Is there an `and` operator (&&) in Scss? - css

I have this HTML element:
<button class="Button Button--is-primary Button--is-disabled Button--is-dark-theme">
And I need to defined in Scss a set of deep selectors like this:
.Button {
// Apply this for all Buttons that are dark theme
&--is-dark-theme {
// Apply this for all Buttons that are Dark AND are Primary
&--is-primary {
But, my problem is that rule is going to create this:
When I actually need:

I just found this:
.Button {
$self: &;
// Apply this for all Buttons that are dark theme
&--is-dark-theme {
// Apply this for all Buttons that are Dark AND are Primary
&#{$self}--is-primary {
color: red;
Which generates:
.Button--is-dark-theme.Button--is-primary {
color: red;
Any better option?


Add attribute to all CSS rules except some

I need to add an attribute [dir=ltr] to all the rules of a big CSS file except for some ones.
Source CSS:
.rule-1 {
.rule-2 {
color: yellow
.rule-3 { /* exclude */
color: blue
.rule-4 {
color: red
Target CSS:
[dir=ltr] .rule-1 {
[dir=ltr] .rule-2 {
color: yellow
.rule-3 {
color: blue
[dir=ltr] .rule-4 {
color: red
Maybe a CSS postprocessor is needed here.
Try using the css :not() attribute, example below:
[dir=ltr]:not(.rule-3) {
You can learn more about this attribute and what it does here
The issue was solved using the PostCSS plugin postcss-prefix-selector.
module.exports = {
plugins: {
"postcss-prefix-selector": {
prefix: '[dir=ltr]', exclude: [/.rule-3(?![\w])/]

Target child class and element in SASS?

I have a form:
<form class="my-form">
<input type="text" class="my-form__input">
My SASS is currently set up something like:
.my-form {
// Some styles
&__input {
//Some styles
&__button {
//Some styles
However, I want to target inputs that are text types and have my class, eg in CSS:
Is there a way to get the above CSS output whilst keeping my SASS structure above?
.my-form {
// Some styles
&__input {
//Some styles
&[type="text"] { // generates .my-form__input[type="text"]
border: 2px solid red;
&__button {
//Some styles

How do I change md-input-container placeholder color using css in angular material?

How do I change md-input-container placeholder color using css in Angular Material? As screenshot below I have phone no. and password textfield. Phone no. textfield has Phone No. and password has Password placeholder name.
in the last version of angular you can remove the placeholder in the input and add a mat-placeholder in the mat-form-field and custom the css with a class
html :
<input matInput type="text">
<mat-placeholder class="placeholder">Search</mat-placeholder>
.mat-focused .placeholder {
color: #00D318;
Placeholder is depicted as a <label> in Angular Material. So you actually need to style the label not the placeholder.
As soon as you click (focus) on the input this <label> which is looking as a placeholder slides up and converted into a form <label>.
So you just need to apply this CSS:
/* When the input is not focused */
md-input-container label {
color: red;
/* When the input is focused */ label {
color: blue;
Have a look at this Plunkr Demo.
In Angular 4+
First you will need to turn ViewEncapsulation off to style Material Elements. Be warned this is subverting the Angular emulated-shadow DOM default and you should proceed with caution (
In dummy.component.ts:
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
Then give your < mat-form-field > element a unique class in dummy.component.html:
<mat-form-field class="dummy-input-field" floatPlaceholder="always">
<input placeholder="Dummy"/>
Finally in dummy.component.css apply the styling:
.dummy-input-field .mat-input-placeholder {
color: red;
Similarly, if you'd like to dynamically change color if the field is focused:
.dummy-input-field.mat-focused .mat-input-placeholder {
color: red;
.container {
::placeholder {
color: $white !important;
The code above gives me the results below. I am overriding the form-field outline, label-empty, label, underline, input element, placeholder text.
I'm using Angular 8.2.2 and Angular Material 8.2.2
For the newer versions of material which have a mat prefix instead of md prefix, you can do this in 2 ways:
way 1: using view encapsulation set to none and then writing the styles in the components css file, like #user2245995 pointed out in the answer above.
Although this is the way angular suggests, please be advised that the styles you write here will propagate to all the child/parent components and effect other elements there.
way 2: We can use the shadow piercing descendant combinators i.e. /deep/ or ::ng-deep or >>> Below is an example
/deep/ label.mat-input-placeholder {
color: #fff; // choose the color you want
Although this method is specified in the angular docs as of now, they have mentioned that this method will soon be deprecated.
read more:!#-deep-
I tried to be as deterministic as possible for the color of a mat input and I dare to share the result here, hoping it will help some others (the placeholder color customization need is handled, as asked in the question):
CSS custom properties used
Note: The colors are considered different when the focus is here or not, that is why we have 2 blocs in the following:
--clear-button-color: lightblue;
--asterisk-color: lightgreen;
--label-color: springgreen;
--underline-color: blue;
--input-color: lightgray;
--clear-button-focused-color: blue;
--asterisk-focused-color: green;
--label-focused-color: pink;
--underline-focused-color: yellow;
--input-focused-color: gray;
--placeholder-focused-color: magenta;
--caret-focused-color: blue;
SCSS styling
.mat-form-field {
&.mat-focused {
> .mat-form-field-wrapper {
> .mat-form-field-flex {
> .mat-form-field-infix {
> .mat-input-element {
color: var(--input-focused-color);
caret-color: var(--caret-focused-color);
&::placeholder {
color: var(--placeholder-focused-color);
> .mat-form-field-label-wrapper {
> .mat-form-field-label {
> mat-label {
color: var(--label-focused-color);
> .mat-placeholder-required {
color: var(--asterisk-focused-color);
> .mat-form-field-suffix {
> .mat-focus-indicator {
> .mat-button-wrapper {
> .mat-icon {
color: var(--clear-button-focused-color);
> .mat-form-field-underline {
> .mat-form-field-ripple {
background-color: var(--underline-focused-color);
background-color: var(--underline-focused-color);
> .mat-form-field-wrapper {
> .mat-form-field-flex {
> .mat-form-field-infix {
> .mat-input-element {
color: var(--input-color);
&::placeholder {
color: var(--placeholder-color);
> .mat-form-field-label-wrapper {
> .mat-form-field-label {
> mat-label {
color: var(--label-color);
> .mat-placeholder-required {
color: var(--asterisk-color);
> .mat-form-field-suffix {
> .mat-focus-indicator {
> .mat-button-wrapper {
> .mat-icon {
color: var(--clear-button-color);
> .mat-form-field-underline {
> .mat-form-field-ripple {
background-color: var(--underline-color);
background-color: var(--underline-color);
.mat-input-element::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: red;
this is if you use a structure similar with this one:

The Sass ampersand and attribute selectors

I want to create a sass file that the selectors will be attribute selectors.
When I work with class selectors, in most of the cases I will do
.parent {
&-child {
which gives me the following css: .parent-child {}.
I want to achieve the same thing with attribute selectors:
[data-parent] {
&-child {
which I want to become: [data-parent-child] {}
someone knows how to achieve this? thanks.
You can use this mixin as a workaround to get the desired result.
#mixin child-attribute($child) {
$string: inspect(&);
$original: str-slice($string, 3, -4);
#at-root #{ selector-replace(&, &, "[#{$original}#{$child}]" ) } {
The code simply does the following
$string variable is responsible for turning the parent selector to a string using the inspect function
$original variable is responsible for getting the text content of the $string variable i.e the value 'data-parent' from '([data-parent])'
selector-replace function then replaces the parent selector with the concatenation of the $original variable and child variable
When used in the following ways
[data-parent] {
#include child-attribute('-child') {
color: green;
The css output
[data-parent-child] {
color: green;
Depending on what you want to achieve, it can also be used like this
[grandparent] {
#include child-attribute('-parent') {
color: white;
#include child-attribute('-child') {
color: blue;
Which generates the following css
[grandparent-parent] {
color: white;
[grandparent-parent-child] {
color: blue;
Hope this helps you
You can create mixin that will set styles for elements with data attribytes.
#mixin data($name) {
[data-#{$name}] {
* {
#include data('lol') {
color: red;
Css output:
* [data-lol] {
color: red;
I would go down a slightly different route of having a class on your elements that contain the data attributes.
<div class="data-obj" data-parent="true"></div>
<div class="data-obj" data-parent-child="true"></div>
then in your SASS do
.data-obj {
&[data-parent] { ... }
&[data-parent-child] { ... }

how do add a dot to a variable to be used as selector in less

I'm currently getting this output:
.'teal-dark' { color: #xxx; }
What I want is this: {
.teal-dark { color; #xxx; }
Here is what I'm trying to do:
#teal-dark: #xxx;
.#{currentMember} div { background: ~"#{#{currentMember}}" };
See: and
#current-member: teal-dark;
#teal-dark: red;
.#{current-member} {
color: ##current-member;
compiles into:
.teal-dark {
color: red;
Possible relevant questions:
Defining Variable Variables using LESS CSS
Dynamic class names in LESS
Here's the fix from another post:
#selector: ~'.#{currentMember}';
#{selector} div { background: ~"#{#{currentMember}}" };
