i have a wordpress site. I want to restrict access sources. Restriction should be people who write url or copy-paste to web browser. People should only enter via Google search results to my website.
How its possible? could you explain to me step by step ?
You must work with $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value. When you access to site directly - this field is empty.
Something to play around:
$referer = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if (strpos($referer,"google")) {
} else {
I would like to ask if someone can help me with this question. I can't find anywhere how to do it.
I have a website with Wordpress as a CMS. I use the plugin Restrict Content Pro to restrict access to exclusive content.
I share the post in freemium mode.
And now the question:
How could I restrict access to post comments?
I guess through something in the php code, but I don't know how.
Can anybody help me?
Thank you!
I don't use this plugin myself, but just found a good looking tutorial. Apparently, you restrict access to comments in the same way that you restrict access to anything else: By only outputting it in the theme files when the user has access to it. For example, the TwentyTwentyOne theme has a file "comments.php", which starts like this:
* If the current post is protected by a password and
* the visitor has not yet entered the password,
* return early without loading the comments.
if ( post_password_required() ) {
$twenty_twenty_one_comment_count = get_comments_number();
You can easily add another check beneath the password check:
* Check if the user has access, don't output the comments if they don't.
if ( !rcp_user_has_active_membership() ) {
Of course, instead of returning you can also output something along the lines of "get a membership to see the comments".
The tutorial I found lists different ways to check for a membership, a paid membership and more special checks.
Two more things:
Be sure to check if there are other places where comments are displayed. That very much depends on how the WordPress theme is built.
Don't just change the theme if it comes from an external source, e.g. if it might receive updates in the future. In that case create a child theme and make your changes there instead. You can read more about child themes in the Theme Handbook.
I am looking for a way to modify the links on my Wordpress site so it tracks all my 3rd party links.
I was able to find some help with the, how to create the correct tracking code in Google Analytics, but the second part of the process is to add some specific link attributes.
Here is the example which they suggest I replicate:
<'a href="www.blog-hosting-service.com/myBlog" onclick="_gaq.push(['_link', 'www.blog-hosting-service.com/myBlog']); return false;">View My Blog
Does anyone know where I can insert this code link attributes so I can collect the external clicks via Google Analytics?
JQuery would be the best way in my opinion.
// start by getting the current page path (the one you are sending to tracker)
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
// ready handler to change the links on hosts not equal to location host
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a[href^="http://"]').filter(function() {
return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname;
}).click(function(e) {
_gaq.push(['_link', pathname]);
im working on a wordpress blog tryin to develop a multilanguage system.
Whenever the user clicks on his language button the lang query parameter is added to the url
Ex. localhost/my-blog?lang=es
Everything works.The point is i have the blog main menu that has links to different sections of the site that are using the wordpress bloginfo('url') :
Ex. contact us
And whenever the user choose it's language at the home-page and then clicks on "contact us"
he receive this wrong link:
which wordpress function you use guys for this kind of things?
I think this type of url query will get you into trouble in the future, why not conform to using either a session value or base cookie to store the users choice,
then that way you can simply add some code to your functions.php file to read the session value or cookie, and return the translation type?
there is also this plugin xili-language
ie: functions.php
function start_session(){
add_action('init', 'start_session', 1);
function set_lang_pref($lang_pref){
if(isset($_GET['lang']) && ($_GET['lang']!=''){
$setlang = $_GET['lang'];
case "es" :
$lang = "es_ES";
return false;
the code is really rough, but you get the idea..?
store the users choice,
check for that choice,
if its been set then use that value as the language pref on the site..?
else just revert back to the default..
I'm in the process of making some improvements to a live Drupal site that's using the Domain Access module to run a number of microsites. I'm trying to find a way of restricting the menus a user can post content to from the node edit screen. A user on one of the domains should only be able to post content to menus associated with that domain.
Is there a simple way of achieving this? I'm guessing there are some hooks I could use, but so far I have been unable to identify them. I'd prefer not to have to install further modules to achieve this and to be able to add some code to the current site to alter the forms. The site is struggling with the large number of modules we've had to install on it already.
According to the readme for the module, you need to set some specific permissions in user management:
To enable this feature, you should grant the 'edit domain nodes' and
(optionally) the 'delete domain nodes' permission to some roles. Then assign
individual users accounts to specific domains to assign them as Domain Editors.
From my experience many moons ago with the module, you can check the global $user object and figure out what domains the user should have access to. You can then use a form alter to remove any options from the select box that you don't want them seeing. As always with Drupal though, it's better to let someone else write the code - so if the Domain module provides this functionality, use it!
Here is some updated code for Drupal 7:
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function MYMODULE_form_page_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
global $_domain;
if (isset($_domain['domain_id'])) { // only display domain's primary links
$menus[domain_conf_variable_get($_domain['domain_id'], 'menu_main_links_source')] = $_domain['sitename'].' Main menu';
if (isset($menus)) {
$options = menu_parent_options($menus, $form['#node']->type);
$form['menu']['link']['parent']['#options'] = $options;
Eventually found a way of fixing this for the particular project I have been working on: in module_form_alter I've added the following:-
global $_domain;
if (isset($_domain['domain_id'])) { // only display domain's primary links
,'menu_primary_links_source')] = $_domain['sitename'].' Primary links';
if ( isset($menus) ) {
$options = menu_parent_options($menus, $form['menu']['#item']);
$form['menu']['parent']['#options'] = $options;
This restricts the menu options to just the current domain's primary links menu which is just what we wanted.
Thanks to Fabian who pointed me in the right direction earlier.
Basically like cragslist. once you select city on craigslist, nexttime when you go to the site, it redirects you to the city you selected.
What I want to achieve: When a person comes to the site and selects a particular category, the next time they come to the site (returning user) - the page will open up on that category section.
I would think this would be fairly easy to do via setting a cookie when the visitor clicks on the category link (or when the category page loads). When they return the following time, the cookie is read and then the page redirects accordingly.
Unfortunately my knowledge of PHP and cookies is limited, (hence my search for answers) so I need to ask if anyone can help me out!
Anyone have any ideas?
markratledge has a good link, but WordPress has a built in function to redirect users and pass an http status code as well as it's own preferred method of settings cookies.
wp_redirect() Function
Setting Cookies in WordPress via MTSTS
Give this a shot. I'm not too sure if it works, because I can't test it out right now, but it should point you in the right direction.
function user_cat()
//Check to see if our cookie is set
//Redirect to the link defined in the cookie
wp_redirect($_COOKIE['visitorhome'], 302);
//If it's a category page than get the current URL set the cookie with it.
$user_cat = get_permalink();
setcookie("visitorhome", $user_cat, time()+86400, "/", str_replace('http://www','',get_bloginfo('url')) );
add_action('init', 'user_cat');
Read this article on how to set and get cookies with PHP: http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_cookies.asp
Then read this page on PHP header redirecting: http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php
Put the two together, and you can direct users anywhere!
Good luck.