Google Tag Manager click event tracking working but not displaying anywhere - google-tag-manager

I have successfully created a GTM trigger and tag using the click_text parameter. When I preview and when I published the change both were successful in showing up on my Google Analytics 4 debug and real time tabs. I cannot seem to find a recorded total for this new tag trigger in either GTM or GA4 anywhere. Does this exist in either of these, or do I need to create an event in GA4 unrelated to what I set up in GTM. I have read most of Google's provided documentation on this specific step and it stops flat at this step of things.
Thank you in advance.

If you see your event in real time data report in GA, you're good. The data is in that property. It, however, is not yet available for aggregation, so you won't be able to count them or use them in other reports.
You should wait up to two days for the data to be in the non-real time reports. Vast majority of the data will be available for aggregation in one day, however. Some starts showing up in hours. GA 360 (paid version of GA) shortens the two days to four hours until all data is there.
I'd also suggest using Adswerve plugin for GA debugging: it will print all DataLayer changes as well as everything that is being sent to GA in the console. It's much more comfortable than using real time hits report and it will show you all dimensions that are being sent to GA.


I have a big delay before we can see purchases in google analytics 4

I created an e-commerce connection via GTM. I’m sending data via dataLayer on the thank_you_page. After that, I’m sending data to Google Analytics 4. I can see purchases in GTM, also I can see purchases in GA4 debugging (Configure --> DebugView) at that moment. I can see that purchases are registered and I can see their parameters but I have a big delay before we can see it in a report (Report --> Monetization --> E-commerce purchases). A delay is something around 6-12 hours or even more. Is it okay? Can you help me with this problem? How can we see purchases in reports without a delay(or around 1 hour). Or it’s a normal delay for a GA?
Maybe I can fix it?
Thank you!
It's a very normal situation for this.
You can see the data shows in real-time report and debug view immediately.
But if you want to see in report.
You will need to wait until GA processed the data.
In the Reports Snapshot (Report -> Monetization -> E-commerce purchases) it may take 1-4 hours according to the docs (personally I've seen up to 12 hours delay) and for the Explore custom reports it might take 24-48 hours.
What I usually do to debug is:
Expect up to 48 hours to debug a scenario / end 2 end flow.
Use the DebugView to quickly check the incoming events.
Use whatever reports I can to make sure they are being stitched up correctly (i.e. purchase events to get stitched with the proper user/client)
Finalize verification with custom reports after a day or two.
So basically it is very long process to introduce changes with some of the events with GA4, it wasn't like that with UA. :/
This is the document for GA4.
And that's another one for data freshness, which doesn't really say which types of reports or features are delayed with each of the Intervals, but it gives you an idea of the Intervals they work with internally.

Google Analyics 4 Click Data

I have just started using the new Google Analytics 4 and find so many features from the previous versions of Google Analytics are missing. One of the main features that I can see in GA4 that looks promising is the automatically included event tracking.
The issue I am having though is when I then try to drill down into the 'click' data to view the link URLs that have been clicked there is only the 'events in the last 30 minutes' and no way of viewing the data from the last week for example.
Am I just completely missing something? Does the data have to be accessed in a different way (data studio perhaps)? or is it only possible to view the previous 30 minutes of data before its gone forever?
You have to use the new reports (not only the real time):
Check here for some details about new reporting and navigation in Google Analytics 4:

Google Analytics - have active user but missing info

Environment: injected Google Analytics tracking in my SharePoint Online site - all good.
Now I have been clicking pages for more than an hour and wanted to check results. I see that tracking is working (see screenshot) - at that moment there was one active user (me) and have >30 page views in a 30min time window.
Problem: reports (user and page view count) seem to be empty, but I assume that there should be at least one user and multiple page view information. Is that correct or I am misusing Google Analytics?
Pressed "Refresh Report" and Google fetched new data. Unfortunately, nothing changed and data still is empty.
This report was generated on 12/04/2019 at 16:17:25
The time of when the report was generated is not reflective of how "fresh" the data is. For the free version of GA, there is no SLA and it can take upwards of 2 days, but generally under 24 hours.
Seeing the user in realtime doesn't mean the data for the reports are updated. You need to be patient and wait.
If you're seeing data in the real time reports then the standard reports should populate. This can take time though in my experience the latency is usually less than 1 hour. Are you looking at the standard reports in an entirely unfiltered view - might be worth checking to see if any filters are impacting your data though they should effect the real time reports as well.

enabling hourly data in google analytics

I have two view/profiles linked to my google analytics account. I want to fetch the hourly data for the current day, ie
start date:today
end date: today
with a few filters and dimensions.
Now I am getting the response for one view that means it is possible in google analytics, however for the other view its showing all the values as 0- this applies both to the gui and the api.
Can anyone suggest me how to enable it for the other view as well?
You cannot. Google Analytics needs some processing time. It might be that some data appears immediately, especially on small accounts, but it's not guaranteed and not a thing you can "enable" or count on.
Updated: Okay, that was a dumb answer. Still, there is a processing latency event in GA Premium. It is possible to get realtime data, but that's a different API with limited data (the core reporting API might return data, but no guarantees for that).
But I admit, since your problem is that you do not get data for the whole day yor have a different problem. But with a premium account you should be able to contact your account manager/technical support.

Google Analytics reports wrong goal completions and events count

I have this GA-tracked application that is not counting all my events and goal conversions. Events are correctly displayed in the Real-Time chart, but the reports apparently discard some of them. My goal completion counts are being incorrectly reported, too - for example, in a given day my user registration goal displayed less than 20 goal completions but I had almost 100 new users.
I am using Universal Analytics and my pageview count is still low compared to the GA threshold.
Any thoughts?
I also found few bugs and especially some events not firing properly. Hence, I move to old code again. Even in old code,” doubleclick.js” code not working for some Event Tracking. After I replace the code with old” ga.js” file all the event functions start to work without any modifications to the source code. Please stick with the old code for next few months.
Just check Avinash website ( , as we all know he is the digital marketing evangelist for Google. He is still using the old ga.js code. This tells that this new Universal Analytics code have some hidden bugs and they are testing the code with user experience. Hence this is not the time to fully depend on Universal Analytics. Sooner they will come up with updates and then it will be ok to move to Universal Analytics.
