Scaling an image in Xamarin form - xamarin.forms

I have been trying to make my image and text to scale when the forms appears, but i still cannot get the effect.
I have a "GetStarted" process with 4-5 pages that is launched when the app starts.
Each page has a Image in the middle
Title-Description after image
What Have I done.
I have given an "x:Name" to the svgcachedImage - labelTitle and LabelDescription
In the constructor of my page I have used the scale method to create the effect
Didnt work
What I am trying to create
If you go to this link at the bottom there is gif that shows the scaling.(I have not got syncfusion)
Any suggestion on how to scale an image when loading a page?

The scarling is the simple animations in Xamarin.Forms.
You could use the ScaleTo method to animate the Scale property of an Image or Label.
await svgcachedImage.ScaleTo(2, 2000);
await svgcachedLabel.ScaleTo(2, 2000);
This code animates the Image instance by scaling up to twice its size over 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).
Or you could use the RelScaleTo method to do the relative scaling of an Image.
await svgcachedImage.RelScaleTo(2, 2000);
For more details, you could check the MS docs:
You could downlaod the source file from the NuGet for reference.

you can use the animation
await image.ScaleTo(1.5,5000);
await text.SacleTo(1.5,5000);
As you know you can animation the obj at the same time. not one after one
so you can use Task.WhenAll();
then you can use the code in
protected override async void OnAppearing(){}


Adobe Scene7 BasicZoomViewer: How to reset zoom

I'm working with Adobe Scene7 BasicZoomViewer and I'm looking for a way to tell the ZoomViewer to reset the zoom so that the user is no longer zoomed in on an image but instead will show the default "zoom" level.
What I've found
The closest thing I found to what I need is this reset property ZoomView.reset which "Resets the viewport when the frame (image) changes. If set to 0 it preserves the current viewport with the best possible fit while preserving the aspect ratio of the newly set image".
This looks close to something I need but it states that it will reset or preserve the aspect ratio when a new image has been inserted but I am not inserting new images.
Demo from Adobe
There is a button on the image that the API inserts into the page that resets the zoom level. Adobe provides a demo page that shows what I'm working with. If you look at the bottom left, the right-most button is the reset button. When clicked, it has to make some kind of API call and I need to figure out which one it is.
I've been able to find a minified version of the BasicZoomViewer and I am currently attempting to make sense of the code.
There is an event listener placed on the "Zoom Reset Button" that just simply calls a reset() method on line 274 in the uglified version of the file. Currently, I am trying to make sense of the file and figure out how to access this method.
c.zoomResetButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
I will be answering my own question. If someone finds a better way please feel free to answer as well.
Create a variable to hold the instance of your s7viewers.BasicZoomViewer() and inside of that you can access the event handlers and much more.
Example of calling the reset zoom handler
// instantiate the s7viewers class and save it in a variable
var s7BasicZoomViewer = new s7viewers.BasicZoomViewer({
containerId: 's7viewer',
params: {
asset: assetUrl,
serverurl: serverUrl
// example of how to call the "zoomReset()" method[0].handler()
After digging through the minified code that was uglified I found an event listener on the s7zoomresetbutton DOM class name, or perhaps it's watching for the ID of that DOM element which is the same ID as the container div for your S7 BasicZoom Viewer plus some added text to make this ID unique. For example, if the container div is s7viewer then the reset zoom button will have an ID of s7viewer_zoomresetbutton.
Now, going through the code I found this event listener which let me know there must be some way to call the zoomReset() method.
c.zoomResetButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
In the code above, the value of c is this or in other words it's the instance of your S7 BasicViewerZoom and in my case I have multiple depending on how many images I need to zoom on.
When instantiating the s7viewers class you can then reference that instance later and access the event handlers on each button and other properties and methods.
From there it was just looking through the object returned from the instance and calling the handler for the reset button.

How to implement transition between two PageRow in leanback BrowseFragment?

I'm using a leanback BrowseFragment to implement a simple android tv app. I have two PageRows which are backed by custom fragments. When I switch between the two in the browse navigation area, the content side of the screen goes blank briefly before the new fragment's views appear. How can I fade from one view to the other without a delay in between?
I see some references to "entrance transition" in the docs which I think is what I need, but I can't find any examples of what to do in those callbacks.
I tried to implement setEntranceTransitionState on my PageRow Fragment's MainFragmentAdapter, but it is never invoked:
class GuideFragment: Fragment(), BrowseFragment.MainFragmentAdapterProvider {
val fragmentAdapter = object: BrowseFragment.MainFragmentAdapter<GuideFragment>(this) {
override fun setEntranceTransitionState(state: Boolean) {
Log.v("TEST", "setEntrance($state)")
override fun getMainFragmentAdapter() = fragmentAdapter
There is no way to do this when using BrowseSupportFragment.
If you look at the implementation of swapToMainFragment(), you'll see that while scrolling the content is set to an empty fragment. When SCROLL_STATE_IDLE is reached, a regular fragment transaction is used to replace the child fragment with the new content.
leanback has a lot of limitations, It is better to fork the official code and create your own repo and modify it; we did the same in our app.

How to implement an onboarding page with Prism.Forms?

I am developing a Xamarin.Forms app with Prism in which I'd like to incorporate an onboarding page (more specific a top user benefits page, following the Material Design guidelines).
The app itself is structured around a NavigationPage to which I navigate with
in my App(). On the first start I'd like to show the onboarding page instead and I am having quite some issues getting it right.
My first approach was to navigate to MainPage with
from my viewmodel, when the user clicks the Get Started! button. This kind of worked by is also kind of ugly, since this absolute navigation will destroy the oboarding page immediately and not animate the transition. Furthermore at the moment the oboarding page is destroyed, the MainPage will be built, which will take a small, but noticeable, amount of time. In effect the user will notice the MainPage being built up, which does not look smooth at all.
My second approach was to navigate in a relative fashion from my viewmodel.
This works way smoother, with the transition animation and after the animation is done, the MainPage is already ready to go. But again there is a major drawback. You can navigate back to the onbaording page, which we dont't want neither. And - to my knowledge - there is no (clean) way to remove the page from the navigation stack, too. I tried calling PageUtility.DestroyPage on my onboarding page, but this only worsened things, since it seemed to keep the page, but destroy the viewmodel, resulting in my onboarding page being shown without data when pushing the back button.
My third approach did not work at all, although it seemed promising to me. In my App() I pushed my navigation page with the main page then then my onboarding page modal
NavigationService.NavigateAsync("OnboardingPage", useModalNavigation: true);
and then in my viewmodel
_navigationService.GoBackAsync(useModalNavigation: true)
but this approach
showed the header of the NavigationPage although the onbaording page was supposed to be shown as a modal
refused to GoBackAsync - when calling this method, nothing happens
waiting for the first call to NavigateAsync did not change anything either.
Some other things I've tried
Implemented INavigationOptions in my viewmodel with ClearNavigationStackOnNavigation being true
Tried setting Application.MainPage after my NavigationPage was shown, but to no avail
I would have believed that this was king of a common requirement when programming an app. Is there something I've missed? Or will I have to live with one of those drawbacks?
I think you are overthinking this. If you want to show your Onborading page first then just navigate to it first.
Or if you want to have the MainPage in the stack, then start the app with a deeplink
If you don't want to show the navigation header, just hide it for the onboarding page.
Don't use an absolute navigation unless you want to completely reset the navigation stack (equivalent to MainPage = new MainPage()).
I have found a solution, which is not the most beautiful one (it is actually quite ugly) but working.
In my MainPages viewmodel I implemented INavigatingAware and navigated to my OnboardingPage modally
public async void OnNavigatingTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("LandingPage", useModalNavigation: true);
However, removing the moal page with
this._navigationService.GoBackAsync(useModalNavigation: true);
does not work as expected. The modal is not removed (although it should work this way from looking at the code, but I did not manage to debug with Re# generated PDBs). Hence I had to go the ugly (non-MVVM) way and create an event handler for Button.Click and remove the modal manually
private void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
This will return to my MainPage smoothly with an animation and my MainPageis already up and running without being built up while already visible.
Still, I'd appreciate an answer on how to do it the Prism way.

Xamarin Forms - ScrollView - ScrollToAsync to bottom not working as expected

I have a screen where it shows comment list using stack layout and scrollview. User can add one more comment and click submit would add one more comments at the end of this scroll view for Xamarin Forms - Android and iOS app. Requirement is to scroll this list up to show latest display comment element. For this, I have used below line of code but it does not scroll up till the last element but second last element. I observed it in IOS and Android both.
await scrollView.ScrollToAsync(stkMain, ScrollToPosition.End, true);
Below image would give more idea about it.
As shown in picture, stack Layout 3 is not visible on screen though I have used above code to scroll till end. I have to scroll up scroll view to see stack layout 3.
Expected behavior - scroll view should scroll till complete last element as displayed on screen. Kindly suggest If I am not doing it right.
One thing I forget to mention is, when I have create point at line having scrolToAsync method in debug mode. Break point hits that line and if I hit F5 would make last element visible. I am surprised to see it but it happens
Remember that the rendering methods often is asynchronous, and the code behind can run before the elements are available on the rendered screen. I know that it's not the best solution, but sometimes I used to force a 300ms delay before run any visual interaction.
Try wait a short time (like 100 or 200ms) after you add new comment elements and then try scroll to the last child of your stkMain, instead.
Something like this:
// Here goes your logic to add the new comment
await Task.Delay(100);
var lastChild = stkMain.Children.LastOrDefault();
if(lastChild != null)
scrollView.ScrollToAsync(lastChild, ScrollToPosition.MakeVisible, true);
If you want to scroll just to bottom try
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
// Update your children here, add more or remove.
// todo
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android)
await scrollView.ScrollToAsync(0, stkMain.Height, true);
await Task.Delay(10); //UI will be updated by Xamarin
await scrollView.ScrollToAsync(stkMain, ScrollToPosition.End, true);

jQuery: fadeout an image when clicking an ASP.NET ImageButton

I'm building a photo gallery in ASP.NET. The user can browse thumbnails along the left and select one, which brings a preview-sized version into the right pane of the page.
I'd like to fade between the images, so that the current one fades out and the next one fades in. I'm using jQuery to fade the preview image in after it is loaded, which works great. Unfortunately, I can't get the fadeOut script to run before the click event posts the page back to the server. The thumbnails are ASP.NET ImageButtons, which means they're <input> tags.
Is there a way to get the postback to delay just long enough for the image to fade out? I've seen some tricks with the form onSubmit and setTimeout() but that would affect all the links and buttons on the page. I want to delay postback for the thumbnails only.
EDIT: Based on my research, and trying the suggestions below, it may be possible to delay the postback to accomplish this but it's not the best approach on several levels. To get a clean fade transition between images, in the future I would not do any posting back at all. I would use jQuery exclusively for the fadeout, load, fadein.
Try adding a return false to your function that handles the fadein/out... It should prevent the page postback from occurring...
$('#<%= this.aspbutton.ClientId%>').click(function(){
return false;
I'm not sure what you are getting on the PostBack where you would want to fade out an image and then fade one in. Have you considered using AJAX for that? You could even have the thumbnail image contain the necessary information within the image tags for the larger image.
Take a look at the jQuery Lightbox plugin. I have implemented this plugin and modified the .JS a bit to allow for viewing a higher resolution photo in addition to the web view. Check it out here.
$('#<%= this.aspbutton.ClientId%>').click(function(){
var $btn = $(this);
$('#myDiv').fadeout("slow", function() {
return false;
Here's the solution I used:
Since I AM using MS AJAX with an UpdatePanel, I can use the client-side AJAX event handler.
function fadeOut() {
if ($('.mainImage').length > 0) {
This gives me the exact behavior I wanted- any time the user navigates between thumbnails, the image fades out, loads, then the new one fades in.
This is still not ideal, as there is a pause between fades while the page posts back. It will work for now but in the long run it would be better to use jQuery to set the preview image rather than the thumbnails posting back as ImageButtons.
