Singularity in Linear Mixed Effects Models - r

Dataset Description: I use a dataset with neuropsychological (np) tests from several subjects. Every subject has more than one tests in his/her follow up i.e one test per year. I study the cognitive decline in these subjects. The information that I have are: Individual number(identity number), Education(years), Gender(M/F as factor), Age(years), Time from Baseline (= years after the first np test).
AIM: My aim is to measure the rate of change in their np tests i.e the cognitive decline per year for each of them. To do that I use Linear Mixture Effects Models (LMEM), taking into account the above parameters and I compute the slope for each subject.
Question: When I run the possible models (combining different parameters every time), I also check their singularity and the result in almost all cases is TRUE. So my models present singularity! In the case that I would like to use these models to do predictions this is not good as it means that the model overfits the data. But now that I just want to find the slope for each individual I think that this is not a problem, or even better I think that this is an advantage, as in that case singularity offers a more precise calculation for the subjects' slopes. Do you think that this thought is correct?


Hitting a Target In-Stock Rate Through More Accurate Prediction Intervals in Univariate Time Series Forecasting

My job is to make sure that an online retailer achieves a certain service level (in stock rate) for their products, while avoiding aging and excess stock. I have a robust cost and leadtime simulation model. One of the inputs into that model is a vector of prediction intervals for cumulative demand over the next leadtime weeks.
I've been reading about quantile regression, conforming models, gradient boosting, and quantile random forest... frankly all of these are far above my head, and they seem focused on multivariate regression of non-time-series data. I know that I can't just regress against time, so I'm not even sure how to set up a complex regression method correctly. Moreover, since I'm forecasting many thousands of items every week, the parameter setting and tuning needs to be completely automated.
To date, I've been using a handful of traditional forecast methods (TSB [variation of Croston], ETS, ARIMA, etc) including hybrids, using R packages like hybridForecast. My prediction intervals are almost universally much narrower than our actual results (e.g. in a sample of 500 relatively steady-selling items, 20% were below my ARIMA 1% prediction interval, and 12% were above the 99% prediction interval).
I switched to using simulation + bootstrapping the residuals to build my intervals, but the results are directionally the same as above.
I'm looking for the simplest way to arrive at a univariate time series model with more accurate prediction intervals for cumulative demand over leadtime weeks, particularly at the upper / lower 10% and beyond. All my current models are training on MSE, so one step is probably to use something more like pinball loss scoring against cumulative demand (rather than the per-period error). Unfortunately I'm totally unfamiliar with how to write a custom loss function for the legacy forecasting libraries (much less the new sexy ones above).
I'd deeply appreciate any advice!
A side note: we already have an AWS setup that can compute each item from an R job in parallel, so computing time is not a major factor.

How to interpret a VAR model without sigificant coefficients?

I am trying to investigate the relationship between some Google Trends Data and Stock Prices.
I performed the augmented ADF Test and KPSS test to make sure that both time series are integrated of the same order (I(1)).
However, after I took the first differences, the ACF plot was completely insigificant (except for 1 of course), which told me that the differenced series are behaving like white noise.
Nevertheless I tried to estimate a VAR model which you can see attached.
As you can see, only one constant is significant. I have already read that because Stocks.ts.l1 is not significant in the equation for GoogleTrends and GoogleTrends.ts.l1 is not significant in the equation for Stocks, there is no dynamic between the two time series and both can also be models independently from each other with a AR(p) model.
I checked the residuals of the model. They fulfill the assumptions (normally distributed residuals are not totally given but ok, there is homoscedasticity, its stable and there is no autocorrelation).
But what does it mean if no coefficient is significant as in the case of the Stocks.ts equation? Is the model just inappropriate to fit the data, because the data doesn't follow an AR process. Or is the model just so bad, that a constant would describe the data better than the model? Or a combination of the previous questions? Any suggestions how I could proceed my analysis?
Thanks in advance

Backward Elimination for Cox Regression

I want to explore the following variables and their 2-way interactions as possible predictors: the number of siblings (nsibs), weaning age (wmonth), maternal age (mthage), race, poverty, birthweight (bweight) and maternal smoking (smoke).
I created my Cox regression formula but I don't know how to form the 2-way interaction with the predictors:
The formula interface is the same for coxph as it is for lm or glm. If you need to form all the two-way interactions, you use the ^-operator with a first argument of the "sum" of the covariates and a second argument of 2:
coxph(Surv(wmonth,chldage1) ~
( as.factor(nsibs)+mthage+race+poverty+bweight+smoke)^2,
I do not think there is a Cox regression step stepdown function. Thereau has spoken out in the past against making the process easy to automate. As Roland notes in his comment the prevailing opinion among all the R Core package authors is that stepwise procedures are statistically suspect. (This often creates some culture shock when persons cross-over to R from SPSS or SAS, where the culture is more accepting of stepwise procedures and where social science stats courses seem to endorse the method.)
First off you need to address the question of whether your data has enough events to support such a complex model. The statistical power of Cox models is driven by the number of events, not the number of subjects at risk. An admittedly imperfect rule of thumb is that you need 10-15 events for each covariate and by expanding the interactions perhaps 10-fold, you expand the required number of events by a similar factor.
Harrell has discussed such matters in his RMS book and rms-package documentation and advocates applying shrinkage to the covariate estimates in the process of any selection method. That would be a more statistically principled route to follow.
If you do have such a large dataset and there is no theory in your domain of investigation regarding which covariate interactions are more likely to be important, an alternate would be to examine the full interaction model and then proceed with the perspective that each modification of your model adds to the number of degrees of freedom for the overall process. I have faced such a situation in the past (thousands of events, millions at risk) and my approach was to keep the interactions that met a more stringent statistical theory. I restricted this approach to groups of variables that were considered related. I examined them first for their 2-way correlations. With no categorical variables in my model except smoking and gender and 5 continuous covariates, I kept 2-way interactions that had delta-deviance (distributed as chi-square stats) measures of 30 or more. I was thereby retaining interactions that "achieved significance" where the implicit degrees of freedom were much higher than the naive software listings. I also compared the results for the retained covariate interactions with and without the removed interactions to make sure that the process had not meaningfully shifted the magnitudes of the predicted effects. I also used Harrell's rms-package's validation and calibration procedures.

PLM in R with time invariant variable

I am trying to analyze a panel data which includes observations for each US state collected across 45 years.
I have two predictor variables that vary across time (A,B) and one that does not vary (C). I am especially interested in knowing the effect of C on the dependent variable Y, while controlling for A and B, and for the differences across states and time.
This is the model that I have, using plm package in R.
random <- plm(Y~log1p(A)+B+C, index=c("state","year"),model="random",data=data)
My reasoning is that with a time invariant variable I should be using random rather than fixed effect model.
My question is: Is my model and thinking correct?
Thank you for your help in advance.
You base your answer about the decision between fixed and random effect soley on computational grounds. Please see the specific assumptions associated with the different models. The Hausman test is often used to discriminate between the fixed and the random effects model, but should not be taken as the definite answer (any good textbook will have further details).
Also pooled OLS could yield a good model, if it applies. Computationally, pooled OLS will also give you estimates for time-invariant variables.

Mixed Logit fitted probabilities in RSGHB

My question has to do with using the RSGHB package for predicting choice probabilities per alternative by applying mixed logit models (variation across respondents) with correlated coefficients.
I understand that the choice probabilities are simulated on an individual level and in order to get preference share an average of the individual shares would do. All the sources I have found treat each prediction as a separate simulation which makes the whole process cumbersome if many predictions are needed.
Since one can save the respondent specific coefficient draws wouldn't it be faster to simply apply the logit transform to each each (vector of) coefficient draw? Once this is done new or existing alternatives could be calculated faster than rerunning a whole simulation process for each required alternative. For the time being using a fitted() approach will not help me understand how prediction actually works.
