Uno Platform Dock Panel - uno-platform

Is there a Dock Panel for Uno? I have installed the (v. 7.1.0) nuget package but I cannot seem to find a Dock Panel. Below is the only xmlns I can use to get any type of controls from the package.
When I look in the nuget package folder for the there is a _._ file in the netstandard1.0 folder and nothing else.

While looking throgh all of the nuget folders I found the primitives folder that contained DockPanel.

To expand on your answer - you can simplify the syntax as follows:
As the control itself is in the Controls namespace directly, only the assembly is Primitives. To reference it, install the following NuGet package:
Install-Package Uno.Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Primitives -Version 7.1.0-build.2.g0e224f133a
In XAML you can then just use:
<controls:DockPanel ... />


How to add SixLabor.ImageSharp in .net core project

Hey I want to resize images stored in a folder using .net core 3.1. The library I am trying to use is SixLabor.ImageSharp. I tried to install its latest version using nuget package manager and it was successfully installed and later on I added namespace SixLabor.Imagesharp in my .Cs file. but I am getting an error Namespace sixlabor.imagesharp not found. how can i use image sharp in my project. I read its documentation it was mentioned that Image sharp is available in Nuget package manager but its not working for me.
Please install the Nuget Package "SixLabor.ImageSharp" in the desired project. Once done, in your Startup.cs configure it as mentioned on their getting started page

Popper's tooltip.js NuGet package

I have downloaded the popper.js NuGet package for some bootstrap features. It works.
Now I want to test and use other their feature - tooltip.js.
In the file is information about instalation of poppers.js throught NuGet but there is no info about the Tooltips.js.
There is no package in NuGet with 'Tooltip.js' name.
How shoud I install and use it in application correctly?
Does it available at all for .NET (yes I am a newbie)?
May be poppesr's js files already include the code of their tooltip framework?

Package tried to add reference to System.Runtime which was not found in the GAC

ASP.NET 4.5.1 or 4.5.2
Updating Nuget package MicrosoftAspNet.Identity.EntityFramework from version 2.2.1 to version 3.0.0-rc1-final
I get the following error:
Failed to add reference. The package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework' tried to add a framework reference to 'System.Runtime' which was not found in the GAC. This is possibly a bug in the package. Please contact the package
owners for assistance.
I had a similar issue with another package.
I "solved" it adding a manually reference to missed library, updating the package and then removing the reference added manually:
On your project go to References -> Add Reference... and then click on Browse...
On my installation (Windows 10), your file is located on: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Runtime\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Runtime.dll
Add, update and then remove.
I know, it is not a solution, but it will allow you continue working until get a real solution.
I had the same issue, but adding the MySQL package to my project.
The way that i solved was just very closely to the answer given by Sebastián Guerrero.
So i will be adding a manually reference to that missed library (system.runtime) and than installed the MySQL package and it works perfectly.
ATTENTION: I only unnistall the system.runtime package after installing the MySQL.
References -> Add Reference... and then click on Browse...
On my installation (Windows 10), your file is located on:
I had the same issue when running Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent on .NET framework 4.5.2
Solved the issue with the following steps:
Installed Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime latest version from Nuget.
After that, installed latest version of Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent from Nuget.
I had this problem when I opened the project after a while.
The problem was it was originally built with Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0 and I was on 3.3.1.
The project strangely added two required Imports to the .csproj file, one for the 2.4.0 compiler,and a duplicate for the 3.3.1 version. I just needed to:
Right click on the project file
Unload the project
Edit the csproj file
Remove the 2.4.0 references (was also a reference in an Error element)
Close file
Right click on project, reload file.
Rebuild All

can't install google map control in ASP with NuGet

When I click install in the NuGet packages manager the screen looks like it flashes for a split second and does nothing, if I look in installed packages there are no packages installed. However it does add this line to the web.config file
<add tagPrefix="artem" namespace="Artem.Google.UI" assembly="Artem.Google" />
since the package is not installed properly I can't use the artem map control. I have created a new project and installed it fine so it is something in my current project that I need to change that is not allowing me to get it installed. The things I have done so far:
1. Browsed to the packages file in my project and deleted the GoogleMapControl.6.1 folder.
2. Removed the line from the web.config folder.
3. Removed the reference to Artem.Google in my project.
4. Cleared package cache which had google maps file in it.- Manage Nuget Packages - Settings - PackageManager - General - Clear Package Cache.
Then tried to reinstall from manage Nuget Packages - Google Map Control.
Now I click install and it looks like it installs ok has a green tick next to it, then I try and add a :
<artem:GoogleMap ID="GoogleMap2" runat="server"></artem:GoogleMap>
GoogleMap is not a know element, no Artem tools in the toolbox and if I go to the package manager and click on installed packages, there is nothing there. So it is not installing fully somehow. Any ideas?
These are the steps I followed to fix the problem
Browse to the packages file in the project and delete the GoogleMapControl.6.1 folder.
Remove the line from the web.config folder.
Remove the reference to Artem.Google in the project.
Clear package cache which has google maps file in it.- Manage Nuget Packages - Settings - PackageManager - General - Clear Package Cache.
Delete the packages.config file
install with the Package Manager Console run:
PM> Install-Package GoogleMapControl -Version 6.1.0
Add <%# Register assembly="Artem.Google" namespace="Artem.Google.UI" tagprefix="artem" %> to top of asp page where the maps will be used.
Add to body of this page.

WebMatrix: Using #FileUpload Helper

I have the System.Web.Helpers.dll and .xml files in the Bin folder of my website solution, but VS 2010 complains about "The name 'FileUpload' does not exists in the current context" event though I use #using System.Web.Helpers;
#using System.Web.Helpers;
initialNumberOfFiles: 1,
allowMoreFilesToBeAdded: false,
includeFormTag: false,
uploadText: "Upload"
What is wrong here ?
Watch out... if your using mcv3 make sure you install microsoft-web-helper 1.15, if you dont specify version in package manager it will automatically install version 2.0 and mess everything up as only mvc4 is compatible with 2.0.
Install-Package microsoft-web-helpers -Version 1.15
just go to packages.config in your project and remove
package id="Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Helpers.Mvc" version="2.0.20710.0" targetFramework="net40"
clean your project
later install nuGet Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Helpers.Mvc
that's it
FileUpload is not in System.Web.Helpers. It is in Microsoft.Web.Helpers, which you can get from the Package Manager. Look for ASP.NET Web Helpers Library.
Right click on the project and choose Add Library Package Reference, or use the Package Manager Console and type
Install-Package microsoft-web-helpers
