I created a Dashboard in AppDynamics that has 3 pie charts for calls per minute by Tier.
The pie charts display fine. But I would like to total all of the value in the pie chart to have a grand total.
I would like to display the total of 1332 somewhere in the pie chart.
If that is not possible, how to create a widget that sums these tiers?
There is nothing I found within the pie chart widget that sums the values.
But I created another widget that sums this data and placed it below.
I want to be able to click one bar of the gantt chart created in vistime plot to see the details of all the related events of that category. Is that customization possible with vistime? Also, how can I add a vertical line in the plot indicating the current date like other gantt charts have?
I am attempting to create a pie chart that will display the health status of various systems. This is what the chart currently looks like:
Each data point, in addition to the possible errors messages, has a name in its data.
Is it possible to configure the chart so the system names are shown in the pie chart? In the tooltip for each slice would be preferable, but any solution will work.
You can Add (button at the buttom of the configuration) a second visualization, which will then add another layer around your first visualization.
This is an example for log.level and around it labels.url.full:
I'm building a simple webapp that will display different charts about relationships between income and health. I'm trying to use Google Fusion Tables to generate the charts, but I've hit a snag. I have 807 rows in a chart and am trying to make a scatter plot between two columns.
It says all rows are being displayed, but the chart clearly doesn't have all of the data points. How can I get all of the points to display?
Charts in Fusion Tables are limited to 500 data points. When the count goes above that the scatter chart uses a sampling algorithm to trim the data to that limit. This should be indicated on the chart; I've filed a bug for that.
I have basic bar charts showing some value (1 value per chart) on each day. The charts are rendered using standard MS ASP.NET charts.
Now I would like to add a trend line. Has somebody done such thing and would be so kind to give me some hints how to approach this task? I know how to add a line to the chart, just would like to know whether someone already did such thing.
If I have understood the question correctly, you want to show a line graph using the same values that each bar is drawn.
You can do this by adding one more series with chart type as line to the same chart area.
Make the Y-axis for the series as secondary and keep X-axis as primary (to keep same X-axis values for both Bar & line graph). Or you can also make X-Axis of this new series as Secondary (this will show labels on top of chart area) .
I'm using the asp.net Chart control to present a stacked bars chart.
I can create a mouseover custom tooltip using this code:
series.MapAreaAttributes = "onmouseover=\"showTooltip('#VALY');\"";
... which works fine. But I can't seem to find a way to show the rest of the values for the other series in that column.
I have 2 series (Paid and Unpaid) making up a single column in the chart. When I mouseover any of the series, I want to show both the value of the moused-over series, but also the other series contained in that particular stacked column.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
We're also using stacked bar charts - we have click through functionality, for users to drill into the data making up each point in each series : we use something like this on each data point.
series.Points[index].MapAreaAttributes = "onclick=\"window.opener.location=this.href;window.opener.focus();return false;\"";