In Peoplesoft, How grid levels work in application designer? - peoplesoft

Now I'm just having some training on PeopleSoft while working on application designer I could not understand grids and scroll levels, how it works on data fetch and result populating dynamically from multiple tables connected through parent-child relationship? Also stuck in people code Getlevel.

Simplifying it a bit too much, scroll levels correspond to parent-multichild relationships. If it's a single-value lookup, it's the same level - if it's an invoice header and invoice items, for example, they're different.


Dynamics AX 2012 R2 - swapping out a preview pane dynamically depending on the record selected

I have a problem I'm trying to solve and I'm really not sure I'm, A) solving it the correct way, and B) able to do what I want.
I have a List Page that is a basically a summary table (transportation table) that has a record in it for every Sales, Purchase, and Transfer order that we will ship. With it is a pile of rolled up information and such that's common from the 3 sources. We use this table on a few list pages and link out to where we need to. This was all built by someone else, but I'm maintaining some parts around it.
I've gotten a request to have the preview pane on a summary table based list page show the lines from the source order. So, if a "sales order" is selected in the grid, show the lines in the preview pane for the "sales order" that was selected. Same for a purchase order and transfer order.
So, my idea, based on pure ignorance and not a ton of experience with Dynamics is that I would just swap out the preview pane based on the source order. The SalesTableListPagePreviewPane for instance has already been updated to work with linking to this summary table. So, I wanted to just change the part reference at runtime.
I've managed to get the FormRun on a list page interaction class from the datasource. I've managed to get a list of the parts via the PartList object. But, I have no idea how to continue on to actually swap out a part reference.
Am I heading down the correct path? Is this a completely wrong Dynamics AX pattern?
Your assumption, that you can dynamically (run-time) change the parts of the form, is wrong.
Listpages especially are quite static, the only code available through interaction classes. It has the benefit that a listpage can be easily deployed on Sharepoint Enterprise Portal.
You have several options:
Use 3 different listpages for each type of transport
Use a common relation table with 3 sub-tables (sales, purchase and transfer)
The last option will enable you to do an outer join on the 3 sub-tables.
The common relation table could be a union view, but I doubt it will perform well.

symfony2 / doctrine views? or equivalent

I have a question about queries optimization and data "grouping"
Here's my setup :
I have a single application for multiple sites
Items I display to my sites are stored in a single table (one item can be shown in different sites)
So I have joins between my "sites" table and "items" table
When a user authenticate in site01 i'd like to present him only the data for this site.
I was wondering if there was a genius doctrine (or other) trick to make it transparent in my code:
For example:
User authenticates for site01
I set in my siteManager that it's 01
And all my entities of items (for this session) now refer to a subset of my data according to the JOIN with site01.
Like a view or something.
My concern is as much performance optimization than transparency in code.
Performance coming first.
nb: the choice of using a single item table is not definite yet, it might be a bit to meta and/or conceptual to provide good performance.
Thank you in advance for any input on my question.

How do I create an Access Form for Table 1 where two Table 1 fields have different data from a single field in Table 2?

I’m absolutely stumped by what I suspect is probably simple for those experienced with Access. I’m brand new to Access (2010) and studying a lot, but unfortunately still confused by many basic concepts. I’m embarrassed to admit that I have spent about 40 hours trying (unsuccessfully) to solve the specific issue below. Please forgive me if I haven’t included enough detail here - I’m not sure how much someone needs to know to address this. I’m happy to edit and/or provide more information.
My question:
How do I create a Form for creating new records / editing existing records in Table1 where two fields in Table1 have different values from a single field in Table2? (I have better detail below)
I want the Form to have all the records from Table1. I have tried many different ways with queries, sub-forms, etc., but can’t pull it off. I’m fairly certain the issue is related to how I address Table2. Ideally, the user would be able to select from dropdowns in the form for the two fields to be updated in Table1.
I am including screenshots of a mockup of my intended Form concept, the object Relationships as I currently have them, the design and datasheet views of Table1 and the design and datasheet views of Table2.
“Table1” above is “t_PEOPLE” in the images while “Table2” is “t_COLORS.”
The object relationship types are currently one-to-many with enforced referential integrity (cascade update related fields) and the join properties are "include ALL records from 't_PEOPLE' and only those records from 't_COLORS' where the joined fields are equal."
I'm happy to send the actual database file if that helps.
I will be very grateful for any guidance - thank you!!
The general approach to this is as follows:
A) If I understand what you're trying to do here, your t_colors table is usually referred to as a Reference table or Lookup table. You need to make one form to add, edit, and delete records in this t_colors table. How the user accesses that form varies. I'll get to that in a minute.
B) The form for your People table needs to have drop down menus for your two color selections. In the dropdown menus' RowSource, you will use a query that looks up values in your t_colors table.
C) Depending what you are using your colors for in t_people, you should consider making a third table with PeopleID and ColorID in it. It would then link to both t_people and t_colors. This would allow you to have multiple colors specified for a single person, and you wouldn't be limited to two. In your People form, you would use a subform for these colors. The subform would probably need to be a datasheet form or a continuous form. If you are using a datasheet form for your people form, then you would need to use a datasheet form for the colors subform.
If the user wants to use a color that isn't already in your t_colors table, you need to give them a way of inserting that color. There are various approaches to this. You could use a union query in the dropdowns RowSource that shows a "" option. If selected you would bring up your Colors form and when they close the colors form you have to requery your dropdown menu. Or you could insert the color for them using VBA when they enter a value that is "Not In List" (an event that Combobox's have).
Please note that the relationships you've defined are not overly helpful or important in this case. Yes, they can be helpful when it comes to using the Update Cascade or Delete Cascade features. But quite truthfully, relationships are basically for programmers, to make sure you get an error if and when referential integrity is violated. Users should never see these errors and properly designed forms will prevent them from occurring. The main reason to use them is that it will force you to design your forms properly by giving you an error when something is wrong, hopefully during your own testing phase of the project.

Dynamic SiteMap, BreadCrumb Based Off of Multiple Tables

I have about 20 different tables that each have a different parent / child relationship built into them. I've recently been asked to create a breadcrumb and Site Map for our website based off of all of these tables.
One idea I had, was to remove the parent / child relationship from each of these tables and create basically one table that holds the id and parentId and whenever I need to pull the parent child relationship I would just join the parent_child_relationships table to whatever table I was pulling from specifically.
Does this make sense?
Anyway, the problem with this idea is that i don't like it. haha.
Does anyone else have any other ideas of how this could be done? Or what the correct way of building a breadcrumb and sitemap based off of a site comprised of 20 tables or so?
If it helps, my site is comprised of, ColdFusion and uses a MSSQL database.
Do not let the implementation of the UI effect the design of your model and especially not your DB. Prototype the front end, involve your customer(s), give them a voice. Build your breadcrumbs and site map without it initially tied into your actual DB. Once your customer says "thats what we want, just like that", then freeze the prototype, then work on the actual implementation - how will your app request the data, what type of dataobject will you use AND THEN build your db,
"One idea I had, was to remove the parent / child relationship from each of these tables and create basically one table that holds the id and parentId"
This is not a very scalable solution, do not *reverse normalize your db. Follow standard relation database modeling/normalization techniques. Lots of small cohensive tables with lots of association tables.

Flex: DataGrid with dynamic columns with data from multiple DB tables

Introduction: I'm using java, oracle, flex, blazeDS etc. The part of the DB that is relevant to the task i am trying to accomplish is illustrated in the image below:
The Task table will also have a field called enabled , which i forgot in the figure below :) This field is used to enable some of the tasks based on various criteria, when an admin user presses a "Generate task list" button in the GUI.
Based on this generation of the task list, the users in the system should see a grid as the one displayed in the figure below :
This task list should display all the enabled task as illustrated above. The first three columns are retrived from the Task table in the DB, while the next columns(Column_4....Column_N) are generated based on the number of users in the User table. These columns should display the users alias. Each user is part of a UserGroup(Group), which i will model in either a separate table or in the User table itself, as illustrated in figure 1. The Numbers in the grid are based on the Time field in the Task_User table, while the first row below the users shows the sum of the times for each user.
Question: Im still learning Flex, and looking for every help i can get on accomplishing my goal :) I figure i have to implement a datagrid with dynamic columns. But how will the dataprovider work in this scenario? For each enabled taskid the grid has to fill the right user columns with time values. Any tips/help would be much appreciated! It is also important that loading this grid doesnt take to long :)
Is it possible to get horizontal and vertical text in the grid(like shown above)?
