How to acheive the font-variant-[caps,east-asian,ligatures] in Tailwind - css

Tried to use the JIT feature by adding this class font-[variant] without any effect.
I know that I can use the #apply directive and add the normal CSS, but I wanted to be sure that there is no Tailwind way to do it.
Any help is appreciated

Tailwind way will be to write custom plugin for every font-variant property. This example will add support for font-varaint-ligatures.
The way you tried font-variant-[variant] will not work because ligatures, east-easian, etc are part of a property, not a value
NOTE: unfortunatelly example bellow DOES NOT support JIT feature as a lack of information about support for adding custom JIT utilities (at least for now)
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
module.exports = {
// ...config
plugins: [
function ({ addUtilities, e }) {
// this class define how would you call it for ex 'variant-ligatures-[value]'
const yourClass = 'variant-ligatures';
// key - Tailwind 'caller', value - actual CSS property value
const values = {
'normal': 'normal',
'none': 'none',
'common': 'common-ligatures',
'no-common': 'no-common-ligatures',
'discretionary': 'discretionary-ligatures',
'no-discretionary': 'no-discretionary-ligatures',
'historical': 'historical-ligatures',
'no-historical': 'no-historical-ligatures',
'contextual': 'contextual',
'no-contextual': 'no-contextual',
'inherit': 'inherit',
'initial': 'initial',
'unset': 'unset',
// add support for responsive variants so you can use it like sm:variant-ligature-normal
const variants = ['responsive'];
Object.entries(values).map(([key, value]) => {
return {
[`.${e(`${yourClass}-${key}`)}`]: {
'font-variant-ligatures': value, // CSS
{ variants }
in this case variant-ligatures-historical will be rendered as
.variant-ligatures-historical {
font-variant-ligatures: historical-ligatures;
and sm:variant-ligatures-historical as
#media (min-width: 640px) {
.sm\:variant-ligatures-historical {
font-variant-ligatures: historical-ligatures;


How can I make inline styling more compact instead of using multiple variables?

I am currently building a tab component and build inline variables for the CSS styling. This is for a streamlit app which allows me to make adjustments on the python end. Currently, I have about four elements that have CSS styling so I have four different style variables like the below:
const navStyle: React.CSSProperties = this.props.args['navStyle'] || {}
const tabStyle: React.CSSProperties = this.props.args['tabStyle'] || {}
const tabOptionsStyle = this.props.args['tabOptionsStyle'] || {}
const iconStyle: React.CSSProperties = this.props.args['iconStyle'] || {}
So instead of this (demonstrated in Typescript/React):
const navStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
const tabStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
const tabOptionsStyle = style({
":hover": {color: '#f1f1f1',
cursor: 'pointer'}
const iconStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
What I want is something like this (demonstrated in Typescript/React):
const style = {
navStyle {
tabStyle {
tabOptionsStyle {
iconStyle {
How would I create variables that produce the latter instead of the former?
tabOptionsStyle is styled using {style} from glamor.
So I was able to solve this. Sorry guys, I am learning how to use Typescript, coming from python. Everything is all very intimidating and causes me to overthink. Anyway, the solution:
const styles: any = this.props.args['styles'] || {}
Then create key instances of the html elements that need to be updated and place these in their respective html elements style inline but using style from glamor as the styles variable is an any type so it won't necessarily capture all the nuances of CSSProperties.
<div classname="navStyle" {...styles['navStyle']}>
<div classname="tabStyle" {...styles['tabStyle']}>
<div classname="tabOptionsStyle" {...styles['tabOptionsStyle']}>
<div classname="iconStyle" {...styles['iconStyle']}>
Then in the python environment, execute like the below:
styles = {'navStyle': {'background-color':'#111',
'color': '#818181',
'font-size': '18px',
'transition': '.3s',
'white-space': 'nowrap',
'text-transform': 'uppercase'},
'tabOptionsStyle': {':hover': {'color': '#f1f1f1',
'cursor': 'pointer'}},
'text-align': 'left'},
'tabStyle' : {'list-style-type': 'none',
'margin-bottom': '30px',
'padding-left': '30px'}}

On using customize-cra to override antd less variable creates multiple duplicate css files on build

I am using customize-cra to override antd less variable but it creates multiple duplicate CSS files on build.
As mentioned in antd docs
if I use default import of CSS like this
#import '~antd/dist/antd.css';
it produces only 1.5MB(Including my custom CSS) of CSS files after the build.
Then I remove #import '~antd/dist/antd.css';
And i used customize-cra , like this code.
const { override, fixBabelImports, addLessLoader } = require('customize-cra');
const overrideVariables = require('./src/styles/overrideVariables');
module.exports = override(
fixBabelImports('import', {
libraryName: 'antd',
libraryDirectory: 'es',
style: true,
javascriptEnabled: true,
modifyVars: overrideVariables,
This produces 6MB(Including my custom CSS) for CSS files after the build.
Am I am using it wrong or any other solution for this?
I'd recommend using craco. There is craco-antd plugin that works great and does exactly what you need.
module.exports = {
plugins: [
plugin: require('craco-antd'),
options: {
lessLoaderOptions: {
noIeCompat: true
And then you can add your variables in antd.customize.less
#primary-color: #1da57a;
#link-color: #1da57a;

Modifying hover in Tailwindcss

I've noticed that :hover in Tailwindcss uses the defaults hover selector which causes 'stuck' hover states on mobile. Is there a way to modify the :hover function to do a #media(hover:hover) instead?
update: There is now a better way. See this answer by Javier Gonzalez
By far the simplest way is to add your own #media rule to the #responsive-class of rules in tailwind. How you can do that is described in the official tailwind documentation under the topic of custom media queries.
Simply add this to your config:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
screens: {
'hover-hover': {'raw': '(hover: hover)'},
This translates to #media (hover: hover) { ... } in css. And voila, you could use hover-hover:text-red to display red text only for devices that have hover ability.
To make your own, leave 'raw' as is and change the other two attributes to whatever media query you want. The first attribute hover-hover is what you use in tailwind. The second (hover: hover) is what your actual css #media query looks like. E.g.: hover: none or pointer: coarse.
Now, go ahead and use hover-hover:hover:text-red to modify your hover states.
Might be a bit late but the Tailwind team is already addressing this issue in Tailwind version 3 using a feature flag:
Once a new version is published with these changes Starting on tailwindcss v3.1.0, you could include a feature flag in your configuration to look like:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
future: {
hoverOnlyWhenSupported: true,
// ...
Yes, just generate the hover variant using a plugin that, besides adding the :hover pseudo-selector, also wraps all of the rules inside an #media(hover:hover) rule:
// tailwind.config.js
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
const hoverPlugin = plugin(function({ addVariant, e, postcss }) {
addVariant('hover', ({ container, separator }) => {
const hoverRule = postcss.atRule({ name: 'media', params: '(hover: hover)' });
hoverRule.walkRules(rule => {
rule.selector = `.${e(`hover${separator}${rule.selector.slice(1)}`)}:hover`
module.exports = {
plugins: [ hoverPlugin ],
The responsive attributes like sm: md: lg: will do those media query job for you. Refer example in the docs. If you dont want to use hover state in mobile device. specify with eg:- sm:hover:no-underline
You can easily create your own hover like below:
// styles.css
#variants hover {
.banana {
color: yellow;
Then use it like class='hover:banana'
Using arbitrary variants
<!-- ... -->

Override components like MuiTab that use media queries

I'm trying to provide CSS overrides for MuiTab to increase the font-size.
Using the documentation about CSS overrides on material-ui I've managed to increase font size for most elements, however I got stuck at elements that use media queries as they produce more specific CSS rules than the ones I provide with my overrides.
theme.ts :
import { createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core';
const fontSizeStyle = {
fontSize: '1rem',
const fontFamilyStyle = {
fontFamily: '"Ubuntu", sans-serif'
const theme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiTab: {
root: {
label: fontSizeStyle,
export default theme;
This produces following css rules applied to a MuiTab:
The rule is generated by the following file:
[theme.breakpoints.up('md')]: {
fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(13),
Does anyone have an example how to override this media query using createMuiTheme function? I don't have the breakpoints, so perhaps I need to specify breakpoints as well to be able to use them in my overrides
Kind regards
I solved it by specifying it in the following way:
MuiTab: {
root: {
minWidth: 0,
'#media (min-width: 0px)': {
minWidth: 0
Specify it as follows
let theme = createMuiTheme({});
theme = {
overrides: {
MuiTab: {
root: {
[theme.breakpoints.up("xs")]: {
minHeight: 10
export default theme;
theme.breakpoints exposes four helper methods to create CSS media queries:
theme.breakpoints.between(start, end)
Where each key is a breakpoint and matches with a fixed screen width.
Allowed key values are xs|sm|md|lg|xl
See material-ui docs for more info
I also faced the same issue. I read the docs about Breakpoints and find a way for this situation but I find it kinda ugly as I have to apply the overridden styles in each Tab using classes property.
Note: I don't know the solution for this problem using createMuiTheme function
Apply the style to the breakpoints style. In this case,
const styles = theme => ({
[theme.breakpoints.up('md')]: {
Apply the above style to TabLabel
<Tab label="Item One" classes={{label:classes.mediaFont}} />
CSS has a mechanism for forcing a less specific rule to override a more specific one: !important.
const fontSizeStyle = {
fontSize: '1rem !important',

Make webpack conditionally load additional or alternative css file

I'm trying to implement a kind of css theming in an angular 4 project. We use webpack 3 for bundling. The product is intended to be used by several companies and has to look according to their brandbooks. So we need themes.
We gonna have several builds, but we don't want to have several versions of code. All themes should remain in the same codebase. The differences are minimal: colors, icons, fonts — everything may be changed in css.
I have thought of several ways to do it, the most obvious would be to implement theming via :host-context for components and change the class of body by changing environment variable for webpack. With such method we will heve every theme inside our bundle, which is not good. Maybe there's another way?
I wonder if it is possible to have webpack load not the css file it is asked for. Instead it could look for another file by pattern, and if it exists, use that file instead of original one. Or load both files.
For example, we have a button.component.ts which imports button.component.css. If we don't tell webpack to use any theme, it works as usual. But if we do, it tries to read button.component.theme-name.css in the same directory. If that file exists, webpack imports it instead (or altogether with) the default file.
That's basically what I'm trying to do. I guess, the same mechanism would be useful for html templates in angular.
Is there a plugin to do such magic? Or maybe some sophisticated loader option? If you have another way to solve my task — feel free to drop a comment!
I created a loader which can append or replace the content of a loaded file with the content of its sibling which has a chosen theme's title in its name.
Create a file with loader.
Use it in webpack config.
Run webpack in THEME=<themeName> evironment.
const fs = require('fs');
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils');
module.exports = function (mainData) {
const options = loaderUtils.getOptions(this);
let themeName = options.theme;
let mode = options.mode;
if (themeName) {
// default mode
if (!Object.keys(transform).includes(mode)) {
mode = 'replace';
// fileName.suffix.ext -> fileName.suffix.themeName.ext
const themeAssetPath = this.resourcePath.replace(/\.([^\.]*)$/, `.${themeName}.$1`);
const callback = this.async();
// for HMR to work
fs.readFile(themeAssetPath, 'utf8', (err, themeData) => {
if (!err) {
callback(null, transform[mode](mainData, themeData));
} else if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
// don't worry! if it's not here then it's not needed
callback(null, mainData);
} else {
} else {
return mainData;
const transform = {
// concat theme file with main file
concat: (mainData, themeData) => mainData + '\n' + themeData,
// replace main file with theme file
replace: (mainData, themeData) => themeData
A piece of sample webpack.config.js to use this handmade loader:
resolveLoader: {
modules: [
paths.libs, // ./node_modules
paths.config // this is where our custom loader sits
module: {
rules: [
// component styles
test: /\.css$/,
include: path.join(paths.src, 'app'),
use: [
// search for a themed one and append it to main file if found
loader: 'theme-loader',
options: {
theme: process.env.THEME,
mode: 'concat'
// angular templates — search for a themed one and use it if found
test: /\.html$/,
use: ['raw-loader',
loader: 'theme-loader',
options: {
theme: process.env.THEME,
mode: 'replace'
For example, an app.component.css:
:host {
background: #f0f0f0;
color: #333333;
padding: 1rem 2rem;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex: 1;
justify-content: center;
nav {
/* ... */
/* something about nav element */
/* ... */
header {
/* ... */
/* pile of styles for header */
/* ... */
To implement dark theme we don't need to change all that flex and padding staff and maybe nav and header don't have their own background and font color settings. So we'll just have to override host element style. We create app.component.dark.css:
:host {
background: #222222;
color: #e0e0e0;
The we run webpack with environment variable THEME set to dark. The loader takes a request to process app.component.css, tries to load app.component.dark.css and voila! Themed css is appended to the end of resulting file. Because of cascade,
if multiple competing selectors have the same importance and specificity, … later rules will win over earlier rules (MDN).
For HTML we don't have such method. So we'll have to rewrite our template completely. Hopefully, you won't need to do it too often. I my case, I wanted to change like header and footer to fit the cutomer's branding demand.
This was my first attempt to create a webpack loader, please leave a comment if you see a problem with it.
