What does this #asm #endasm mean? - atmega

I'm looking for code to make an automatic light sensor. then I found the code like below. so what does the code mean?
in r30,mcucr
cbr r30,__sm_mask
sbr r30,__se_bit | __sm_adc_noise_red
out mcucr,r30
cbr r30, __se_bit
out mcucr,r30

Different languages (or compilers) have different ways to start and end it.
But generally, that is just how Assembly-language can be mixed with other languages (allowing direct use of CPU instructions).
See also Beginners Introduction to the Assembly Language of ATMEL


How to run Klaus Dormann's 6502 test suite on real hardware with separate ROM and RAM

I would like to run the full 6502 test suite by Klaus Dormann to test my Kansas Lava 6502 implementation. However, the code uses self-modification (see all uses of range_adr), which, while trivial to implement in an emulator, doesn't bode well for a hardware implementation: the program image needs to be stored on ROM, so the write-backs are going to be blackholed by whatever routes writes based on addressing ROM or RAM-backed parts.
The same problem, of course, applies both to synthesizing it to a real FPGA and to running it in a simulator (either the low-level VHDL one or the high-level Kansas Lava one).
Is there a way to run the test suite without doing a lengthy (in terms of cycles) dance of suspending the CPU, copying the program from some unaddressable ROM into an all-RAM memory byte-by-byte, and then initializing the CPU and letting it run? I'd prefer not doing this because simulating these extra cycles at startup will slow down running the test considerably.
Knee-jerk observations:
Despite coming as a 64kb image, the test is actually just 14,093 bytes of actual content, from $0000 up to $370d, then a padded fill of $ffs up to the three vectors in $fffa–$ffff. So you'd need to copy at most 14,099 bytes rather than the prima facie 65,536.
Having set up that very test suite in an emulator I wrote yesterday (no, really) the full range of touched addresses — using [x, y] to denote the closed range, i.e. to include both x and y, is:
[000a, 0012], [0100, 0101], [01f9, 01ff] (i.e. the stack and zero pages);
[0203, 0207];
353b; and
From the .lst version of the program, that means all you need to move are the variables with labels:
... and either move or remove the routines that:
test AND immediate from 2cac down to 2cec;
test EOR immediate from 2ea2 to 2ee2;
test ORA immediate from 3098 to 30d8;
test decimal ADC/SBC immediate from 33e7 down to 3414 (specifically to include chkdadi and chksbi);
test binary ADC/SBC immediate from 3531 down to 355d.
All the immediate tests self modify the operand. If you're happy leaving that one addressing mode untested then it shouldn't be too troublesome.
So, I guess, edit those tests out of the original file, and you can safely relocate range_adr to the middle of the stack page if my simulation is accurate.

How can I achieve something similar to Xilinx' RLOC in Altera FPGAs?

I have so far not found any way to do anything similar to Xilinx' RLOC constraints for Altera FPGAs.
Does anyone know a way to do this?
For example place two FFs in the same or adjacent LABs
So to answer my own question, after some consultation with some Altera manuals and some trial and error, I found that this pretty much does what I want.
module synchronizer (input wire dat_i,
input wire out_clk,
output wire dat_o);
logic [1:0] out_sync_reg;
always_ff#(posedge out_clk) begin
out_sync_reg <= {out_sync_reg[0],dat_i};
assign dat_o = out_sync_reg[1];
I tested this by setting global synchronizer detection to off and observed that TimeQuest found and analysed the correct paths for metastability.
This works well even when dat_i is latched by clk_a and out_clk is driven by clk_b and where the two clocks are set as:
set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {clk_a}
set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {clk_b}
Thus creating false paths between all connections from registers clocked by clk_a to registers clocked by clk_b
set_max/min_delay wont work since it is ignored (as stated by Altera) if the the two clocks are in different asynchronous clock groups.
Altera do not support RLOC style constraints. Apparently this is something to do with the underlying physical architecture. I believe they over-provision ALMs and fuse out columns during chip test to improve yield, therefore relative locations constraints won't translate as expected to a given physical device.
If you are worried about a synchroniser chain placement, you can enable synchroniser chain detection using SYNCHRONIZATION_REGISTER_CHAIN_LENGTH and SYNCHRONIZER_IDENTIFICATION QSF settings (see also this answer).
If you just want to ensure particular timing properties then use set_max_delay and set_min_delay timing constraints on your path.

Difference between DSPIC33 and PIC24 programming?

Is there any difference between the syntax of DSPIC33 and PIC 24? I need to program a PIC33, will learning how to program in PIC24 help Thanks
The only real difference is that dsPIC33 has a few extra instructions/features for DSP.
In practice there is no difference in programming for these processor families, unless you are using the special DSP-optimized features of the dsPIC.

Why would Common Lisp (SBCL) use so much memory for a simple program?

since I'm a newbie to Common Lisp I tried to solve problems on SPOJ by using Common Lisp (SBCL). The first problem is a simple task of reading numbers until number 42 is found. Here's my solution:
(defun study-num ()
(let ((num (parse-integer (read-line t))))
(when (not (= num 42))
(format t "~A~%" num)
The solution is accepted. But when I looked into the details of the result I found it used 57M of MEM! It's bloody unreasonable but I can't figure out why. What can I do to make an optimization?
You are making repeated recursive calls, without enough optimization switched on to enable tail-call elimination (SBCL does do this, but only when you have "optimize for speed" set high and "optimize for debug info" set low).
The Common Lisp standard leaves tail-call elimination as an implementation quality issue and provides other looping constructs (like LOOP or DO, both possibly suitable for this application).
In addition, a freshly started SBCL is probably going to be larger than you expect, due to needing to pull in its runtime environment and base image.
I think yo are not realizing that Common Lisp is an online language environment with full library and compiler loaded into RAM just to give you the first prompt. After that, load in your program is probably a hardly even noticeable increase in size. Lisp does not compile and link an independent executable file made of only your code and whatever lib routines reachable from your code. That's what C and similar languages do. Instead, Lisp adds your code into its already sizeable online environment. As a new user it seams horrible. But if you have a modern general purpose computer with 100's MB of RAM, it quickly becomes something you can forget about as you enjoy the benefits of the online environment. Thins is also called a "dynamic language environment."
Various Lisp implementations have different ways to create programs. One is to dump an image of the memory of a Lisp system and to write that to disk. On restart this image is loaded with a runtime and then started again. This is quite common.
This is also what SBCL does when it saves an executable. Thus this executable includes the full SBCL.
Some other implementations are creating smaller executables using images (CLISP), some can remove unused code from executables (Allegro CL, LispWorks) and others are creating very small programs via compilation to C (mocl).
SBCL has only one easy way to reduce the size of an executable: one can compress the image.

What is the standard (or best supported) big number (arbitrary precision) library for Lua?

I'm working with large numbers that I can't have rounded off. Using Lua's standard math library, there seem to be no convenient way to preserve precision past some internal limit. I also see there are several libraries that can be loaded to work with big numbers:
http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2002-02/msg00312.html (might be identical to #2)
http://www.gammon.com.au/scripts/doc.php?general=lua_bc (but I can't find any source)
Further, there are many libraries in C that could be called from Lua, if the bindings where established.
Have you had any experience with one or more of these libraries?
Using lbc instead of lmapm would be easier because lbc is self-contained.
local bc = require"bc"
for i=1,#s do
I used Norman Ramsey's suggestion to solve Project Euler problem #16. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that the crux of the problem is calculating a 303 digit integer accurately.
Here are the steps I needed to install and use the library:
Lua needs to be built with dynamic loading enabled. I use Cygwin, but I changed PLAT in src/Makefile to be linux. The default, none, doesn't enable dynamic loading.
The MAMP needs to be built and installed somewhere that your C compiler can find it. I put libmapm.a in /usr/local/lib/. Next m_apm.h and m_apm_lc.h went to /usr/local/include/.
The makefile for lmamp needs to be altered to the correct location of the Lua and MAMP libraries. For me, that means uncommenting the second declaration of LUA, LUAINC, LUALIB, and LUABIN and editing the declaration of MAMP.
Finally, mapm.so needs to be placed somewhere that Lua will find it. I put it at /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/.
Thank you all for the suggestions!
The lmapm library by Luiz Figueiredo, one of the authors of the Lua language.
I can't really answer, but I will add LGMP, a GMP binding. Not used.
Not my field of expertise, but I would expect the GNU multiple precision arithmetic library to be quite a standard here, no?
Though not arbitrary precision, Lua decNumber, a Lua 5.1 wrapper for IBM decNumber, implements the proposed General Decimal Arithmetic standard IEEE 754r. It has the Lua 5.1 arithmetic operators and more, full control over rounding modes, and working precision up to 69 decimal digits.
There are several libraries for the problem, each one with your advantages
and disadvantages, the best choice depends on your requeriments. I would say
lbc is a good first pick if it
fulfills your requirements or any other by Luiz Figueiredo. For the most efficient one I guess would be any using GMP bindings as GMP is a standard C library for dealing with large integers and is very well optimized.
Nevertheless in case you are looking for a pure Lua one, lua-bint
library could be an option for dealing with big integers,
I wouldn't say it's the best because there are more efficient
and complete ones such the ones mentioned above, but usually they requires compiling C code
or can be troublesome to setup. However when comparing pure Lua big integer libraries
and depending in your use case it could perhaps be an efficient choice. The library is documented,
code fully covered by tests and have many examples. But take this recommendation with grant of
salt because I am the library author.
To install you can use luarocks if you already have it in your computer or simply download the
file in your project, as it has no other dependencies other than requiring Lua 5.3+.
Here is a small example using it to solve the problem #16 from Project Euler
(mentioned in previous answers):
local bint = require 'bint'(1024)
local n = bint(1) << 1000
local digits = tostring(n)
local sum = 0
for i=1,#digits do
sum = sum + tonumber(digits:sub(i,i))
print(sum) -- should output 1366
