Error in ng serve command. ./ node module/#angular-devkit/build - css

node version 14.15.0 and angular version 12.0.5;
earlier it worked fine but after reinstallation of angular and nodejs it shows this error on ng serve command.
ERROR in ./src/assets/styles/style.scss (./node_modules/#angular-devkit/build-angular/src/angular-cli-files/plugins/raw-css-loader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??embedded!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--15-3!./src/assets/styles/style.scss)
Module Error (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) CssSyntaxError: D:\node-v15.11.0-win-x64\ssc1\src\assets\styles\icons\material-design-iconic-font\css\materialdesignicons.min.css:1:86: Can't resolve '..//fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.eot' in 'D:\node-v15.11.0-win-x64\ssc1\src\assets\styles\icons\material-design-iconic-font\css'
If anybody know the solution please tell me how to solve this issue
image of error here


Firebase Deploy throws errors while my teammate's works fine after cloning the same branch

Error: functions predeploy error: Command terminated with non-zero exit code 2
This error shows up when I try to deploy my firebase function along with 134 errors from node_modules/#types///.
I am running the below configuration:
The deploy works perfectly fine from my teammate's device.
I tried to remove and reinstall node module packages too but nothing seems to fix the problem. I also tried using a downgraded version of node using nvm (Node version 14) but it still doesn't address the issue.
Also the function that was deployed by him is not accessible by me from my browser, where I get the error:
I also tried other solutions on stackoverflow with similar problems but they didnt work. One of them was :

Electron run on Nodejs. A JavaScript error occurred in the main process. Error spawn {path} Enoent

I've made a Shinyapp, and try to turn it into a standalone application through Nodejs and Electron.
I've sucessfully made it on Windows. However, when I work on macOS, I encounter this error:
A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
Uncaught Exception: Error: spawn {path of electron file} Enoent at ...the error displayed
Guess there's something wrong in Nodejs, but I'm a total newbie to nodejs. Have tried to add the file path into PATH environment variable, but it did not wrok. The same error appears.
Looking for someone who can help me sort it out.
I appreciate any help from you!!

Vercel deploy of my NextJS app with Font Awesome Pro is returning a 401 build error

I am attempting to install Font Awesome Pro in my NextJS app, which is deployed via Vercel. However, I keep getting this error:
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"401 Unauthorized\""
Then the build exits with Error: Command "yarn install" exited with 1
Locally everything works great. I have the following in my .npmrc file:
And then within Vercel settings I have an environmental variable with the name NPM_RC and the value is my personal Pro-Token.
As an aside: I tried doing a global setup using my token but that returns the same error mentioned above. When I reached out to Font Awesome they said that Global setups can be hit or miss and that I should try the .npmrc route.
I reached out to Font Awesome after giving the .npmrc route and try and still having the error. They are not sure what is going on... I am stuck and any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
I needed to update my .npmrc file with the following:
Thank you #robmadole!

TypeError: module.exports.v1 is not a constructor, error thrown from google-cloud/firestore when using firebase-admin sdk

Recently I encountered the above error (TypeError: module.exports.v1 is not a constructor) when trying to run firebase-firestore related tests. Earlier I had no issue running the tests but after doing a npm install was getting the above error.
The source of the error is from google-cloud/firestore which is required by firebase-admin.
Tried several options but it doesn't seems to get resolved. I then tried with an older node-module and it worked as expected.
The problem was due to the test framework I've been using. Once I changed from jest to mocha the problem got solved.
When I updated firebase admin sdk from 8.4.0 to higher then I had same error in running jest test code.
I fixed it to add --env node option for jest.
jest --env node
I hit this error when I left out an await on an async function. That caused my code to continue running after the jest environment had been torn down.
There was a message that said ReferenceError: You are trying to import a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. which should have been a tip that I was running async code and not waiting for completion.
We needed to upgrade node from v8.11.3 to v8.16.2.

Error while starting Meteor App: illegal operation on a directory, unlink ".../dev_bundle"

I get this Error when trying to start my application on my server with the command:
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, unlink '/home/.../.../myapp/.meteor /local/dev_bundle'
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.unlinkSync (fs.js:932:18)
at exports.makeLink (/tools/cli/dev-bundle-links.js:20:8)
at [object Object].ensureDevBundleLink (/tools/project-context.js:1416:7)
at [object Object]._readFile (/tools/project-context.js:1350:10)
at new exports.ReleaseFile (/tools/project-context.js:1300:8)
at /tools/cli/main.js:825:22
My app is running fine on my dev. win. machine.
I have no idea what is causing the error, please help.
I got it working by manually removing all directories and links where the name started with "dev_bundle" inside the "/.meteor/local" directory.
Hope this helps!
Also update meteor to the latest version using meteor update and then follow #henk's solution.
This worked for me.
