Flutter Notification Sound for IOS Apps - firebase

I want to set custom sound to notification in my application which using firebase notification.
In android worked perfectly, but in IOS not working. I put audio file in ios/runner, but notification received silently.


React Native Firebase Notifications Don't Show While the User is Using the App

I'm using Firebase to send notifications to my React Native frontend. Notifications come through fine when the app is closed, but user's don't receive the notification while they are inside the app. How can I force the notification through every time?
the notifications are received but not showing when the app is open (foreground) you will have to use this or similar solution to show the notification on the screen in this case.
check this link
I have used it on android and iOS with no problems.
You can't "force" them but you can handle them

Should all Firebase notifications open at the same time for iOS Flutter app?

I have implemented Firebase Messaging into my Flutter app. Everything is working fine for Android. On iOS, if I received 2 or more push notifications, when I open one of those push notifications or bring the app to the foreground, onResume is triggered for all of the notifications at the same time and all of the notification are removed from my lock screen. I would expect onResume to only get called for the selected notification and onResume not getting called at all if the app is opened or brought to the foreground without interacting with the notification banner. That is how it's working for Android.
Is this the expected behavior or is there a way around this?
I removed content_available: true from my payload and that stopped onResumed from getting called multiple times when the app is launched/resumed, but the unopened notifications are still disappearing.

Flutter FCM Push Notification Not Working when app is in foreground

I am sending push notifications using Flutter's firebase_messaging package and I send them in the firebase console. When the app is in the background or when it is closed, I am receiving the notifications, however, when the app is in the foreground it is not working. Please tell me if I need to integrate Javascript to make this feature work, and please reference a resource that I can use in order to figure out how I can integrate Javascript with fcm as I haven't found a way to do this with flutter.
I figured out that someone can use the flutter local notifications plugin so that when the push notification is sent and the app is on the foreground, normally no notification would be delivered to the system tray, but using the flutter local notifications plugin, it would be possible to send a local notification when the app is on the foreground.
To Understand better.
Have a look into this table.
It states that when your Android or iOS Application is in foreground, OnMessage callback is called if you are sending notification payload or data payload as notification body.
You are receiving notifications when your app is in background because, when an app is in background notification is send to system tray and OS (Android or iOS) handle it for you. And your app is launched when you click on notification from system tray.
When your app is in foreground you have to catch notification payload in onMessage and handle it explicitly, you can create local notification in this case.

Ios push notification in ionic application

Push notification not receiving to my IOS device which is working fine for android. I am using Firebase to send notification for android and IOS, I have configured the google-service-info.plist file to my Firebase account and enabled push notification in Xcode before taking the build. But I am not able to receive the notification, is there any additional configuration that I required to change for IOS? Why am not getting push notification which works fine by default for android?
I am able to get device token of IOS that am using this token to trigger notification.
if you are still having this problem with ios push notification. This is how i solved it.
Login into your apple developer account and create an APNs Authentication key (.p8 file).
Then upload it to your firebase console in the cloud messaging tab.

Firebase open rate of push notifications shows no data

I am sending Push Notifications on my iOS application from Firebase console and the notifications are delivered however the Notification section in Firebase does not show Open Rate(Mean how many notifications were open out of total sent ). Why is that happening ?
I think gcm is not related here, he said he is working with ios, not android. I am experiencing the same behaviour with my iOS app here!
