Is WordPress ignoring segments of Permalink? - wordpress

I discovered a strange behaviour of WordPress in the usage of permalinks. On my local machine set the permalinkstructure to:
The first part, "test" is a custom taxonomy.
This results in the following working linkstructure.
But also, when use the url,which does not exist, the link is working and showing me the correct post "c".
How is that? Is WordPress ignoring the custom taxonomy segment in the permalink or everything but the title?
The question poped up because i have to rename the "reisbowl" tag (just an example) to something else and secure the redirection to the new url. But it seems that this is not any issue.
But why? I just want to understand that.


Wordpress loading post based on query (URL) automatically

I am sure I am going to sound the newb here, but this is something I have not noticed up till now with all the work I have ever done with WordPress.
Today I noticed that if I even if I only enter a portion of a post's name in the URL query, WordPress will try to find and show a matching post. For example, if I go to:
It will take me to: (which is the correct post name).
Another example, is if I go to:
WordPress takes me:
Did WordPress always do this? If so, then I never noticed (and will sound dumb asking this). I assumed it would give me 404 if the post name in the query was not found.

Is it possible to automatically add a slug to an already existing URL once permalink structure has been changed?

I am running a website in which the different posts all have an associated category: let's say, news, reviews, videos, etc.. We want to change how URLs are generated to incorporate the category before postname.
I will put an example:
old url: https:/// (with category in the post being news)
new url: https:/// (with category in the post being news)
I know how to do this by changing permalink structure in the wordpress settings to /%category%/%postname%/ but the problem is that this is applied to older entries too so when i try to access https:/// it gives me a 404 error. The problem here is that we have links to parts of our site sent to people, social networks and so and if they use them they will see this 404 error.
I've tried to use Redirection plugin to create a rule that can redirect old URLs to new URLs but it does not work (i've tried even wildcard redirection).
My question is: is there any way to do what i want rather than individual renaming of the links?
Thanks in advance, i hope i've explained well my problem
WordPress has all the tools necessary to make this change happen, and typically it does successfully redirect the slug from /slug to /news/slug
If you have added a category and haven't touched permalink settings, this is probably your problem.
Once you add a new category or post type into Wordpress, you should go into the Permalink settings and just click save. No need to change the settings if you are happy with them...

How to change default post url in Wordpress?

not sure how to get around this one. Anyways so I am working on a WP blog
However every post I make the url is not athenasweb, but instead 1and1's default URL before the domain name was switched over:
This is really annoying especially when linking to new posts, anyway to change this in wordpress?
Example this:
Should be
Go to general settings and make sure the wordpress address and site address match what you want it to be.

Wordpress rewrite (remove) part of url

I searched around for an answer. There's a couple that look like this, but most point to a plugin, or feature examples that I can't get working in my case...
So the question:
I created a custom post type for the homepage of my site. I made it the default front page, so now when I enter: localhost/vhh I automatically get forwarded to this page: localhost/vhh/homepage/homepage
The first "homepage" refers to the custom post type. The second is the name of the "post".
Now I want to remove both, or at a minimum 1 "homepage", so I get:
localhost/vhh or localhost/vhh/homepage
Can this be done with a WP rewrite rule? And how?

How can I update my permalink structure in wordpress?

This is the old url of my blog (wp 2.2)
and Im trying to change it to
Im moving my content from wp2.2 to wp2.8 and i want to change all the categories for the current content from whatever it is now to "classic"
The problem of course is that some of my pages have a high page rank and I need to maintain this...
this is becoming a headache for me to figure out.
your help is appreciated!
Go to: Or, if you want to navigate manually :), go to your wordpress dashboard. In the Settings menu go to "Permalinks".
Also see for more detail, especially the fields for making custom permalinks.
To quote the above,
Using %category% with multiple categories on a post, or %tag%
When you assign multiple categories to a post, only one can show up in the permalink. This will be the lowest numbered category (see Manage Categories). The post will still be accessible through all the categories as normal.
The same thing applies to using the %tag% field in your permalink structure.
So... As long as "classic" is the lowest numbered category you use, that will work as the category name in the permalink.
Your change in structure however will break any external links pointing to your posts so your page rank is going to change as well. Unfortunately you need to choose which is more important: changing to permalinks without category names, or maintaining the pagerank of old posts.
If you just changed category names, you can do a redirect in htaccess for just the category name, IF the rest of your URL structure remains the same, i.e. date and post name.
If you changed more than just a cateory name, or don't want to mess around with htaccess, then use something like the Redirection plugin to easily handle redirects.
