Why SampleGrabber::SampleCB only called single time while SetSyncSource(NULL) is not called - directshow

I wrote a FilterGraph to capture the live videoStreams.
SourceFilter ----> SampleGrabber ----> NullRenderer.
My graph worked fine With Nikon. GoPro cameras. But for OBS it is only returning a single frame means SampleCB is called for once if I don't call IMediaFilter::SetSyncSource(NULL). If I call SetSyncSource(NULL) then with OBS my graph worked fine. But with other devices like Nikon it is not working.


Neo4j : Long delay and iteration dependance of a request with apoc.algo.cover

After having done :
I applied the following request on neo4j from a jupyter notebook thanks to py2neo.
WITH [f1,f2,f3,...] as list1
CALL apoc.algo.cover(list1)
The fi are the ID defined in my csv file, with "frag:ID" on the first line.
I tried different sizes of lists and I obtained the following result:
my result with different sizes
I remark that the delay depend on the try of the same request. Is it normal ?
For my database of 45 GB, neo4j uses all my memory (no uncolored space memory with htop command). Do I have a problem of memory ? If I watch the activity of my CPUs, it seems that neo4j waits a lot (little activity) before that one of the CPU becomes full occupied.

Multiprocessing with worker.run() does work in serie instead of parallel?

I'm trying to create a program which in its essence works like this:
import multiprocessing
import time
def worker(numbers):
if __name__ =='__main__':
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=([0,1,2,3,4],))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=([5,6,7,8],))
The first time the processes are called via p#.start(), they are executed in parallel. The second time they are called via the p#.run() method, they are executed in series.
How can I make sure the subsequent method calls are also performed in parallel?
Edit: It is important that the processes start together. It cannot happen that process 1 gets executed twice while process 2 only gets executed once.
Edit: I should also note that this code is running on a raspberry pi v3 model B.
As far as I know, a thread can only be started once. After that when you call the run method, it's just a simple function. That's why it isn't run in parallel.

abap runtime error program line too long

Good day. The programs function is to take an equipment number (or none), display that number with a description (or all) in alv, and then run IE03 should the user double click on
Program worked fine in client 110, but in 150 a runtime error happens. This morning I tried to make a new program with a shorter name (only lead I had), activated it (window popped up asking me to activate the previous version as well). That didn't work and now the original doesn't work in either.
The program "SAPLSKBH" is terminating because program line is too long, being 78 chars wide which is too much for the internal table "\FUNCTION=K_KKB_FIELDCAT_MERGE\DATA=L_ABAP_SOURCE[]"
It sounds like you are using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY for output, is that correct?
Check you source code; somewhere you have a line that is more than 78 characters. The function K_KKB_FIELDCAT_MERGE takes the source code of your program to produce a structure that corresponds to the table/structure you give it. (In the old days, there was a limit of 78 characters width for a line of ABAP code, and this is an old function module).
You can alternatively build a field catalog yourself in code, rather than use this function.

How to insert text into middle of text file in QT?

I'm writing a program that performs several tests on a hardware unit, and logs both the results of each test and the steps taken to perform the test. The trick is that I want the program to log these results to a text file as they become available, so that if the program crashes the results that had been obtained are not lost, and the log can help debug the crash.
For example, assume a program consisting of two tests. If the program has finished the first test and is working on the second, the log file would look like:
Test 1 Result A: Passed
Test 1 Result B: 1.5 Volts
Setting up instruments.
Beginning test 1.
[Steps in test 1]
Finished test 1.
Beginning test 2.
[whatever test 2 steps have been completed]
Once the second test has finished, the log file would look like this:
Test 1 Result A: Passed
Test 1 Result B: 1.5 Volts
Test 2 Result A: Passed
Test 2 Result B: 2.0 Volts
Setting up instruments.
Beginning test 1.
[Steps in test 1]
Finished test 1.
Beginning test 2.
[Steps in test 2]
Finished test 2.
All tests complete.
How would I go about doing this? I've been looking at the help files for QFile and QTextStream, but I'm not seeing a way to insert text in the middle of existing text. I don't want to create separate files and merge them at the end because I'd end up with separate files in the event of a crash. I also don't want to write the file from scratch every time a change is made because it seems like there should be a faster, more elegant way of doing this.
QFile.readAll will read the entire file into a QByteArray.
On the QByteArray you can then use insert to insert text in the middle,
and then write it back to file again.
Or you could use the classic c style that can modify files in the middle with the help of filepointers.
As #Roku pointed out, there is no built in way to insert data in a file with a rewrite. However if you know the size of the region, i.e., if the text you want to write has a fixed length, then you can write an empty space in the file and replace it later. Check
this discussion in overwriting part of a file.
I ended up going with the "write the file from scratch" method that I mentioned being hesitant about in my question. The benefit of this technique is that it results in a single file, even in the event of a crash since the log and the results are never placed in different files to begin with. Additionally, rewriting the file only happens when adding new results (an infrequent occurrence), whereas updating the log means simply appending text to the file as usual. I'm still a bit surprised that there isn't a way to have the OS insert text into a file for you.
Oh, and for those of you who absolutely must have this functionality as efficiently as possible, the following might be of use:
You just cannot add more stuff in the middle of a file. I would go with two separate files, another for the results and another for the logs.

gotoAndStop(label) fails with error 2109

I have two movie clips:
mov1 has frames with labels in such sequence ("item"," btn", "win", "loose")
mov2 has frames with labels in such sequence (" ", "item", "win", "loose")
This is two standardized movie clips, which are ruled by one class MovItem.
In constructor of MovItem I init:
public function MovItem(item_mc:MovieClip )
this.item_mc.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, dispatchEvent );
In web version all works correctly, but in AIR 2.6 for Android it fails with error:
Error #2109: Frame label btw not found.
on gotoAndStop('btn'); on element which don't have such label.
And when I'm gotoAndStop(1); on this item all works fine.
All should be great, but 'btw' label on second movie clip is situated on second frame.
How can I fix it easily without total rework in .fla resources? Why does it works on web application, but on AIR fails? Thanx for you time.
This is actually happening in both the web version and the AIR version because mov2 has no frame called btn.
On the web version you will get a compiler warning but instead of quitting the application it just ignores the gotoAndStop(). However when compiling to AIR the compiler is in strict mode which converts compiler warnings to errors and won't allow you to compile until they are fixed.
It is bad practice anyway to call a function that you know is erronous (especially in a constructor method) so you should ether pass the frame to the constructor as a parameter (if they are going to different frame numbers) or explicitly give it the frame number e.g. gotoAndStop(2) (if they all go to the same frame number).
Also check you haven't misspelt the frame as you refer to the frame as both btn and btw in your question.
