Modifying swagger annotations at runtime - reflection

I have a Swagger API documentation. Some of the methods I want to hide dynamically, depending on user permissions for reading/ accessing the API.
Since I couldn't come up with a Swagger functionality on this, I have implemented a ContainerRequestFilter on my service, which is executed when getting the openapi.json document for the Swagger UI. This filter is scanning all methods containing the #Operation annotation and changing the field hidden from true to false for users with the correct permission.
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
public class MyFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter{
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext crc) throws IOException{
Reflections reflections = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder()
.setScanners(new MethodAnnotationsScanner()));
// get all Operation methods
Set<Method> resources = reflections.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Operation.class);
for(Method method : resources) {
Operation operation = method.getAnnotation(Operation.class);
InvocationHandler h = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(operation);
Field hField = h.getClass().getDeclaredField("memberValues");
Map memberValues = (Map) hField.get(h);
for(Object key : memberValues.keySet()) {
System.out.println("memberValue: "+key+", "+memberValues.get(key));
memberValues.put("hidden", false);
System.out.println("operation is hidden?: " +operation.hidden());
The code seems to work insofar as the hidden field value is changed from true to false inside this filter class. However, the openapi.json document returned from the same service request does not reflect those changes.
Why are the changes on the modified annotations not consistent within the executed request?

This approach does not seem to be viable. Reflection changes the annotations globally, so other requests would read the same changes annotations which is not what I wanted here.
I ended up going with the filtering of annoations as described here.


ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance giving "A suitable constructor not found" for simple examples

So I am building a complex case here with inheritance and IOC, need to use ActivatorUtilities to inject instances and pass parameters... no matter what I do I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'A suitable constructor for type
'blabla.ISimpleTest' could not
be located. Ensure the type is concrete and all parameters of a public
constructor are either registered as services or passed as arguments.
Also ensure no extraneous arguments are provided.'
So in order to discard what could be the problem and ensure there is no constructor issues, I created a very very simple scenario that gives me the same error.
services.AddScoped<ISimpleTest, SimpleTest>();
the class and the interface, very simple here:
public interface ISimpleTest
public class SimpleTest : ISimpleTest
public SimpleTest()
var theInstance = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ISimpleTest>(ServiceProvider);
Additional notes
The ServiceProvider instance is fine (the rest/entire application depends on it).
Tried with and without adding the public constructor(empty params)
Tried also constructor with params, same error.
Tried to specify the params[] parameter, by sending null or empty array, same issue.
Extra test:
Just to confirm it's properly registered, I tried to get the instance using the Service provider, and works without issues:
//No issues this way:
var yyy = ServiceProvider.GetService<ISimpleTest>();
What am I doing here wrong? According to documentations, this should be enough to work

How can I parse ODataQueryOptions from a string?

I have to provide some read endpoints for our EF6 entities on an ASP.NET API that conform to the OData specification. Entity retrieval works well based upon functions that accept a System.Web.Http.OData.Query.ODataQueryOptions<TEntity> instance.
Now, according to the docs, that implementation of OData does not support $count.
We would, however, like to offer at least the capability to retrieve the total count of a (filtered) data set as shown in the docs, like (by slightly combining several of those samples):
http://host/service/Products/$count($filter=Price gt 5.00)
(Based on the spec, I understand that this should be a valid, specification-conformant OData query for the number of products whose price is greater than 5¤. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Now, retrieving the count based on the IQueryable returned from ODataQuerySettings.ApplyTo is trivial. So is capturing requests to this route:
public int Count(ODataQueryOptions<ProductEntity> queryOptions)
The only bit that is missing is that the queryOptions portion of the route should be parsed into the ODataQueryOptions<ProductEntity> instance. On other OData endpoints, this works without any further ado. However, even when I call this endpoint with a $filter, all I am getting is an "empty" (i.e. initialized to default values) ODataQueryOptions<ProductEntity> instance with no filter set.
Alternatively, I can declare my web API endpoint like this:
public int Count(string rawQueryOptions)
Within this method, rawQueryOptions contains the query options that I wish to pass to OData, that is, parse to populate an ODataQueryOptions<ProductEntity> instance.
This must be very straightforward as the very same thing happens for any other OData endpoint. For a comparison:
public IEnumerable<object> Filter(ODataQueryOptions<ProductEntity> queryOptions)
This works; the query options are populated as expected, unlike it is the case with my above endpoint.
How can I populate my OData query options instance based on the string extracted from my route?
Some more things I have tried:
Applied [FromUri] to the queryOptions parameter.
Applied [ODataQueryParameterBinding] to the queryOptions parameter.
Although the syntax is a little bit different to your request, the .Net OData Implementation has the support you need OOTB, if you're asking this question at all, that indicates that you are trying to add OData support to your standard API.
Given that you have EF6 already on an ASP.Net API... Why not just expose the OData controllers on another route? In this way you get the full implementation of query support without ever needing to parse the QueryOptions at all.
If adding new controllers in a separate route is not suitable you can easily upgrade your existing ApiControllers and Implement OData routes in place of the existing ones.
ODataController inherits from ApiController but includes some helper methods that simplify working with OData response conventions, so upgrading in place is generally non-breaking.
As an example, the following is the only controller code that is needed to allow all the supported OData Query Options to return data from an EF DbSet, this includes full support for $select, $expand, $filter, $apply and even $count across a nested $filter.
public partial class ResidentsController : ODataController
protected MyEF.Context db = new MyEF.Context();
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(ODataQueryOptions<MyEF.Resident> options)
return Ok(db.Residents);
The magic that allows this is not the ODataController itself, the EnableQueryAttribute parses/translates the QueryOptions and applies this to the Linq to Entities expression that is returned from the method.
The final component to make this work is to register the routes, this is a little bit more involved than standard API because you need to define the EdmModel first, but in doing so we never need to parse the incoming query parameters.
a minimal example to configure the model and routes for the above controller might look like this:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
IEdmModel model = builder.GetEdmModel();
// To enable $select and $filter on all fields by default
// can also be configured like this
config.SetDefaultQuerySettings(new Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Query.DefaultQuerySettings()
EnableCount = true,
EnableExpand = true,
EnableFilter = true,
EnableOrderBy = true,
EnableSelect = true,
MaxTop = null
// Map the routes from the model using OData Conventions
config.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", model);
How to Configure the $count syntax you desire
although your expected syntax for count of filtered collections is not supported OOTB, the syntax that is supported is very close, so you could easily manipulate the query with a URL re-write module
Your expected syntax:
http://host/service/Products/$count($filter=Price gt 5.00)
.Net Supported syntax
http://host/service/Products/$count?$filter=Price gt 5.00
/// <summary>
/// Rewrite incoming OData requests that are implemented differently in the .Net pipeline
/// </summary>
public class ODataConventionUrlRewriter : OwinMiddleware
private static readonly PathString CountUrlSegments = PathString.FromUriComponent("/$count");
public ODataConventionUrlRewriter(OwinMiddleware next)
: base(next)
public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
// OData spec says this should work: http://host/service/Products/$count($filter=Price gt 5.00)
// But in .Net the filter needs to be in the query: http://host/service/Products/$count?$filter=Price gt 5.00
var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"\/\$count\((.+)\)$");
var match = regex.Match(context.Request.Path.Value);
if(match != null && match.Success)
// So move the $filter expression to a query option
// We have to use redirect here, we can't affect the query inflight
context.Response.Redirect($"{context.Request.Uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)}{regex.Replace(context.Request.Path.Value, "/$count")}?{match.Groups[1].Value}");
await Next.Invoke(context);
Add to Startup.cs, before registering OData routes

springboot+mybatis, About Native Dao development

I'm trying a new development method.
In mybatis3, I write and mapper.xml usually.
I know, the sql statements is corresponded by sqlId(namespace+id).
I want to execute the sql statement like this :
SqlSession sqlSession = sessionFactory.openSession();
return sqlSession.selectList(sqlId, param);
but I get a error:
Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mapped Statements collection does not contain value for mapper.JinBoot.test
at org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.wrapException(
at org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession.selectList(
at org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession.selectList(
at cn.tianyustudio.jinboot.controller.BaseController.test(
here is my
public class BaseDao {
private static SqlSessionFactoryBean factoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
public static List<Map> select(String sqlId, Map param) {
try {
factoryBean.setDataSource(new DruidDataSource());
SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory = factoryBean.getObject();
SqlSession sqlSession = sessionFactory.openSession();
return sqlSession.selectList(sqlId, param);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
here is UserMapper.xml
<mapper namespace="mapper.JinBoot">
<select id="test" parameterType="hashMap" resultType="hashMap">
select * from user
I start the project, the send a http request, after controller and service ,the param 'sqlId' in BaseDao is 'mapper.JinBoot.test' (see error info).
In method '', both the parameter and the result type is Map.
So I don't want to create, I want try it.
How can I resolve it? What's the malpractice of this way?
This does not work because spring boot creates its own SqlSessionFactory. And the option in that specifies where mappers should be looked for is only set for that SqlSessionFactory. You are creating unrelated session factory in your DAO and it does not know where to load mappers definition.
If you want to make it work you need that you DAO is spring managed so that you can inject mybatis session factory into it and use it in select. This would also require that you convert select into non static method.
As I understand you want to have only one method in you base DAO class and use it in individual specific DAO classes. I would say it makes little sense. If the method returns Map there will be some place that actually maps this generic type to some application specific types. This would probably be in the child DAOs. So you still need to create the API of the child DAO with the signature that uses some input parameters and returns some domain objects. And that's exactly what you want to avoid by not creating mybatis mapper classes.
The thing is that you can treat your mytabis mappers as DAOs. That is you mappers would be your DAOs. And you don't need another layer. As I understand now you have two separate layers - DAO and mappers and you want to remove boilerplate code. I think it is better to remove DAO classes. They are real boilerplate and mybatis mapper can serve as DAO perfectly. You inject it directly to you service and service depends only on the mapper class. The logic of the mapping is in the mapper xml file. See also answer to this question Can Spring DAO be merged into Service layer?

how to dynamically register Feed Inbound Adapter in Spring Integration?

I'm trying to implement an RSS/Atom feed aggregator in spring-integration and I am primarily using the Java DSL to write my IntegrationFlow. A requirement of this aggregator is that feeds can be added / removed during runtime. That is to say, the feeds are not known at design time.
I found it simple to use the basic Feed.inboundAdapter() with a test url and extract the links out of the feed with a transformer and then pass it on to an outbound-file-adapter to save the links to a file. However, I have gotten very stuck when trying to read the (thousands) of feed urls from an inbound-file-adapter run the file through a FileSplitter and then pass each resulting Message<String> containing the feed url to then register a new Feed.inboundAdapter(). Is this not possible with the Java DSL?
Ideally I would love it if I could do the following:
public IntegrationFlow getFeedsFromFile() throws MalformedURLException {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inboundFileChannel(), e -> e.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(10000)))
.handle(new FileSplitter())
//register new Feed.inboundAdapter(payload.toString()) foreach Message<String> containing feed url coming from FileSplitter
Though after reading through the spring integration java DSL code multiple times (and learning a tonne of stuff along the way) I just can't see that it's possible to do it this way. So... A) is it? B) should it be? C) Suggestions?
It almost feels like I should be able to take the output of .handle(new FileSplitter()) and pass that into .handleWithAdapter(Feed.inboundAdapter(/*stuff here*/)) but the DSL only references outbound-adapters there. Inbound adapters are really just a subclass of AbstractMessageSource and it seems the only place you can specify one of those is as an argument to the IntegrationFlows.from(/*stuff here*/) method.
I would have thought it would be possible to take the input from a file, split it line by line, use that output to register inbound feed adapters, poll those feeds, extract the new links from feeds as they appear and append them to a file. It appears as though it's not.
Is there some clever subclassing I can do to make this work??
Failing that... and I suspect this is going to be the answer, I found the spring integration Dynamic Ftp Channel Resolver Example and this answer on how to adapt it dynamically register stuff for the inbound case...
So is this the way to go? Any help/guidance appreciated. After pouring over the DSL code and reading documentation for days, I think I'll have a go at implementing the dynamic ftp example and adapting it to work with FeedEntryMessageSource... in which case my question is... that dynamic ftp example works with XML configuration, but is it possible to do it with either Java config or the Java DSL?
I've implemented the solution as follows:
class MonsterFeedApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ConfigurableApplicationContext parent =, args);
String[] feedUrls = {
List<ConfigurableApplicationContext> children = new ArrayList<>();
int n = 0;
for(String feedUrl : feedUrls) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext child = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
child.setId("child" + ++n);
StandardEnvironment env = new StandardEnvironment();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("feed.url", feedUrl);
PropertiesPropertySource pps = new PropertiesPropertySource("feed", props);
System.out.println("Press any key to exit...");;
for (ConfigurableApplicationContext child : children) {
public IntegrationFlow aggregateFeeds() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("feedChannel")
public MessageChannel feedChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public AbstractPayloadTransformer<SyndEntry, String> extractLinkFromFeed() {
return new AbstractPayloadTransformer<SyndEntry, String>() {
protected String transformPayload(SyndEntry payload) throws Exception {
return payload.getLink();
public class DynamicFeedAdapter {
public String feedUrl;
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer pspc() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
public IntegrationFlow feedAdapter() throws MalformedURLException {
URL url = new URL(feedUrl);
return IntegrationFlows
.from(s -> s.feed(url, "feedTest"),
e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(10000)))
And this works IF and only IF I have one of the urls defined in as feed.url=[insert url here]. Otherwise it fails telling me 'unable to resolve property {feed.url}'. I suspect what is happening there is that the #Beans defined in all get singletons eagerly initialized, so aside from the beans being manually created in our for loop in the main method (which work fine because they have feed.url property injected) we have a stray singleton that has been eagerly initialized and if there is no feed.url defined in then it can't resolve the property and everything goes bang. Now from what I know of Spring, I know it should be possible to #Lazy initialize the beans in so we don't wind up with this one unwanted stray singleton problem-child. The problem is now...if I just mark the feedAdapter() #Lazy then the beans never get initialized. How do I initialize them myself?
Update - problem solved
Without having tested it, I think the problem is that boot is finding
the DynamicFeedAdapter during its component scan. A simple solution is
to move it to a sibling package. If MonsterFeedApplication is in, then put the adapter config class in That
way, boot won't consider it "part" of the application
This was indeed the problem. After implementing Gary's suggestion, everything works perfect.
See the answer to this question and its follow up for a similar question about inbound mail adapters.
In essence, each feed adapter is created in a child context that is parameterized.
In that case the child contexts are created in a main() method but there's no reason it couldn't be done in a service invoked by .handle().

How can I prevent default notifications when encountering an error when using an external datasource as my datastore?

I'm building a custom content part that fetches its information from an external repository, mostly following the advice found # How to change Orchard record repository and using a custom handler to fetch the data.
Working with external data stores opens up the possibility of all sorts of network exceptions, etc., which would cause the underlying record not be saved. However, if there's an exception thrown in the ContentHandler, it's swallowed up by the Invoke<TEvents> method so that (unless it's a "fatal" exception) the user wouldn't know about the exception and would be notified by the AdminController that "Your {0} has been saved.", when in fact it hasn't been.
A workaround that's obvious to me is to intercept the error somehow and notify the content driver for my content part, which exposes the executing AdminController. At that point, I can hook into the controller's ModelState and introduce an error, which would then be caught and then I'd be notified of an error without any false positive notifications.
Are there any other extensibility points available in Orchard that would handle this kind of external access better than altering the controller's ModelState via a content driver?
The easiest way would be to implement you own, simple, per-request storage object for those errors, ie.
public interface IErrorLog : IDependency {
public void Add(string message){ ... }
public IEnumerable<string> List() { ... }
public class DefaultErrorLog : IErrorLog { ... }
Inject IErrorLog in both your controller and handler. In the handler, catch all errors you need to catch and add them to the collection with Add(...). Then, in the controller, call List() and add model error for each entry.
If you're not in control of a Controller that updates your content item, then you should use a driver. Catch the exception during item save (the second Editor method with 3 params) and push some error info using AddModelError of the provided IUpdateModel object. Way easier, but you'll be able to catch only those errors that happen when an item is saved.
If you're not in control of a Controller that updates your content item but would like to have a pure solution and gain control over the whole process, you can use your own controller for editing items. In order to do that:
create a new controller (or copy and alter the default AdminController found in Orchard.Core\Contents) first
now tell Orchard to use this controller instead of the default one for all types that contain your custom part. It can be done by putting something like this in your handler:
OnGetContentItemMetadata<MyCustomPart>((context, part) =>
context.Metadata.AdminRouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary
{ "Area", "My.Module" },
{ "Controller", "Admin" },
{ "Action", "Edit" },
{ "id", context.ContentItem.Id }
