Style the chat widget with my custom css - css

I have implemented a widget on my wordpress website. But as you can see in the image below(mobile version) the widget is overlapping the call us button which I don't want. By default the widget doesn't allow to override their css. Let me know your thoughts on this one.

There is a way that you can override their default css with your custom css. Check the below code:
<!--Start of Script-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
<!--End of Script-->
var def_tawk_bottom = "20px"; /*This is their default style that I want to change*/
var def_tawk_right = "16px"; /*This is their default style that I want to change*/
var customize_tawk = ""; /*Interval object*/
function customize_tawk_widget(){
var cur_bottom = jQuery("iframe[title='chat widget']").eq(0).css('bottom'); /*Get the default style*/
var cur_right = jQuery("iframe[title='chat widget']").eq(0).css('right'); /*Get the default style*/
if(cur_bottom == def_tawk_bottom && cur_right == def_tawk_right){
/*Check if the default style exists then remove it and add my custom style*/
jQuery("iframe[title='chat widget']").eq(0).css({ 'right': '', 'bottom': '' });
jQuery("iframe[title='chat widget']").eq(0).addClass("custom-chat-widget");
/*Customize the widget as soon as the widget is loaded*/
Tawk_API = Tawk_API || {};
Tawk_API.onLoad = function(){
/*Only for mobile version*/
if(/android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
var customize_tawk = setInterval(customize_tawk_widget, 100);
/*Customize the widget as soon as the widget is minimized*/
Tawk_API = Tawk_API || {};
Tawk_API.onChatMinimized = function(){
/*Only for mobile version*/
if(/android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
var customize_tawk = setInterval(customize_tawk_widget, 100);

Although it is quite late answer but I'm posting it here because some one may get benefited with it. After a lot of googling about the topic I found that it is quite simple to change placement. Below sample will make it evident. I used following code and of course I've changed the sl.src value in the code below. Just place the snippet obtained from before tag and then place the custom styling code just before the tag of that snippet as can be seen in the example below.
<!--Start of Script-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var Tawk_API = Tawk_API || {},
Tawk_LoadStart = new Date();
(function () {
var s1 = document.createElement("script"),
s0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s1.async = true;
s1.src = '$6ywsv/ry953*(*fqsdgl';
s1.charset = 'UTF-8';
s1.setAttribute('crossorigin', '*');
s0.parentNode.insertBefore(s1, s0);
// Custom styling of Offset starts here
Tawk_API.customStyle = {
visibility: {
//for desktop only
desktop: {
position: 'br', // bottom-right
xOffset: 15, // 15px away from right
yOffset: 40 // 40px up from bottom
// for mobile only
mobile: {
position: 'bl', // bottom-left
xOffset: 5, // 5px away from left
yOffset: 50 // 50px up from bottom
// change settings of bubble if necessary
bubble: {
rotate: '0deg',
xOffset: -20,
yOffset: 0
<!--End of Script-->
for more information you can check here
Sorry its my first answer on stackexchange so I don't know how to hide 'Run Code Snippet' button as it'll do nothing here

Worry no more, it's just a little hack but does the job
setTimeout(function() { $("#mytawkdiv iframe").contents().find("head").append($('<style type="text/css">YOUR STYLES eg. input { display: none; }</style>'); }), 20);
Add this snippet to your javascript before the tag
Increase or decrease the setTimout (20) as needed.
Enjoy! Dex..


Hide custom cursor on hover over selected div

I have a custom cursor with some hover effects on a page (wordpress). This custom cursor shall hide, when hovering a certain div, due to some text. Please take a look here:
I tried a lot, including some javascript, but nothing works. Any idea?
I gave the pictures a special class: .no-cursor
Thankful for any help...
Add this script on your website.
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("no-cursor");
var style;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerHTML = "body.cursor-element-shape a { cursor: default !important; } .wpcc-active > .wpcc-cursor { display: none !important; }";
elements[i].addEventListener("mouseleave", function() {

How to Format The WordPress Accordion Title into 2 sections

I am using the Divi Builder in WordPress to make a list of patents in the accordion format. However, I would like to format the accordion title (of each accordion element) so that on the left is the patent#, and on the right is the title of the patent.
To do this, I would like to know how I can split the title into 2 separate sections; 1 where I can put the title number, and the other where I can type the name of the patent. Sort of like this:
Another sketch to show what I want it to look like: sketch of the goal
Again I am using Divi Builder to do this as I am a novice using WordPress. But I am assuming I would have to write some custom CSS to format the title in this way in the Divi Builder.
First is it possible to do what I am trying to do?
If so how can I do this (in the Divi Builder environment)?
Unfortunately, not all of our requirements can be met by means of ready-made tools for building a website.
In such cases, we are forced to write "fixes" in such individual cases.
I offer you a js script that does the following:
Searches for titles with text that meets the following requirements:
Starts with #
After a hash without spaces, numbers
Example: #111
Wraps the found in the span with the class specified in the configuration (at the very top of the file)
I tested here
(function() {
// Config
let classFirstHeading = 'my-heading';
let headerSelector = '.et_pb_toggle_title'; // You can replace to your selector of heading
// end config;
var DOMReady = function(callback) {
if (document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete") {
} else if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callback);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
if (document.readyState != "loading") {
function updateHeading() {
let headings = document.querySelectorAll(headerSelector);
headings.forEach(el => {
let textHeading = el.innerText;
let regexp = /^\#\d+/;
if(textHeading && regexp.test(textHeading.trim())) {
el.innerHTML = textHeading.replace(regexp, (match) => {
return '<span class="'+classFirstHeading+'">'+match+'</span> ';
window.updateHeading = updateHeading; // Give access from outside
DOMReady(() => {
/* Test, you can remove this section */
let styleEl = document.createElement('style'); styleEl.type = 'text/css';
let css = `
.${classFirstHeading} {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 23px;
font-weight: 700;
margin-right: 15px;
padding: 10px 15px 10px 0;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
<h5 class="et_pb_toggle_title">#111 What is your refund policy?</h5>
If you don't know where to insert such code, install the Custom CSS and JS in Header & Footer plugin and just copy my js code to your page where you use the accordion

True CSS Positioned Float
Is what I need and IE supports it as can be demonstrated nicely at
however no other browsers seem to support the wrap-flow attribute.
How do I achieve a positioned float on any browser other than IE? (The "excluded block" can be at a fixed position, however everything surrounding it is dynamic in nature.)
Note I have tried the css "shape-outside" attribute:
-webkit-shape-outside: polygon(0px 280px, 100% 280px, 100% 500px, 0px 500px);
however the results are either unreliable (due to occationally disabling line breaking (as seen on chrome)), or not supported (on firefox).
It looks like I'll have to use javascript to manually relocate the DOM element in the document flow. Can this be done only with CSS?
Ended up doing something like this:
I execute a function that relocates the target block whenever the surrounding angular ng-repeat blocks change or if the window resizes.
app.directive('onFinishRender', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
if (scope.$last === true) {
$timeout(function () {
var injectItem = function(ngRepeatFinishedEvent) {
if (typeof(ngRepeatFinishedEvent) !== "undefined") {
if (typeof(ngRepeatFinishedEvent.targetScope.item) === "undefined") {return;}
//other validation
var index = 2;
if (window.innerWidth < 1200) {index=1;}
if (window.innerWidth < 768) {index=0;}
var secondRow = jQuery('.items').eq(index);
var injectable = jQuery(".injectable").eq(0);
if (!'injectable')) {
secondRow.after(injectable.clone().css('display', 'block'));
$scope.$on('ngRepeatFinished', injectItem);
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
<span class="injectable" style="display: none;">sorta fixed position blah</span>
<span ng-repeat="item in items" on-finish-render class="item">
surrounding blah
this answer is based on Calling a function when ng-repeat has finished

Twitter-Bootstrap dropdownlist open/close event in angularjs

I'm trying to create a drop down list directive, with down-arrow that appears when the mouse is hovering the dropdown header or when the dropdown list is oppend, and disappears otherways.
I succeeded to do this, but if the dropdown list is closed not by selecting element or by pressing on the header list again, than the arrow isn't disappead.
(I.E. If i'm openning one list and than openning another without closing the first one, than arrow of the first list is not disappearing)
JsFiddle -
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.supportedList= ['Option1', 'Option2', 'Option3', 'Option4'];
$scope.selectedItem = 'Option1';
function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: false,
scope: {
'<div ng-mouseenter="onMouseEntered()" ng-mouseleave="onMouseLeft()">' +
'<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="" ng-click="onMouseClicked()" >' +
'<img ng-style="{\'visibility\': dropDownIconVisibility}" src=""> </img>' + //Arrow down Icon
'<span>{{selectedItem}}</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<ul class="dropdown-menu">' +
'<li ng-repeat="item in supportedList" ng-click="onSelectedItem(item)">' +
'{{item}}' +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.dropDownIconVisibility = "hidden";
scope.dropDownIconVisibilityLocked = false;
scope.onSelectedItem = function(item) {
scope.dropDownIconVisibilityLocked = false;
scope.selectedItem = item ;
scope.onMouseEntered = function()
scope.dropDownIconVisibility = "visible";
scope.onMouseLeft = function()
if (scope.dropDownIconVisibilityLocked)
scope.dropDownIconVisibility = "hidden";
scope.onMouseClicked = function()
scope.dropDownIconVisibility = "visible";
scope.dropDownIconVisibilityLocked = !scope.dropDownIconVisibilityLocked;
The code is little ugly. A better solution is to show the arrow if the mouse is hovering OR the list is openned, but I don't know how to bind angular to the state of the dropdown list.
Is there a way to binding angular to Twitter bootstrap's dropdown event?
Or is there a better way to solve this problem?
I suggest you using full CSS approach - it takes less code, it does not trigger JS evaluations, thus, it performs better (Angular is a bit slow with all its cool features). Once you go mobile - CSS will be more preferable, as supports downgrading with media queries and so on... There are too many pros!
Remove all your mouse-tracking code and add just two CSS rules and here you go:
a.dropdown-toggle img {
visibility: hidden;
a.dropdown-toggle:hover img {
visibility: visible;
I succeeded to solve the problem, unfortunately the solution is not so pretty, but at least it works.
I'll try to solve this with only CSS as madhead suggested.
The problem was that I didn't know when the user clicked outside the dropdown, that caused the dropdown popup to close but the icon was still displayed. So I attached an handler to each directive that listen on event and hides the Icon.
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
scope.$apply(function () {
}, false);
That worked, but if I clicked on another Dropdown when the current dropdown was opened, the event was not fired. So I had to create my event and attach it to $window and to call it when any dropdown is opens.
var event = new Event('hideDropDownIcon');
$window.addEventListener('hideDropDownIcon', function (e) {
}, false);
You can see it here:
There must be a better solution. So if you know how to do it better or by using only css, I would like to know.
Found CSS solution to the problem.
css is so simple instead all the js events..
The CSS:
a.dropdown-toggle img {
visibility: hidden;
} img, img,.open a img{
visibility: visible;
You can check this:

media query for vertical scroll

Is there a way to detect vertical scroll distance with a media query?
It seems that media queries are designed around detecting the medium (shocking right :P) so things like browser height are testable, but not specifically how far down the page is scrolled.
If is not possible, but you know a way in JS (not jQuery) feel free to post!
First off, the accepted answer doesn't work.
The correct name is
and not
Second, this is horribly inefficient as the function is called way more than it needs to and can make the page laggy when scrolled. From John Resig:
Much better to use a timer that runs every 150 ms or so - something like:
var scrolled = false;
window.onscroll = function() {
scrolled = true;
if (scrolled) {
scrolled = false;
// scrollFunction()
}, 150);
I don't believe it's possible with a CSS media query, but I do know that the scroll height can be found in JavaScript using window.pageYOffset. If you wanted to run this value through a function every time the users scrolled up or down on a page, you could do something like
window.onscroll = function() {
Or just:
window.onscroll = scrollFunctionHere;
If the function itself checked the value of window.pageYOffset.
For more advice on how to do use window.onscroll efficiently in JavaScript, refer to mynameistechno's answer.
Important note on efficiency: running a function every single time a scroll event is emitted can tear through CPU cycles if anything non-trivial is performed in the callback. Instead, it is good practice to only allow a callback to run so many times per second. This has been termed "debouncing".
Simple debounced scroll event handler code below. Notice how the text toggles between "HELLO" and "WORLD" every 250ms, rather than every single frame:
var outputTo = document.querySelector(".output");
var timeout_debounce;
window.addEventListener("scroll", debounce);
function debounce(event) {
if(timeout_debounce) {
timeout_debounce = setTimeout(clearDebounce, 250);
// Pass the event to the actual callback.
function clearDebounce() {
timeout_debounce = null;
function actualCallback(event) {
// Perform your logic here with no CPU hogging.
outputTo.innerText = outputTo.innerText === "HELLO"
: "HELLO";
p {
padding: 40vh;
margin: 20vh;
background: blue;
color: white;
<p class="output">Test!</p>
In Jquery you have the method .scrollTop()
This example make a div scroll with the window scroll.
$("div").css("margin-top", $(window).scrollTop())
Here is one way to solution.f
var ScrollTopVar = $(window).scrollTop();
var OffsetTopVar = $(this).offset().top;
var OuterHeightVar = $(this).outerHeight();
var PositionVar = OffsetTopVar-(OuterHeightVar*1.1);
if (ScrollTopVar >= PositionVar) {
$('.hide') .css('background','green').css('font-size','12px')
$('.post-sidebar') .css('background','orange').css('font-size','12px')
$('.hide') .css('background','green').css('font-size','12px')
$('.post-sidebar') .css('background','gray').css('font-size','12px')
document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML = ScrollTopVar;
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = PositionVar;
}else {
$('.hide') .css('background','yellow').css('background','yellow')
$('.hide') .css('background','yellow')
$('.hide') .css('background','yellow')
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = ScrollTopVar;
document.getElementById("demo12").innerHTML = ScrollTopVar;
document.getElementById("demo13").innerHTML = ScrollTopVar;
document.getElementById("demo14").innerHTML = ScrollTopVar;
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = PositionVar;
.red {height:100px;
.hide {height:50px;background:blue;margin-bottom:20px;}
.post-sidebar {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: block;
font: normal 700 34px Lato, sans-serif;
padding-right: 20px;
width: 452px;
.p {
font: normal 700 14px Lato, sans-serif;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="red"><p id="demo"></div>
<div class="red"></div><p id="demo12">ok
<div class="red"><p id="demo13">ok</div>
<div class="post-sidebar"><p id="demo2"></p><p>lizard</p></div>
<div class="hide"><p id="demo2">If reaches to chosen class in html, saves value of ScrollTopVar (as distance from top) to separate variable as eventually PositionVar (which is the distance from top to the chosen class in html, - and that specific distance depends of device which is doing it), and then does certain action if ScrollTopVar value matches or exceeds PositionVar value. Else sets it back if needed, if not including Else it remains as it once met the value. <p id="demo3"></div>
<div class="red"><p id="demo14">ok</div>
<div class="red"><p id="demo"></div>
<div class="red"><p id="demo"></div>
