in the startup cmd look like?
There is an alternative way of doing the same, thought it might help you.
Check this: Enable custom errors in Azure
