Specify format for autogenerated Firestore document Ids - firebase

I'm creating a small game where people are able to join a room using a six-digit pin. Every room is represented by a document in a Firestore collection, where the room pin is the id of a room document.
My initial idea was to randomly generate a six-digit pin and check if a document with that id exists. If it does, create a new document with the generated pin, if not, generate a new pin and check if that id is free. This method will work, however, with a bit of bad luck it might cause a lot of unnecessary requests to the database.
My question is, therefore: is it possible to specify a format of the autogenerated id's? Or, if it is not possible, is there a way to fetch all documents id's to locally check whether or not the id exists?

You cannot specify a format for the auto-generated IDs but you can check if a room with same ID exists. If yes, then try new ID else create a room with same ID.
async function addRoom(roomId) {
const roomRef = admin.firestore().collection("rooms").doc(roomId)
if ((await roomRef.get()).exists) {
return addRoom(generatePin())
} else {
await roomRef.set({ ... })
return `${roomId} created`
function generatePin() {
return String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999) + 100000)
return addRoom(generatePin())
.then(() => console.log("Room created"))
.catch((e) => console.error(e))
PS: This might end up in some recursive state so I'd recommend using Firestore's IDs or uuid-int is you need numerical IDs only.

There is no way for you to specify the format of automatic IDs generated by the Firestore SDKs. They are purely random, and have an amount of entropy that statistically guarantees there won't be collisions (the chance where two clients generate the same ID is infinitesimally small), and minimizes the chance of hotspots (created when writing lots of documents or index values to the same area on a disk).
You can generate whatever auto-ID format you want however. You'll just have to accept a higher chance of collisions, as you already did, and the fact that you may experience hotspots when the documents are in the same area on a disk.


Preventing timestamp overlaps in Firestore collection

This is a follow-up/elaboration to a previous question of mine.
In the case of a collection of documents containing a time range represented by two timestamp fields (start and end), how does one go about guaranteeing that two documents don't get added with overlapping time ranges?
Say I had the following JavaScript on form submit:
var bookingsRef = db.collection('bookings')
.where('start', '<', booking.end)
.where('end', '>', booking.start);
bookingsRef.get().then(snapshot => {
// if a booking is found (hence there is an overlap), display error
// if booking is not found (hence there is no overlap), create booking
Now if two people were to submit overlapping bookings at the same time, could transactions be used (either on the client or the server) to guarantee that in between the get and add calls no other documents were created that would invalidate the original collection get query where clauses.
Or would my option be using some sort of security create rule that checks for other document time overlaps prior to allowing a new write (if this is at all possible)? One approach to guarantee document uniqueness via security rules seems to be exposing field values in the document ID, but I'm not entirely sure how exposing the start and end timestamp values in the ID would allow a rule to check for overlapping time ranges.
I think transaction is proper approach. According to the documentation:
..., if a transaction reads documents and another client
modifies any of those documents, Cloud Firestore retries the
transaction. This feature ensures that the transaction runs on
up-to-date and consistent data.
This seems to be an answer to your problem. All reads will be retried, if anything will change in the meantime. I think transaction mechanism is exactly for that reason.

Firebase cloud functions incrementing queue number

I'm working on a Flutter Restaurant application where each restaurant has a cloud firestore document and it in a field called queueNumber this value starts at 1 and with every order it increases by 1.
I'm trying to make sure each order has a unique queue number. I have a cloud function that triggers whenever a new document created in the orders collection. Here is the following code.
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
const orderData = snapshot.data();
const id = orderData.id;
if (orderData && orderData.restaurantId != null) {
return restDoc.update({
queueNumber: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
So the user places an order with the existing queueNumber in the restaurant document. Than the cloud function increments the queueNumber so the next request has a queueNumber that is 1 higher than the previous.
Here is the problem: Sometimes when two orders are placed one after another they get the same queueNumber. The end result in restaurant document is correct but the individual orders get the wrong number (ex: Order 1 has 51 Order 2 has 51 Restaurant document has 53)
Is there a way to fix this method or a better approach to handle the queue numbers
You're running into a race condition between each of the clients that's adding a document. Firestore doesn't offer a built-in way to ensure that a field is unique, nor does it offer a way to automatically and safely set a value of a field based on the contents of other documents. This wouldn't scale in the way that Firestore requires.
You should first find a way to implment your app without increasing numbers like this. Check if maybe a timestamp is a better way to track the time order in which documents are added. That will scale much better.
If you absolutely need increasing numbers like this, you will have to involve a whole new document just to track the latest number assigned, and use that document in a transaction when adding new documents. The transaction will have to:
Read the counter document
Increment the count value in memory
Create the new document with this value
Also update the counter document with this value
All of this must be done within the transaction, or will not be safe.

Is it possible to fetch all documents whose sub-collection contains a specific document ID?

I am trying to fetch all documents whose sub-collection contain a specific document ID. Is there any way to do this?
For example, if the boxed document under 'enquiries' sub-collection exists, then I need the boxed document ID from 'books' collection. I couldn't figure out how to go backwards to get the parent document ID.
I make the assumption that all the sub-collections have the same name, i.e. enquiries. Then, you could do as follows:
Add a field docId in your enquiries document that contains the document ID.
Execute a Collection Group query in order to get all the documents with the desired docId value (Firestore.instance.collectionGroup("enquiries").where("docId", isEqualTo: "ykXB...").getDocuments()).
Then, you loop over the results of the query and for each DocumentReference you call twice the parent() methods (first time you will get the CollectionReference and second time you will get the DocumentReference of the parent document).
You just have to use the id property and you are done.
Try the following:
Firestore.instance.collection("books").where("author", isEqualTo: "Arumugam").getDocuments().then((value) {
value.documents.forEach((result) {
var id = result.documentID;
Firestore.instance.collection("books").document(id).collection("enquiries").getDocuments().then((querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.documents.forEach((result) {
First you need to retrieve the id under the books collection, to be able to do that you have to do a query for example where("author", isEqualTo: "Arumugam"). After retrieving the id you can then do a query to retrieve the documents inside the collection enquiries
For example, if the boxed document under 'enquiries' sub-collection exists, then I need the boxed document ID from 'books' collection.
There is no way you can do that in a single go.
I couldn't figure out how to go backwards to get the parent document ID.
There is no going back in Firestore as you probably were thinking. In Firebase Realtime Database we have a method named getParent(), which does exactly what you want but in Firestore we don't.
Queries in Firestore are shallow, meaning that it only get items from the collection that the query is run against. Firestore doesn't support queries across different collections in one go. A single query may only use the properties of documents in a single collection. So the solution to solving your problem is to perform two get() calls. The first one would be to check that document for existence in the enquiries subcollection, and if it exists, simply create another get() call to get the document from the books collection.
Renaud Tarnec's answer is great for fetching the IDs of the relevant books.
If you need to fetch more than the ID, there is a trick you could use in some scenarios. I imagine your goal is to show some sort of an index of all books associated with a particular enquiry ID. If the data you'd like to show in that index is not too long (can be serialized in less than 1500 bytes) and if it is not changing frequently, you could try to use the document ID as the placeholder for that data.
For example, let's say you wanted to display a list of book titles and authors corresponding to some enquiryId. You could create the book ID in the collection with something like so:
// Assuming admin SDK
const bookId = nanoid();
const author = 'Brandon Sanderson';
const title = 'Mistborn: The Final Empire';
// If title + author are not unique, you could add the bookId to the array
const uniquePayloadKey = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify([author, title])).toString('base64url');
booksColRef.doc(uniquePayloadKey).set({ bookId })
booksColRef.doc(uniquePayloadKey).collection('enquiries').doc(enquiryId).set({ enquiryId })
Then, after running the collection group query per Renaud Tarnec's answer, you could extract that serialized information with a regexp on the path, and deserialize. E.g.:
// Assuming Web 9 SDK
const books = query(collectionGroup(db, 'enquiries'), where('enquiryId', '==', enquiryId));
return getDocs(books).then(snapshot => {
const data = []
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
const payload = doc.ref.path.match(/books\/(.*)\/enquiries/)[1];
const [author, title] = JSON.parse(atob(details));
data.push({ author, title })
return data;
The "store payload in ID" trick can be used only to present some basic information for your child-driven search results. If your book document has a lot of information you'd like to display once the user clicks on one of the books returned by the enquiry, you may want to store this in separate documents whose IDs are the real bookIds. The bookId field added under the unique payload key allows such lookups when necessary.
You can reuse the same data structure for returning book results from different starting points, not just enquiries, without duplicating this structure. If you stored many authors per book, for example, you could add an authors sub-collection to search by. As long as the information you want to display in the resulting index page is the same and can be serialized within the 1500-byte limit, you should be good.
The (quite substantial) downside of this approach is that it is not possible to rename document IDs in Firestore. If some of the details in the payload change (e.g. an admin fixes a book titles), you will need to create all the sub-collections under it and delete the old data. This can be quite costly - at least 1 read, 1 write, and 1 delete for every document in every sub-collection. So keep in mind it may not be pragmatic for fast changing data.
The 1500-byte limit for key names is documented in Usage and Limits.
If you are concerned about potential hotspots this can generate per Best Practices for Cloud Firestore, I imagine that adding the bookId as a prefix to the uniquePayloadKey (with a delimiter that allows you to throw it away) would do the trick - but I am not certain.

Move points from user to another using transactions realtime database

Using firebase real time database i want to move points from user to another but to keep conflicts away ( may user get coins from multi other users at the same time ) i have to use transactions.
My data structure :
points: 30
So i need two transactions one substracts uid-1 and second increases uid-2
But I'm afraid of that if one transaction success and other one fails .. any sol to revert the operation or update both same time?
There is no secure way to implement conditionality between multiple transactions.
If both operations depend on each other they should be run as a single transaction. That means you have an optimistic lock on the entire "users", but in your current data structure and solution that is required.
An alternative is to not update the balance, but just keep a list of transactions. In that case you can ensure both the addition for the first user and subtraction for the second user are written atomically by using a multi-location update. In JavaScript this would look something like:
ref = firebase.database().ref("users");
var updates = {};
let transactionID = ref.push().key;
updates["uid1/transactions/"+transactionID] = 20;
updates["uid2/transactions/"+transactionID] = -20;
The above write operation will either succeed completely, or fail completely. This ensures your database is always correct.

do document IDs in Meteor need to be random or just unique?

i'm migrating data from a rails system, and it would be really convenient to assign the migrated objects IDs like post0000000000001, etc.
i've read here
Creating Meteor-friendly id's in Mongo?
that Meteor creates random 17 character strings from
which looks to be chosen to avoid possibly ambiguous characters (omits 1 and I, etc.)
do the IDs need to be random for some reason? are there security implications to being able to guess a Meteor document's ID?! or it is just an easy way of generating unique IDs?
Mongo seems fine with sequential ids:
so i would guess this would have to be a Meteor constraint if it exists.
The IDs just need to be unique.
Typically there is an element of order: Such as using integers, or timestamps, or something with sequentiality.
This can't work in Meteor since inserts can come from the client, they may be disconnected for a period, or clients clocks may be off/have varying latency. Also its not possible to know the previous _id (in the case of a sequential _id) at the time an _id is written owing to latency compensation (instant inserts).
The consequence of the lack of order in the DDP protocol is the decision to use entirely random ids. That is not to say you can't use your own _ids.
while there is a risk of a collision with this strategy it is minimal on the order of [number of docs in your collection]/[55^17] * 100 % or nearly impossible. In the event this occurs the client will temporarily insert it and cancel it once the server confirms the error with a Mongo Duplicate Key error.
Also when it comes to security with the other answer. It is not too much of an issue if the _id of the user is known. It is not possible to log in without a valid hashed login token or retrieve any information with it. This applies to the user collection only of course. If you have your own collection an easily guessable URL containing an id as a reference without publish method checks on the eligibility to read the data is a risk the high entropy random ids generated by Meteor can mitigate.
As long as they are unique it should be ok to use your own ids.
I am not an expert, but I suppose Mongo needs a unique ID so when it updates the document, it in fact creates a new version of the document of that same ID.
The real question is - I too whish to know - if we can change the ID without screwing Mongo mechanism and reliability, or we need to create a secondary attribute? (It can make a smaller index too I suppose)?
But me too, I can imagine that security wise, it is better if document IDs are difficult to guess, especially user IDs! Otherwise, could it be easy or possible to fake a user, knowing the ID? Anybody, correct me if I am wrong.
I don't think it's possible and desirable to change ID from Mongo.
But you can easily create a autoincrement ID with http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/
function getNextSequence(name) {
var ret = db.counters.findAndModify(
query: { _id: name },
update: { $inc: { seq: 1 } },
new: true
return ret.seq;
I have created a package that does just that and that is configurable.
var refNo = generateRefNo({
name: 'invoices', // default: 'counter'
prefix: 'I-', // default: ''
size: 5, // default: 5
filling: '0' // default: '0'
console.log(refNo); // output: "I-00001"
you now can use refNo to add in your document on Insert
maybe it will help you
