Computing Jaccard index of similarity on rasters - r

I want to compute Jaccard index of similarity based on continuous quantities. I found the package vegan that can compute the Jaccard index for continuous cases based on Bray-Curtis measure through the function vegdist. I was able to do it by choosing the number of sites randomly and compute the Jaccard index between all pairs of the chosen sites and take the average after. This procedure takes a lot of time especially that I have many scenarios to treat. I wonder if there is a way to do it by using rasters directly (using all the non-NA pixels) without using binary maps in faisable time.


How to calculate LCBDs (local contributions to beta diversity), using only a subset of dyads in a dissimilarity matrix?

I'm using beta.div() function in adespatial package in r to try to calculate LCBD indices, comparing community data of gut microbiota across a population of their host mice. The default LCBD indicates uniqueness of each community compared to all other communities, but I would like my LCBD indices to reflect uniqueness of a community compared only to a set of other communities (neighbouring hosts) within the whole population of mouse hosts. Is there a way to limit the calculation of individual/site-wise LCBD to a subset of dyads in the dissimilarity matrix?

Is there a way to perform agglomerative clustering in batches in R?

I have several groups of data, with row counts ranging up to 24,000. I have manually calculated pairwise distances between the points, where the distance is based on custom text-matching rules.
I have been able to perform agglomerative clustering using hclust on groups of size ~1000, but my system's resources cannot handle the 24K x 24K / 2 comparison needed for the larger groups.
The representation of the distances takes up O[n^2] space, but the clustering representation should only take up O(n*ln(n)) space. Are there any packages in R that can perform agglomerative clustering in batches for large amounts of data?

Weighted observation frequency clustering using hclust in R

I have a large matrix of 500K observations to cluster using hierarchical clustering. Due to the large size, i do not have the computing power to calculate the distance matrix.
To overcome this problem I chose to aggregate my matrix to merge those observations which were identical to reduce my matrix to about 10K observations. I have the frequency for each of the rows in this aggregated matrix. I now need to incorporate this frequency as a weight in my hierarchical clustering.
The data is a mixture of numerical and categorical variables for the 500K observations so i have used the daisy package to calculate the gower dissimilarity for my aggregated dataset. I want to use hclust in the stats package for the aggregated dataset however i want to take into account the frequency of each observation. From the help information for hclust the arguments are as follows:
hclust(d, method = "complete", members = NULL)
The information for the members argument is:, NULL or a vector with length size of d. See the ‘Details’ section. When you look at the details section you get: If members != NULL, then d is taken to be a dissimilarity matrix between clusters instead of dissimilarities between singletons and members gives the number of observations per cluster. This way the hierarchical cluster algorithm can be ‘started in the middle of the dendrogram’, e.g., in order to reconstruct the part of the tree above a cut (see examples). Dissimilarities between clusters can be efficiently computed (i.e., without hclust itself) only for a limited number of distance/linkage combinations, the simplest one being squared Euclidean distance and centroid linkage. In this case the dissimilarities between the clusters are the squared Euclidean distances between cluster means.
From the above description, i am unsure if i can assign my frequency weights to the members arguments as it is not clear if this is the purpose of this argument. I would like to use it like this:
hclust(d, method = "complete", members = df$freq)
Where df$freq is the frequency of each row in the aggregated matrix. So if a row is duplicated 10 times this value would be 10.
If anyone can help me that would be great,
Yes, this should work fine for most linkages, in particular single, group average and complete linkage. For ward etc. you need to correctly take the weights into account yourself.
But even that part is not hard. Just make sure to use the cluster sizes, because you need to pass the distance of two clusters, not two points. So the matrix should contain the distance of n1 points at location x and n2 points at location y. For min/max/mean this n disappears or cancels out. For ward, you should get a SSQ like formula.

R: clustering with a similarity or dissimilarity matrix? And visualizing the results

I have a similarity matrix that I created using Harry—a tool for string similarity, and I wanted to plot some dendrograms out of it to see if I could find some clusters / groups in the data. I'm using the following similarity measures:
Normalized compression distance (NCD)
Damerau-Levenshtein distance
Jaro-Winkler distance
Levenshtein distance
Optimal string alignment distance (OSA)
("For comparison Harry loads a set of strings from input, computes the specified similarity measure and writes a matrix of similarity values to output")
At first, it was like my first time using R, I didn't pay to much attention on the documentation of hclust, so I used it with a similarity matrix. I know I should have used a dissimilarity matrix, and I know, since my similarity matrix is normalized [0,1], that I could just do dissimilarity = 1 - similarity and then use hclust.
But, the groups that I get using hclustwith a similarity matrix are much better than the ones I get using hclustand it's correspondent dissimilarity matrix.
I tried to use the proxy package as well and the same problem, the groups that I get aren't what I expected, happens.
To get the dendrograms using the similarity function I do:
plot(hclust(as.dist(""similarityMATRIX""), "average"))
With the dissimilarity matrix I tried:
plot(hclust(as.dist(""dissimilarityMATRIX""), "average"))
plot(hclust(as.sim(""dissimilarityMATRIX""), "average"))
From (1) I get what I believe to be a very good dendrogram, and so I can get very good groups out of it. From (2) and (3) I get the same dendrogram and the groups that I can get out of it aren't as good as the ones I get from (1)
I'm saying that the groups are bad/good because at the moment I have a somewhat little volume of data to analyse, and so I can check them very easily.
Does this that I'm getting makes any sense? There is something that justify this? Some suggestion on how to cluster with a similarity matrizx. Is there a better way to visualize a similarity matrix than a dendrogram?
You can visualize a similarity matrix using a heatmap (for example, using the heatmaply R package).
You can check if a dendrogram fits by using the dendextend R package function cor_cophenetic (use the most recent version from github).
Clustering which is based on distance can be done using hclust, but also using cluster::pam (k-medoids).

How to calculate the quality of clustering by dtw?

my aim is to cluster 126 time-series concerning 26 weeks (so each time-series has 26 observation). I used pam{cluster} = partitioning around medoids to cluster these time-series.
Before clustering I wanted to compare which distance measure is the most appropriate: euclidean, manhattan or dynamic time warping. I used each distance to cluster and compare by silhouette plot. Is there any way I can compare different distance measure?
For example I know that procedure clValid {clValid} to validate cluster results, however I cannot implement dtw to calculate indexes.
So how can I compare different distance metrics (not only by silhouette)?
Additional question: is GAP statistic enough to decide how many clusters choose? Or should I evaluate number of clusters with different methods or compare two or three ways how to do it?
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
I have just read the book "cluster analysis, fifth edition" by Brian S. Everitt, etc. And currently, I adopt the following strategy to select method to calculate distance matrix, clustering and validation:
for distance: using cmdscale{stats} function to calculate multidimentional scaling, and plot the scatterplot of the two scaling dimensions with density information. As expected, if there is distinct clusters or nested clusters, the scatterplot will give some hints.
for clustering: for every clustering method, calculate cophenetic correlation between clustering results and the distance, this can be calculated using cophenetic{stats} function. The best clustering method will give higher correlation. However, this is only working for hierarchical clustering. I haven't idea for other clustering methods, like pam, or kmeans.
for partition evaluation: package {clusterSim} give several function to calculate the index to evaluate the clustering quality. Another package {NbClust} also calculate so many as 30 index to evaluate the combination of "distance", "clustering" and "number of clusters". However, this package partition the hierarchical tree using {cutree}, which is not suitable for nested clustering structure. Another method provided by {dynamicTreeCut} give reasonable results.
for cluster number determination: will added later.
Cluster data for which you have class labels, and use the RAND index to measure cluster quality.
50 such datasets are at the UCR time series archive
This paper does something similar
