Converting a CSV to RDF where I can't find appropriate URIs online for the subjects - uri

I'm trying to convert a sanskrit dictionary from CSV format to RDF. The problem is that I cannot find appropriate URIs for the sanskrit words online. Is there a solution for this?
Thank you.

It is possible that no 'appropriate' URIs exist for words (or any other type of data). In such cases you could think of your own URIs.


Update a table with English words/vocabulary (tsv file) with dictionary definitions

I have a .tsv file with a list of words/vocabulary in English without a translation or dictionary definition from my Amazon Kindle and I want to update the table with each word's definition by some dictionary. There are over a 1000 words on that list and I have no way of doing this manually.
Is there any app or program that might do the trick?
If programming something is necessary I pretty good in R and a bit in Swift. I haven't found an R package that might apply.
Anyone any ideas? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Here is a sample.
Most of that table is blank on the right side. I'd like some sort of definition for each word in those blanks.

Specify end of record (EOL) delimiter while importing from a text file?

I'm trying to import into R a large number of pipe-delimited files that were created in a windows environment, with CR+LF as the end of record (=EOL) delimiter. However, they also have CR's scattered about periodically, which is resulting in frequent inappropriately-split lines. Ideally, want an efficient way to solve this problem from within R - either by finding a way to specify the EOL delimiter when I import, or, if necessary, by reading in the text file and excising the CRs before any parsing of lines is done.
The creators of the files comment on this problem and recommend adding "TERMSTR= CRLF" into your SAS code, and I can find lots of discussions of how to do this in other languages as well. For R, however, all I can find is this discussion, here on stackoverflow:
Possible to change the record delimiter in R?
The sample problem given is a great match for my problem. The solution identified is nice for their specific situation of having a single file like this, but for me would require coding up separate scripts for importing each of the dozens of files, since each have different primary keys that would need to be recognized after the fact to repair the inappropriate import. Alternatively, I could open each file in something like Notebook++ to remove the extra CR's but again, that seems quite inefficient, and then would have to be repeated by hand every time the initial data set was updated by its producers.
Given how frequent a problem this seems to be for people, and the existence of hard-coded solutions in other programming languages, I'm confused as to why there isn't a fix in R and feel like I must be missing something. It seems clear (I think?) that there's no way to do this directly from read.table or even from readLines, but is there a way perhaps to do this using scan, that I'm missing?
Thanks for any thoughts!

Genbank query (package seqinr): searching in sequence description

I am using the function query() of package seqinr to download myoglobin DNA sequences from Genbank. E.g.:
query("myoglobins","K=myoglobin AND SP=Turdus merula")
Unfortunately, for a lot of the species I'm looking for I don't get any sequence at all (or for this species, only a very short one), even though I find sequences when I search manually on the website. This is because of searching for "myoglobin" in the keywords only, while often there isn't any entry in there. Often the protein type is only specified in the name ("definition" on Genbank) -- but I have no idea how to search for this.
The help page on query() doesn't seem to offer any option for this in the details, a "generic search" without any "K=" doesn't work, and I haven't found anything via googling.
I'd be happy about any links, explanations and help. Thank you! :)
There is a complete manual for the seqinr package which describes the query language more in depth in chapter 5 (available at I was trying to do a similar query and the description for many of the genes/cds is blank so they don't come up when searching using the k= option. One alternative would be to search for the organism alone, then match gene names in the individual annotations and pull out the accession numbers, which you could then use to re-query the database for your sequences.
This would pull out the annotation for the first gene:
query("ACexample", "sp=Turdus merula")
annotations <- getAnnot(ACexample$req[[1]])
cat(annotations, sep = "\n")
I think that this would be a pretty time consuming way to tackle the problem but there doesn't seem to be an efficient way of searching the annotations directly. I'd be interested in any solutions you might come up with.

Test Data for Time and Date Parsing (Varied Formats)

Any ideas how I can get a varied set of time / date strings to test a parser?
The idea is to see how wide a range of different formats can be parsed. Note that I am looking for different formats, so simply extracting all timestamps from a bunch of emails isn't that useful (since the format is fixed by RFC 2822).
[Also, I am not sure this is appropriate for SO, sorry, so please feel free to suggest an alternative place to ask.]
You'll probably have to create your own list. But here are some resources describing some of the various formats you might encounter:

Find HEX patterns and number of occurrences

I'd like to find patterns and sort them by number of occurrences on an HEX file I have.
I am not looking for some specific pattern, just to make some statistics of the occurrences happening there and sort them.
That's an excerpt of the HEX file, and as an example I'd like to get:
XX occurrences of BDBDBD
XX occurrences of B93D
Is there a way to mine the file to generate that output?
Sure. Use a sliding window to create the counts (The link is for Perl, but it seems general enough to understand the algorithm). Your patterns are named N-grams. You will have to limit the maximal pattern, though.
This is a pretty classic CS problem. The code in general is non-trivial to implement as it will require at least one full parse of the sequence, and depending on your efficiency and memory/processor constraints might require several. See here.
You will need to partition your input string in some way to ensure that you get a good subsequence across it.
If there is a specific problem we might be able to help more, but the general strategy is in the Wikipedia article above.
You can use Regular Expressions to make a pattern to search for.
The regex needed would be very simple. Just use the exact phrase you're searching for. Then there should be a regular expression function in the language you're using (you didn't specify) that can count the number of matches.
Use that to create a simple counter.
