Tau2Slog2 not able to process 6gb tau.trc files - mpi

I am profiling my code using the TAU profiler. I am using tau_exec at runtime. It generates trace files. Some of which are in gigabytes. tau_treemerge.pl merges and generates a tau.trc which is 6GB. tau2slog2 now fails complaining about the heap space.
It would be helpful if anybody can show how to reduce the size of trace files.
Following is the way I am running the code:
mpirun -n 64 tau_exec ./a.out
tau2slog2 tau.tr tau.edf -o tau.slog2

I was able to solve the issue by increasing the heap size of the JVM.
java -Xmx50000m -Xms32000m -cp /tau/x86_64/lib/TAU_tf.jar:/tau/x86_64/lib/traceTOslog2.jar:/tau/x86_64/lib/tau2slog2.jar edu/uoregon/tau/Tau2Slog2 tau.trc tau.edf -o tau.slog2
Obviously it is a workaround and not an elegant solution. So to reduce the tau.trc filesize I have added more filtering parameters during the instrumentation.
Also I first just profiled the code export TAU_PROFILE=1 and then ran pprof and figured out which MPI function is called enormously then throttled those functions to further reduce the file size.


“unable to find the specified executable file” when trying to use mpirun on julia

I am trying to run my julia code on multiple nodes of a cluster, which uses Moab and Torque for the scheduler and resource manager.
In an interactive session where I requested 3 nodes, I load julia and openmpi modules and run:
mpirun -np 72 --hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -display-allocation julia --project=. "./estimation/test.jl"
The mpirun does successfully recognize my 3 nodes since it displays:
====================== ALLOCATED NODES ======================
comp-bc-0383: slots=24 max_slots=0 slots_inuse=0 state=UP
comp-bc-0378: slots=24 max_slots=0 slots_inuse=0 state=UNKNOWN
comp-bc-0372: slots=24 max_slots=0 slots_inuse=0 state=UNKNOWN
However, after that it returns an error message
mpirun was unable to find the specified executable file, and therefore
did not launch the job. This error was first reported for process
rank 48; it may have occurred for other processes as well.
NOTE: A common cause for this error is misspelling a mpirun command
line parameter option (remember that mpirun interprets the first
unrecognized command line token as the executable).
Node: comp-bc-0372
Executable: /opt/aci/sw/julia/1.5.3_gcc-4.8.5-ips/bin/julia
What could be the possible cause of this? Is it because it has trouble accessing julia from other nodes? (I think this is the case because the code runs as long as -np X where x <= 24, which is the number of slots for one node; as soon as x >= 25, it fails to run)
Here a good manual how to work with modules and mpirun. UsingMPIstacksWithModules
To sum it up with what is written in the manual:
It should be highlighted that modules are nothing else than a structured way to manage your environment variables; so, whatever hurdles there are about modules, apply equally well about environment variables.
What you need is to export the environment variables in your mpirun command with -x PATH -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To see if this worked you can then run
mpirun -np 72 --hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -display-allocation -x PATH -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH which julia
Also, you should consider giving the whole path of the file you want to run, so /path/to/estimation/test.jl instead of ./estimation/test.jl since your working directory is not the same in every node. (In general it is always safer to use whole paths).
By using whole paths, you should also be able to use /path/to/julia (that is the output of which julia) instead of only julia, this way you should not need to export the environment variables.

MPI cluster based parallel calculation in R on WestGrid (pbs file)

I am now dealing with a large dataset and I want to use parallel calculation to accelerate the process. WestGird is a Canadian computing system which has clusters with interconnect.
I use two packages doSNOW and parallel to do parallel jobs. My question is how I should write the pbs file. When I submit the job using qsub, an error occurs: mpirun noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process that caused that situation.
Here is the R script code:
cl <- makeCluster(mpi.universe.size(), type='MPI' )
MK_grid <-
foreach(i=1:6000, .packages="fume",.combine='rbind') %dopar% {
abc <- mkTrend(as.matrix(spei03_data)[i,])
data.frame(P_value=abc$`Corrected p.value`, Slope=abc$`Sen's Slope`*10,Zc=abc$Zc)
The "fume" package is download from https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/fume/ .
Here is the pbs file:
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=12
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
module load application/R/3.3.1
mpirun -np 1 -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE R CMD BATCH Trend.R
Can anyone help? Thanks a lot.
It's difficult to give advice on how to use a compute cluster that I've never used since each cluster is setup somewhat differently, but I can give you some general advice that may help.
Your job script looks reasonable to me. It's very similar to what I use on one of our Torque/Moab clusters. It's a good idea to verify that you're able to load all of the necessary R packages interactively because sometimes additional module files may need to be loaded. If you need to install packages yourself, make sure you install them in the standard "personal library" which is called something like "~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3". That often avoids errors loading packages in the R script when executing in parallel.
I have more to say about your R script:
You need to load the Rmpi package in your R script using library(Rmpi). It isn't automatically loaded when loading doSNOW, so you will get an error when calling mpi.universe.size().
I don't recommend installing R packages in the R script itself. That will fail if install.script needs to prompt you for the CRAN repository, for example, since you can't execute interactive functions from an R script executed via mpirun.
I suggest starting mpi.universe.size() - 1 cluster workers when calling makeCluster. Since mpirun starts one worker, it may not be safe for makeCluster to spawn mpi.universe.size() additional workers since that would result in a total of mpi.universize.size() + 1 MPI processes. That works on some clusters, but it fails on at least one of our clusters.
While debugging, try using the makeCluster outfile='' option. Depending on your MPI installation, that may let you see error messages that would otherwise be hidden.

R: Cannot allocate memory greater than x MB

I have a main function in R which calls other files to run my program. I call the main file through a bat file(.exe). When I run it line-by-line it runs without a memory error, but when I call the bat file to run it, it halts and gives me the following error:
Cannot allocate memory greater than 51 MB.
How can I avoid this?
Memory limitations in R such as this are a recurring nightmare for a lot of us.
Very often the problem is a limit imposed by your OS limits (which can usually be changed on a Bash or PowerShell command line), architecture (32 v. 64 bit), or the availability of contiguous free RAM, irregardless of overall available memory.
It's hard to say why something would not cause a memory issue when run line by line, but would hit the memory limit when run as a .bat.
What version of R are you running? Do you have both installed? Is 32-bit being called by Rscript when you run your .bat file whereas you run a 64-bit version line by line? You can check the version of R that's being run with R.Version().
You can test this by running the command memory.limit() in both your R IDE/terminal and in your .bat file (be sure to print or save the result as an object in your .bat file). You might also do well to try setting memory.limit() in your .bat file, as it may just have a smaller default, perhaps due to differences in your R Profile that's invoked in your IDE or terminal versus the .bat file.
If architecture isn't the cause of your memory error, then you have several more troubleshooting steps to try:
Check memory usage in both environments (in R directly and via your .bat process) using this:
sort( sapply(ls(),function(x){object.size(get(x))}))
Run the garbage collector explicitly in your scripts, that's the gc() command
Check all object sizes to make sure there are no unexpected results in your .bat process: sort( sapply(ls(),function(x){format(object.size(get(x)), units = "Mb")}))
Try memory profiling:
Rprof(tf <- "rprof.log", memory.profiling=TRUE)
While this is a RAM issue, for good measure you might want to check that the compute power available is both sufficient and not varying between these two ways of running your code: parallel::detectCores()
Examine your performance with Prof. Hadley Wikham's lineprof tool (warning: requires devtools and doesn't work on lines of code which call the C programming language)
References While I'm pulling these snippets out of my own code, most of them originally came from other, related StackOverflow posts, such as:
Reaching memory allocation in R
R Memory Allocation "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 75.1 Mb"
R memory limit warning vs "unable to allocate..."
How to compute the size of the allocated memory for a general type
R : Any other solution to "cannot allocate vector size n mb" in R?
Yes you should be using 64bit R, if you can.
See this question, and this from the R docs.

Memory Allocation Error using pkgmk on Solaris10?

I am currently trying to use pkgmk on a Solaris10-x86 machine. When I run the command
pkgmk -o -b $(HOME)/solbuild/pkg_solaris
it returns this error:
## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
pkgmk: ERROR: memory allocation failure
## Packaging was not successful.
My first thought was that this is an out of free memory error, however I am not sure that it could be. I have close to a gigabyte free in the / partition and 12 gigabytes free in the $(HOME) partition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I saw this error when /var was full.
Deleting some file from /var resolved this problem.

frama-c jessie killed during VC generation

I'm trying to apply frama-c/jessie on a module of a proprietary safety critical system from our customer. The function under analysis is pretty big (image 700 uncommented lines count) with a lot of conditional statements as well as complex (&&, ||, etc).
I got this error message when I ran it on Ubuntu VM 64 bit machine. It appears Error 137 is related to memory size, etc. But I'm not quite sure.
Any suggestion for how to approach this error is greatly appreciated.
formal_verification]$ frama-c -jessie test.c
[kernel] preprocessing with "gcc -C -E -I. -dD test.c"
[jessie] Starting Jessie translation
[jessie] Producing Jessie files in subdir test.jessie
[jessie] File test.jessie/test.jc written.
[jessie] File test.jessie/test.cloc written.
[jessie] Calling Jessie tool in subdir tests.jessie
Generating Why function testFun
[jessie] Calling VCs generator.
gwhy-bin [...] why/test.why
Computation of VCs...
make: *** [test.stat] Error 137
with a lot of conditional statements as well as complex (&&, ||, etc).
You should use the so-called “fast WP” option when analyzing functions with lots of nested conditionals. Otherwise, the target does not even need to be very large to cause a blowup.
It happens to be the example in Jessie's manual for passing options to Why (it is really a Why option):
give an option to Why (e.g., -fast-wp)
You would therefore use -jessie-why-opt=-fast-wp.
