I'm having an issue with the running of a R shiny app. Here's what I do:
open RStudio
load the shiny code (e.g. app.R)
set the wd
press on "Run App"
Then nothing happens.
And if I try to terminate the execution, R does not answer anymore and says to force the closing of RStudio.
Here's one of my codes (I tried some, so I don't think this is the issue, but I report one anyway):
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Un'applicazione con uno slider"),
h1("Sposta lo Slider!"),
sliderInput("slider1", "Spostami!", 0, 100, 0)
h3("Valore dello slider:"),
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
output$text <- renderText(input$slider1)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Do you have any advice to give me in order to make anything happen? I have no errors shown, so I don't know what to do...
I just see "runApp(...mypath.../app)" and blank space after it.
Thank you in advance.
Edit 1:
I also tried this, but nothing happened (as before):
Edit 2: Copy-pasting the code directly in the console doen not work either
I was experiencing the same issue with R 4.1 on Windows 10. Updating all packages seems to have solved it:
update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE)
I'm trying to deploy a Shiny app that allows the user to upload a pdf document and extract a table from a selected page. For this I'm using the package tabulizer. A basic reproducible example:
ui <- fluidPage(
fileInput("report", NULL,buttonLabel = "Upload report"),
numericInput("page","Specify page number",value = 1),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
generate_data <- reactive({
# This locate_area function calls runApp() from the tabulizer package
area <- locate_areas(file = input$report$datapath,
pages = input$page,
widget = "reduced")
table <- extract_tables(file = input$report$datapath,
pages = input$page,
area = area)
})%>% bindCache(input$page) %>% bindEvent(input$extract)
output$data <- renderPrint({
# Just for the sake of this example to show it works
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
If I run this locally, the locate_area() will make the pdf page pop-up on my viewer in RStudio and all is well. However, if I publish the app it doesn't run after clicking the action button. I know the problem comes from the locate_area() as it essentially calls another runApp within the shiny app. I have tried using different widgets for locate_area() to no avail. Does anybody know a way to circumvent this issue?
Judging by the relevant issues - issue 15 and issue 53 - it appears that your best way to go is really to copy the functionality from the original tabulizer function into your own app, as currently the package does not provide an easy integration with other Shiny apps.
Dean Attali has provided a wonderful example on how to exit elegantly from a Shiny app using a close button which both closes the browser window and ends the Shiny session. Consider the following example (modification of the original code from Dean):
The ui.r:
jscode <- "shinyjs.closeWindow = function() { window.close(); }"
ui <- fluidPage(
extendShinyjs(text = jscode, functions = c("closeWindow")),
htmlOutput(outputId = "exitHeading"),
actionButton(inputId = "closeGUI", label = "Exit")
The server.r:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$exitHeading <- renderText("Press the button below to exit the app")
observeEvent(input$closeGUI, {
And running the app:
runApp(appDir = "/tmp")
My question is about how to start a Shiny app as a background job programmatically, so that the RStudio console is free for further use (or even start a second Shiny app in parallel) while the app is still running, and then end the job using the exit button from the app above. I am looking for a solution which can be added to a package which contains a Shiny app, like this one.
I have read this and have tried the provided sample app, but it still requires manual intervention by the user.
Can someone assist with this?
So as I mentioned in the comments you can achieve this by using the system which basically runs a terminal command, with the wait and show.output.on.console flags set to FALSE.
system('Rscript file.r', wait=F, show.output.on.console = F)
# if you want to access a file from in a package u need
# also in the source of the package you need to put the
# folder `directory` in `root.of.package/inst`
p <- system.file(file.path("directory", "myfile.r"), package = "my.package")
system(paste0('Rscript "', p, '"'), wait=F)
I'm using the normal template for shiny:
ui <- fluidPage(
#a lot of inputs, graphs, also uiOutput()
server <- function(input, output){
#sourcing and running function to generate output, making graphs
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
When using the "Run App"-Button, deploying to shinyapps.io or selecting all code and running it, ui is not read in properly. It does not appear in the environment and the error message Error in force(ui) : object 'ui' not found is printed.
When running the code line-by-line however it works fine.
I found this post, where someone had the same error message: https://community.rstudio.com/t/error-in-force-ui-object-ui-not-found-when-deploying-app-to-server/34027, but their solution (removing shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)) did not work for me.
After I disabled all the complex code inside server and ui, to make it match the example the error still occurred. The issue was in the code above the actual app.
I had used this line before defining ui and server:
X<-function(){} #making an empty function so the one from another script is not underlined
When commenting this out the code worked.
I am new to Shiny R and was successful in creating my first app (YAY!)! I then tried to deploy it (or publish it) and got the following error message on the web page it opened (it was working correctly within R studio and seemed to deploy ok). I checked only the app.R box when I went to publish it.
Error: Cannot open the connection.
I have had a look at other answers on here and elsewhere but I either have used the solutions and they haven't worked or haven't understood the answers (I am pretty new to R and Shiny R). I am at my wits end and really want to get this up and running as I love what Shiny is capable of.
Can anyone help??
The code I used is;
meanweights <- read.csv("meanweights.csv")
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "statesel",
label="Choose a state",
choices = sort(unique(meanweights$state)),
selected = "VIC",
multiple = FALSE),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$lineplot <- renderPlot({
read.csv("meanweights.csv") %>%
filter(state == input$statesel) %>%
ggplot(aes(day, mean_weight, color=property_type))+
geom_line()+theme_bw(base_size = 14)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thanks for you time.
I'm trying to get a Shiny reactive UI running. It is getting quite complex (in terms of lines of code) so I thought refactoring was a good idea. To put it short, this is my server code:
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
localH2o <<- h2o.init(nthreads = 3) #Global variable
source("BuilderServer.R", local = TRUE)[1]
source("ReviewerServer.R", local = TRUE)[1]
# CleanupFUnctions
session$onSessionEnded(function() {
where I assumed source with local = TRUE was just like copy-paste the content of the R files. So they contain functions of the form output$functionName <- renderUI({code}). The ui code depends on these functions, most of them are reactive, the ui code looks like this:
tabPanel("Build Custom Model",
In this particular case, the "BuilderUpTitle" function looks like this:
output$BuilderUpTitle <- renderUI({
inFile <- input$BuilderInputFile
fileInput("BuilderInputFile", "Upload a xlsx file")
} else {
#R Stuff done here with the file
textInput("text", label = h3("Model Title"), value = "Enter text...")
I wrote the code yesterday and it was working. Today I turned on the computer again, and when launching the app, not even the dependencies from the server.R appear to load (ggplot2 and h2o). The download button from the "BuilderUpTitle" function doesn't appear at all and shiny appears to only execute the ui.R code. I set the workspace to the folder of the sourcefiles and it doesn't help. Even if I uncomment the stop() function from the server, nothing seems to change. Setting breakpoints in RStudio doesn't stop the code inside the server, so that is why I think shiny is not calling the server function. However, the code was working before and I did not modify a single file. I even copied the content of the source files to the server.R code and still they do not load. Is there something obvious that I'm missing? Thank you in advance!
Ok, once again, I found myself what the problem is, and none of the things I said would've made anyone find what was wrong. Here is the tiniest possible code that reproduces the problem:
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$itWillLock <- renderUI({
I guess R gets stuck in an infinite loop and never reaches the server.R file. Is this a bug that I should report? Or just common sense will keep people out of this trouble. Thank you!