Spellfamily, Spellfamilyflags - how do they interact with each other and the core - azerothcore

I have a question regarding spellfamilyflags and how they work. in relation to each other?
How would i go about getting whichever spell i want to proc whichever talent i want. Example soulfire (warlock spell) to trigger ignite (mage talent).
TL:DR I would like for soulfire warlock spell to trigger Ignite mage talent, how would i go about this?


How to run liquibase changelogSyncSQL or changelogSync up to a tag and/or labels?

I'm adding liquibase to an existing project where tables and data already exist. I would like to know how I might limit the scope of changelogSync[SQL] to a subset of available changes.
I've run liquibase generateChangeLog to capture the current state and placed this into say src/main/resources/db/changelog/changes/V2021.
I've also added another changeset to cover some new requirements in a new file. Let's call it src/main/resources/db/changelog/changes/V2021.
I've added a main changelog file src/main/resources/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml with the following contents:
- includeAll:
path: changes
relativeToChangelogFile: true
I now want to ensure that when I run liquibase changelogSync[SQL] against a particular version of the db that the scope is limited to the first changelog init01, thereby allowing from that point on a liquibase update or updateToTag et al, to continue with changes following init01.
I'm surprised to see that the changelogSync[SQL] commands don't seem to offer some way (that I can see from the docs for how to do this.
Besides printing the SQL and manually changing it, is there something I've missed? Any suggested approaches welcome. Thanks!
What about changelogSyncToTagSQL ?
Wouldn't it cover your needs?
Or maybe you could try changelogSyncSQL with additional parameters "label" or and "context" ?
As it stands, the only solution I've found is to generate the SQL and then manually edit its contents to filter the change sets which don't correspond to your current schema.
Then you can apply the sql to the db.

How to open a record on a subgrid using easyrepro?

Hi all,
I am using dynamics365 version 9.x
Using EasyRepro I can navigate into an account via the global search and then also use the xrmBrowser.Entity.ClickSubgridAddButton("foobar"); function to create a new record of that 'foobar' type. By doing this I know I am accessing the correct subgrid on the account record.
My question is....which function would I use to simply open up the record I have created. I have tried SelectSubgridLookup but I don't think that is the function I am looking for.
From the image you can see I have created the 'bonno bonno' contact but I cannot open the record using EasyRepro. any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Hello #darthtang - sorry for the delayed reply to your post here. From reviewing, it appears this is a feature gap and needs to be enhanced.
While not ideal, if you wanted to open the record, you could try the following instead:
This should take you to the 'Associated View' via Related Navigation. From here, you could call:
At this point, you could then switch back to perform actions on the opened Contact entity record:
Please let me know if this set of steps help you with your scenario. I've added a feature enhancement to the backlog to allow opening of a record from a subgrid on a form.

Is there a way or a plugin to configure SQL Dialects as DQL in PhpStorm?

In PhpStorm, I can change global, project or directories settings with existing SQL Dialects, but is there a way to configure SQL Dialects as Symfony/DQL in PhpStorm or a way to detect that App:Panel is a valid entity, not a table? (App:Panel table name is te_panel)
I read this answer which explains that we have to add a Java plugin, because it's currently not possible to add a new SQL Dialect on PhpStorm.
As example, this is an error that PhpStorm is throwing:
The : between App and Panel is not understood. It cannot understand the table name provided (because I provide the name of the Symfony entity).
DQL is not supported.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-9948 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
You may try and treat App:Panel as placeholder (similar to how it was described in that linked question). But I have no ideas if it will help (have not really worked with Symfony/DQL so cannot test it myself).
What I may suggest though -- threat the whole query as plain text. Yes, no syntax highlighting and stuff but will not show errors either.
How? One way by placing special comment just before the string, e.g.
->query(/** #lang text */'SELECT ...');
Or by disabling Language Injection rule for SQL altogether.
Alternatively try what has been suggested in this comment -- custom SQL detection syntax(?): https://gist.github.com/willemnviljoen/d20ad8ad0cc365a7e80744328246610f

Filter using project activity codes dissapper during copy in Primavera P6

I'm working on Primare P6 R8.4. I need to copy a project to work on a new scenario. When I do this activity filters using project activity codes dissapper in new copy. I need a walkaround to overcome this stiuation.
I know I can use EPS activity codes but those have problem with in XER exports.
You are right, when you copy the project, the filters will become empty. To keep the filters from clearing out when you copy the project, it's best to use Global Activity Codes. Even EPS Activity Codes may give you issues.
The only problem is with import / export - those activity codes will be exported and imported into someone else's database - even if they didn't want them.
An 2nd alternative is to avoid Activity Codes, and use User Defined Fields (UDF) instead. The filters will endure if you build them around UDFs.
The UDF is the same like activity codes.. it just disappears from the filters. I just tried making activity codes and filters global and the layouts are copied with the filters associated.Phew
You can try to use WS/API from EPPM

Publish data with SSDT?

I have a SSDT-project. When publishing a new version I want to publish/initialize some data in the database as well. Can that be done using SSDT?
It can be done, but could be tricky. If you set up a variable in the project that can be used for "New" releases, you could put that in your post-deploy script as a section that would run a series of inserts, but only for that "New" type.
As David mentioned, the better way would likely be to use something like Red-Gate's data compare or run the scripts after creating the database. It's possible to do it in post-deploy scripts, but could prove tricky.
Something like this could work:
IF '$(DeployType)' = 'New'
BEGIN --"New" release scripts
PRINT 'Post-Deploy Scripts for release.'
:r .\InsertScript1.sql
:r .\InsertScript2.sql
END --"New" release scripts
This isn't possible in SSDT. The current guidance is to use a post-deployment script.
Redgate ReadyRoll provides many experiences familiar to SSDT users, but has improved static data management as well as many other improvements.
We include Merge-scripts automatically, when they are placed in a specific subfolder of the Project.
depending on what you do, table valued custructors might be something to have a look at:
(101, 'Bikes'),
(102, 'Accessories'),
(103, 'Clothes')
) AS Category(CategoryID, CategoryName);
These are easily transported and compared by SSDT.
For ore information see https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/sql-training/table-value-constructors-in-sql-server-2008/
