How to open/read an ENVI file in R - r

I'm new at using GIS with R and I'm trying to open an ENVI file containing hyperspectral data following the suggestions from this post R how to read ENVI .hdr-file?, but I don't seem to be able to do so. I tried three different approaches but all of them failed. I also can't seem to find any other posts where my problem is described.
# install.packages("rgdal")
# install.packages("raster")
# install.packages("caTools")
dirname <- "S:/LAB-cavender/4_Project_Folders/oakWilt/oak_wilt_image_analyses/R_input/6.15.2021 - Revisions/ENVI export/AISA/Resampled_flights"
filename <- file.path(dirname, "AISA_Flight_4_resampled")
The first option that I tried was using file name only
x <- read.ENVI(filename)
But I got the following error message:
#Error in read.ENVI(filename) :
# read.ENVI: Could not open input file: S:/LAB-cavender/4_Project_Folders/oakWilt/oak_wilt_image_analyses/R_input/6.15.2021 - Revisions/ENVI export/AISA/Resampled_flights/AISA_Flight_4_resampled
#In addition: Warning message:
# In nRow * nCol * nBand : NAs produced by integer overflow
I tried then the second option which is using file name + header file name read using file.path
headerfile <- file.path(dirname, "AISA_Flight_4_resampled")
x <- read.ENVI(filename = filename,headerfile = headerfile)
Again, I got an error message that says:
#Error in read.ENVI(filename = filename, headerfile = headerfile) :
# read.ENVI: Could not open input header file: S:/LAB-cavender/4_Project_Folders/oakWilt/oak_wilt_image_analyses/R_input/6.15.2021 - Revisions/ENVI export/AISA/Resampled_flights/AISA_Flight_4_resampled
Finally, I tried the third option by using file name + header file name read using readLines
hdr_file <- readLines(con = "S:/LAB-cavender/4_Project_Folders/oakWilt/oak_wilt_image_analyses/R_input/6.15.2021 - Revisions/ENVI export/AISA/Resampled_flights/AISA_Flight_4_resampled.hdr")
x <- read.ENVI(filename = filename,headerfile = hdr_file)
But I got the error message:
#Error in read.ENVI(filename = filename, headerfile = hdr_file) :
# read.ENVI: Could not open input header file: ENVIdescription = { Spectrally Resampled File. Input number of bands: 63, output number of bands: 115. [Fri Jun 25 16:57:21 2021]}samples = 5187lines = 6111bands = 115header offset = 0file type = ENVI Standarddata type = 4interleave = bilsensor type = Unknownbyte order = 0map info = {UTM, 1.000, 1.000, 482828.358, 5029367.353, 7.5000000000e-001, 7.5000000000e-001, 15, North, WGS-84, units=Meters}coordinate system string = {PROJCS["UTM_Zone_15N",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-93.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]}default bands = {46,31,16}wavelength units = Nanometersdata ignore value = -9999.00000000e+000band names = { Resampled
# In addition: Warning message:
# In if (!file.exists(headerfile)) stop("read.ENVI: Could not open input header file: ", :
# the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Any help would be really appreciated!


Error in w2v_train(trainFile = file_train, modelFile = model, stopWordsFile = file_stopwords (full error text below)

Full error text: Error in w2v_train(trainFile = file_train, modelFile = model, stopWordsFile = file_stopwords, : Expecting a single string value: [type=closure; extent=1].
I am trying to run a word embedding analysis using this data to obtain:
top 25 closest words to focus word
plot these 25 words
compare same analysis with different data (JSTOR data on articles with "populism",%20social)
I loaded all the data and necessary packages, as well as pre-processing the ABCNews data for the analysis. (See code)
#Loading necessary packages
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "tidytext", "word2vec", "Rtsne", "future", "jstor", "magritrr", "ggplot2", "dplyr"))
#Preprocessing abcnews data
##Select text data from csv file ABC NEWS FILE
abc_pop_text <- abcnews_pop %>%
I then used the following code to process the embedding:
#ABCNews data
txt_clean_word2vec(.,ascii = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, tolower = TRUE, trim = TRUE)
news_model<-word2vec(x=text, type = "cbow", dim = 500, iter = 50)
The first function (text_news<-abc_pop...) ran smoothly. However, the second one (set.seed(123456789) news_model...) puts out this mistake:
Error in w2v_train(trainFile = file_train, modelFile = model, stopWordsFile = file_stopwords, : Expecting a single string value: [type=closure; extent=1].
Does anyone know how to address this?
I had an error in naming objects/variables. This has been resolved, thank you.

Error in if (ncol(spc1$amp) > ncol(spc2$amp)) { : argument is of length zero

I am using WarbleR in R to do some acoustic analyses. As freq_range couldn't detect all the bottom frequencies very well, I have created a data frame manually with all the right bottom frequencies, loaded this into R and turned it into a selection table. Traq_freq_contour and compare.methods and freq_DTW all work fine (although freq_DTW does give a warning message:
Warning message: In (0:(n - 1)) * f : NAs produced by integer overflow
However. If I try to do the function cross_correlation, I get the following error:
Error in if (ncol(spc1$amp) > ncol(spc2$amp)) { :
argument is of length zero
I do not get this error with a selection table with the bottom and top frequency added with the freq_range function in R instead of manually. What could be the issue here? The selection tables both look similar:
This is the selection table partly made by R through freq_range:
And this is the one with the bottom frequencies added manually (which has more sound files than the one before):
This is part of the code I use:
#Comparing methods for quantitative analysis of signal structure
compare.methods(X = stnew, flim = c(0.6,2.5), bp = c(0.6,2.5), methods = c("XCORR", "dfDTW"))
#Measure acoustic parameters with spectro_analysis
paramsnew <- spectro_analysis(stnew, bp = c(0.6,2), threshold = 20)
write.csv(paramsnew, "new_acoustic_parameters.csv", row.names = FALSE)
#Remove parameters derived from fundamental frequency
paramsnew <- paramsnew[, grep("fun|peakf", colnames(paramsnew), invert = TRUE)]
#Dynamic time warping
dm <- freq_DTW(stnew, length.out = 30, flim = c(0.6,2), bp = c(0.6,2), wl = 300, img = TRUE)
#Spectrographic cross-correlation
xcnew <- cross_correlation(stnew, wl = 300, na.rm = FALSE)
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

How to get R to read a gdb file?

I am trying to get R to read in a gdb file. First thing I did was to find out its layers, which I did by running:
It turns to out my_data has two large layers. I have tried opening both but have had no success. Here is what I have tried so far:
Wont_open <- readOGR(dsn = "D:/my_data.gdb", layer = "layer_1", dropNULLGeometries = F)
I have tried the above with and without the dropNULLGeometries argument and for both layers in my_data. When running this, I get the following error:
Error in readOGR(dsn = "D:/my_data.gdb", :
Unsupported field type: Binary
Wont_open <- st_read(dsn="D:/my_data.gdb", layer = "layer_1")
I have tried the above for both layers in my_data. When I run this, R simply stops working after about 1 hour of having started the process.
read_GDB_Layer <- function(dsn, layerName, overwrite = T){
conversionDir <- tempdir()
gdalUtils:: ogr2ogr(src_datasource_name = dsn, dst_datasource_name = conversionDir, f = "ESRI Shapefile", layer + layerName, verbose = T, overwrite = overwrite)
df <- read.dbf(file.path(conversionDir, paste0(layerName, ".gdbtable")))
Wont_open <- read_GDB_Layer(dsn = "D:/my_data.gdb", layerName = "layer_1")
I tried this for both layers and changed the .gdbtable argument of the function for .dbf to run it on both layers and it still did not work. I got the following warning messages:
1: In gdal_setInstallation(search_path = NULL, rescan = FALSE, ignore.full_scan = TRUE, :
No GDAL installation found. Please install 'gdal' before continuing:
- (no HDF4 support!)
- (with HDF4 support RECOMMENDED)
- (with HDF4 support)
2: In gdal_setInstallation(search_path = NULL, rescan = FALSE, ignore.full_scan = TRUE, :
If you think GDAL is installed, please run:
The st_read() function worked for me, as pointed by #sven-brandt

Clustering by M3C package : Error in `[.data.frame`(df, neworder2) : undefined columns selected

I had a similar problem to what posted here. To resolve the issue, followed the answer by #Jack Gisby there. Now a new error showed up:
Working on TCGA data , I am getting the same error (first error):
Error in `.rowNamesDF<-`(x, value = value) :
duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
running duplicated() on each relevant field returned FALSE.
Her is the second error (just after trimming identifiers to not start with a common string like "TCGA-"):
Error in `[.data.frame`(df, neworder2) : undefined columns selected
> traceback()
5: stop("undefined columns selected")
4: `[.data.frame`(df, neworder2)
3: df[neworder2]
2: M3Creal(as.matrix(mydata), maxK = maxK, reps = repsreal, pItem = pItem,
pFeature = 1, clusterAlg = clusteralg, distance = distance,
title = "/home/christopher/Desktop/", des = des, lthick = lthick,
dotsize = dotsize, x1 = pacx1, x2 = pacx2, seed = seed, removeplots = removeplots,
silent = silent, fsize = fsize, method = method, objective = objective)
1: M3C(pro.vst, des = clin, removeplots = FALSE, iters = 25, objective = "PAC",
fsize = 8, lthick = 1, dotsize = 1.25)
I've added to an opened issue on the M3C GitHub.
I got the same error as Hamid Ghaedi while running M3C. I managed to track it down to the following line of code (line 476 on the M3C.R file):
df <- data.frame(m_matrix)
Many of my sample names (column names) started with a number and the data.frame() function added an "X" to the beginning of each name that started with a number ("1" becomes "X1"). This caused a mismatch with the names listed in neworder2.
To get around this problem, I changed all of my sample names to start with a letter and M3C is now running correctly.
Edit: This workaround can be easily applied by using the data.frame() function on your input dataset before running M3C.

R/SublimeREPL R - code not working in sublime but working in RStudio

I am following the tutorials of Machine Learning for Hackers ( and I am using Sublime Text as a text editor. To run my code, I use SublimeREPL R.
I am using this code, taken directly from the book:
# Load the text mining package
# Loading all necessary paths
spam.path <- "data/spam/"
spam2.path <- "data/spam_2/"
easyham.path <- "data/easy_ham/"
easyham.path2 <- "data/easy_ham_2/"
hardham.path <- "data/hard_ham/"
hardham2.path <- "data/hard_ham_2/"
# Get the content of each email
get.msg <- function(path) {
con <- file(path, open = "rt", encoding = "latin1")
text <- readLines(con)
msg <- text[seq(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text),1)]
return(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))
# Create a vector where each element is an email <- dir(spam.path) <-[which( != "cmds")]
all.spam <- sapply(, function(p) get.msg(paste(spam.path, p, sep = "")))
# Log the spam
This piece of code works fine in RStudio (with the data provided here: but when I run it in Sublime, Iget the following error message:
> all.spam <- sapply(,
+ function(p) get.msg(file.path(spam.path, p)))
Error in seq.default(which(text == "")[1] + 1, length(text), 1) :
'from' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In readLines(con) :
invalid input found on input connection 'data/spam/00006.5ab5620d3d7c6c0db76234556a16f6c1'
2: In readLines(con) :
invalid input found on input connection 'data/spam/00009.027bf6e0b0c4ab34db3ce0ea4bf2edab'
3: In readLines(con) :
invalid input found on input connection 'data/spam/00031.a78bb452b3a7376202b5e62a81530449'
4: In readLines(con) :
incomplete final line found on 'data/spam/00031.a78bb452b3a7376202b5e62a81530449'
5: In readLines(con) :
invalid input found on input connection 'data/spam/00035.7ce3307b56dd90453027a6630179282e'
6: In readLines(con) :
incomplete final line found on 'data/spam/00035.7ce3307b56dd90453027a6630179282e'
I get the same results when I take the code from John Myles White's repo.
How can I fix this?
I think the problem got is in using encoding=latin1, you can just remove this one, I test it in my environment, it ran well. <- paste(spam.path,,sep="")
all.spam <- sapply(,get.msg)
Warning message:
In readLines(con) :
incomplete final line found on 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ML_for_Hackers-master/03-Classification/data/spam/00136.faa39d8e816c70f23b4bb8758d8a74f0'
still some warnnings in it, but it can produce the results well.
