I am facing an error. I am very new to javafx.
when i created a new javafx project in intellij , the import statements and every "javafx" word was red as the ide didnt recognised the word as a keyword , i got an issue that said
"cannot resolve symbol javafx", "javafx.Application does not exist".
i searched on youtube and followed the instructions of this guy:
All errors got solved but when i tried to run the pre-written code which intellij produces , i got the following error:
"java: cannot access javafx.application.Application
bad class file: /C:/Users/priyanshu nautiyal/javafx-sdk-
class file has wrong version 54.0, should be 51.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath."
does someone know how to solve it?
A screenshot of my code with error
I am following the tutorial seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SVv07QXO5M&ab_channel=HackersRealm
The exact code I am following is here: https://github.com/aswintechguy/Reinforcement-Learning-Projects/blob/main/Cartpole%20Balance%20-%20OpenAI%20Gym%20-%20Reinforcement%20Learning/CartPole%20Balance%20-%20OpenAI%20Gym%20-%20Reinforcement%20Learning.ipynb
Not sure what I am doing wrong but the guy doing the tutorial had no issues so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. I'm also doing this in a Jupyter Notebook. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
I have seen similar error, in my case i got this error when i ran the env.close() and tried running again, i'm suspecting, this was the reason for my error, because once env.close() has been called there is no environment to perform rest of the operations so I had to re-run the cell to create the environment to try it again. Im assuming this may have been your case.
Try running the cell with make environment and retry the cell which throws u the error.
Based off this link: https://reactiveui.net/docs/handbook/view-location/extending-iviewfor
Whenever I try to execute the code in the example using the RG.Plugins.Popup nuget I receive the following error: Fody: The Type MyType '1 has a on_PropertyName_Changed method (OnViewModelChanged) which is static.
My Code is exactly like the links code. Not sure why its causing this error to occur.
.... UPDATE....
Damn, So if anyone runs into this issue... my solution was removing the following weaver from the fodyweavers.xml file
<PropertyChanged/> --- REmove this line if added solves the problem!?
Why is this? Why does removing the above line solve the issue?
Below is my FodyWeaver file
<Weavers xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
I was just going to say. The code in the example is working because I use it. Your error points to ReactiveUI.Fody being the problem.
Can you provide a reproduction of what you had that was different from the sample?
So I'm rather new to R, and I'm learning how to mine text from this handy website: https://eight2late.wordpress.com/2015/05/27/a-gentle-introduction-to-text-mining-using-r/
I do have my own text set of .doc, .docx, and .xlsx files and I'm trying to mine them. They're located in a folder in my working directory called 'files', but I have already encountered an error after simply writing a few lines of code.
The code I have so far is:
data = readtext('files')
At this point, after waiting for 25 seconds or so, I get the error:
Error: System call to 'antiword' failed (1): The Big Block Depot is damaged
and the code stops running there.
I have tried searching online for solutions but it seems like a fairly rare error and so I only found 1 possible solution at https://github.com/ropensci/antiword/issues/1 but that did not work for me.
This solution suggested that one of my files were corrupt, and suggested using the code
fixInNamespace(antiword, pos="package:antiword")
to change the error to a warning to not interrupt the reading of the files. I tried that, and at first it raised the error of
Error in as.environment(pos):
no item called "package:antiword" on the search list
After which, I loaded the antiword library with a library(antiword) and changed the stop( to a warning(. However, when I ran the data = readtext('files') line again, it immediately raised the error
Error in is_windows() : could not find function "is_windows"
I'm at a loss here! Any help would be appreciated. Should I be using another package in this case?
I had the same problem with my code, where I tried to get a doc. file in R. I also used the readtext library. What helped me was converting the Word documents I was trying to get into R from doc. to docx. When I ran the same code after it worked.
I am inside a directory structure where I have:
train.lua has got an import line saying require('sample'), however when running the code Torch7 complains with the message
"module 'sample' not found:No LuaRocks module found for sample
I have tried changing instead to require('utils.sample'), but it still crashes. How to overcome this error?
I do not have the problem you described. Could you post the code in the files?
My three files:
require 'utils.sample'
function help()
I using th main.lua to run the code
My Netbeans is showing errors in the end of CSS code, but I cannot find where is the error, may be there will be a missing ending bracket somewhere in the code but how can I find the error line number.
There are 6000 lines in my code, This may be very simple but I cannot find a valid answer for that.
This can be an issue of a missing semicolon. If you have faced this error recently then you can look into recent changes you made in css.
Or you can trace your error from this site