Alternative to iframes to make a split screen admin area - iframe

I am developing an admin dashboard where I want to have a files navigation system that shall be always available from the main admin area and stay independently loaded from the main admin area.
What's the problem?
While interacting with the dashboard, since the approach is SSR with PHP, the user will be executing page requests to update a post, go to a different view, etc. So the files navigation area will have to be reloaded on every request and I don't want that, since the backend PHP will have to fetch all files and build the files tree over and over again for each request.
I though about doing the following:
The wrapper page (admin dashboard) contains two iframes in a split viewport:
iframe MAIN
The user can use and navigate on each side of the viewport without affecting the other area.
For example, navigate through files and folders without moving away from an open editor on the main iframe.
Or save the editor contents and go do something else without having to constantly refresh and re-render the files navigation area.
Both iframe contents will be hosted under the same domain, so communication between them won't be an issue.
I want to go the SSR route via PHP, since this project does not deserve the effort of building a modern SPA and I need to reuse a lot of already existing PHP code.
But still, I want to do it as good as possible.
So the question is:
Do you know if there is a cleaner/better way to achieve this, better than iframes?
I am a bit worried about all browsers supporting iframes since it's in fact an old thing.

I think your best bet would be to go with a single page application; like React or Angular. This would somehow force you to build your backend system as an API server and letting most of the heavy UI lifting to JavaScript running in the client.
Some time ago I started working on a side project that would be an Amazon S3 Browser. The application runs in the browser, the main entrypoint is here but you'd be interested in looking at the Browser part itself.
You'll notice the BucketBrowser component accessible here is composed of 2 parts: the BucketList and the BucketContent, similarly to what you want to achieve.
The main advantage of working it as React (or Angular) and a neat Backend API is the separation of concerns and the opportunity to create also a Mobile or native client for other platforms that would leverage your Backend API.
I'm not a React expert, the links I've shared are part of an experiment not ready for production usage; but will help you visualize how you could achieve your idea by leveraging React.

Use SingleSPA framework and create Container app using React. Then keep your PhP code as it is and display it as child page inside Container app page. All new modules you can create as separate module. It is kind of FE microservices. We tried it using React and Vue js but I am sure it will work for PHP too.

You can open your admin releated stuff on own workspace = virtual desktop
Thats supported on Linux, on Window and perhaps on other OS too
The follow some hints how to to some thing on Linux:
Check how many workspaces are configured on your system:
wmctrl -d
You can set a different count of workspaces if you like:
wmctrl -d | wc -l
# or on follow way:
wmctrl -n 1
Open a program in foreground on current active workspace and move to 2`nd workspace:
wmctrl -s 1 ; xed & sleep 3; wmctrl -s 0;
Open a program in background on current active workspace and move to what ever your prefered workspace is:
Thats possible too.

You can display what you want on your background picture of your screen:
on Linux systems you can use p.e. Conky
on Windows systems, you can use p.e. bginfo
It can be they are like this on other OS too.


React Native - Dynamic link not persisting through install process

I have a small React Native app for which I have a series of Firebase dynamic links. When the app is installed, the links work perfectly in directing users to the relevant screen defined in the dynamic link
However, if the user does not have the app installed when the dynamic link is followed, the route defined in the dynamic link does not persist.
Is it possible to persist the deep link during the installation process?
I've tried a basic deep link URL like as well as using the ?link= param and neither seem to work.
To answer your question, it is possible to persist the link after installs but it won't be %100 successful because of some limitations on the iOS side. You can check the flowcharts in here
There could be a couple of reasons for it not to work after the app installation. Since no code is provided I'll assume you are listening to the dynamic link with onLink for the app's active state and checking the initial link with getInitialLink when your app is in the quit state.
Persisting the link after app installation involves the clipboard in iOS so make sure the problem is not related to new iOS 16 copy/paste permissions.
Your navigation library might be trying to navigate to the route from the link before your navigation stack is initialized.
If the problem occurs only in one platform it might indicate a problem in your native setup like maybe related to LinkingManager etc.
If you are using a custom domain, you should double check your Associated Domains and AndroidManifest settings.

Remove unwanted CSS from 1 stylesheet - inspecting all my website pages and not only one

I got a project to work on that includes a lot of unwanted CSS within a stylesheet.
I used a few tools like "Audits" (Chrome), "CSS Usage" (FireFox) and "Uncss" Nodejs npm package.
They all output unused CSS for the current page that is refreshed or mentioned in CLI (uncss looks like this: uncss > style.css)
I have thought of getting this by template - but the website I am working doesn't have any CMS and templates organized like Wordpress - it is built with Zend MVC Framework and there is no specific organized "templates".
What is the easiest way to clear unused CSS from all of my website in a more efficient way?
I am working on a tool,, that detect unused CSS based on user actions.
Thanks to a little snippet of JavaScript, the tools detect use CSS selector when your user interact with the page and then send a report back to our server.
We then aggregate all the reports sent by all your users, and then we create pull request automatically to remove the unused CSS from the code.
By using real user actions, we are sure to support any kind of website, even pure JavaScript applications. Moreover, we are not slowing down your build system by adding headless browser runs or static analysis into it.
We are still in beta right now but I would love to learn more about your app, so please contact us if you are interested in giving it a spin!

Meteor and Reactjs component loading on demand

I'm starting a large scale app and need advise on setting up the folder structure and all. So I'm not sure if on Meteor startup if it loads all of the components to one file or not ( if all the components are in the client/ folder )
If it does not load all the components and send it to the client initially the this question has been answered. if Meteor do send all the components to the browser then need a way to fix it.
At the moment I have like 70 components and do not wanna send all of this to the user on the initial page load.
It seems as though incremental/on-demand loading for components is in the 'todo'/'future feature' stage.
From - Trello: Meteor Roadmap
Right now, on initial pageload, you download all of the JavaScript,
templates, and css in the app.
This task is to make it so that you download just the parts that you
need. You might download additional parts in the background, or
on-demand as you navigate through the app. (To be clear, this would
apply to the JavaScript, CSS, and templates, not to database contents,
which would continue to be handled by the subscription system.)
It should be possible to secure some of the additional parts so that
only certain users can download them. For example, only admin users
could download the JavaScript and templates for the admin console.
Related: when the app is updated, only download the changed parts, not
the whole app.

DirectShow webcam preview inside Firebreath plugin, not showing the preview after I refresh the webpage

I created a sample application to show the webcam preview using DirectShow inside the firebreath plugin window. It is working fine when I load the webpage first time, but is it not working after I navigate to another pages and return back to the plugin page. It is also not working after I refresh the webpage. Any idea?
Sounds like something isn't getting cleaned up properly or possibly you're using some global resources that are getting shared between plugin instances that doesn't get completely reset.
Remember that a plugin isn't unloaded between instances, so if you use any global/static variables the process is not shut down between instances of the plugin; this causes trouble for a lot of libraries used in a plugin that were written for an application, as most applications that use directshow figure the process will be closed before anything is used again and thus don't clean up after themselves completely.
Anyway, with what info you've given us that's my best guess. It might not be something obvious -- it could be something inside directshow.

ASP.NET MVC full offline website

I made an ASP.NET MVC application which allows user to create dynamic websites. I need to add feature which will allow to download from server off-line version of choosen website as static html files with menu, hyperlinks, images, documents etc. It should work similar to applications such as Teleport Pro, but I have to choose from Admin Panel which content should be export.
Client wants to burn static website on CD, save on pendrive.
Do you have any ideas how to begin? Please help.
I currently have implemented that in a current project...
User is able to change anything in the frontend and at the end he can publish and download the offline files... the site subscribe users and show all prizes, winners and more information about that campaign.
All was done in ASP.NET MVC3 under .NET4 and hosted in AppHarbor.
It's composed at several applications but for what you want, you develop the Backend and the Frontend, and to generate the static files, simple use the Frontend to grab the full HTML
As an example, I can show what 2 users did... did and
Sony Nordic did
plus, you can simply point custom domains to it as well like
To publish and generate all files:
one part of the editing:
So I give the users, offline access (through the .zip file), online access (through the frontend application) and the ability of using custom domains...
I think the only way this might be possible is if you go to every single page and then use your browser to "Save" the web page script and all.
However this causes several issues;
You never quite get everything and you need to massage the HTML produced, dowload all the images etc to get the page to look right
Each html file now has an associated folder with the same name and each time you do this you will get another html file with a folder. You can combine all the folders into a single one but that leads me to item 3.
You will need to edit each html file to clear up any pathing issues if you want to share a single source folder.
Data is no longer dynamic!
You need to, if you want to link all the pages to each other, edit every single html file and resolver the anchor tags.
This is too much work and I think it actually breaks the true requirement.
Don't do it! :)
