How can I Input in GoLand Terminal - goland

I can't input in GoLand terminal.
click on terminal


Hide Console from Executing CMD /c <executable> On Registry for Context Menu

I have an executable to work on some data files. On Windows 10, because of the alias path of the executable, I need to put "CMD /c <executable_path>" on the registry to run the executable from the context menu (ref: Can't run an EXE from context menu when using ALIAS path in windows registry). However, this would show the console window until the executable finishes. Is there any way to hide the console window during the execution?
I have tried to add "START /b" or "START /min" to the command on the registry, but with those the Windows would pop up a dialog asking me what to do with the selected file.

Unable to set the kernel ("Not specified") for a jupyter notebook in Pycharm

As seen in the screenshot the kernel is "Not specified" and can not set since the dropdown is disabled. Can this be remedied?
The Project interpreter is python3 and otherwise for other file types the project works fine
I've run into the same issue of PyCharm not allowing me to select a Jupyter kernel other than the one that is saved to the notebook (the drop-down menu is either grayed-out as in your picture, or disappears altogether). This condition appears to occur when the kernel that was active when the notebook was saved is not available in the current environment. The only workaround I've found for this situation is:
Start a Jupyter notebook server using the same Python environment as you are using in PyCharm
From the Jupyter server web page, open the notebook
From the Kernel menu, select Change kernel, and then select the desired kernel
Save the notebook, then close/halt it
Re-open the notebook in PyCharm. It should then be able to execute with the kernel that was chosen in Step 3 above.

Installing JSHint on VS Code

I tried to install JSHint through command, but I'm getting this error:
C:\Users\user>npm install -g jshint 'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
If you installed node try the below. Otherwise first install node.
Open the Control Panel (Click the Start button, then click Control Panel)
Click User Accounts
Click Change my environment variables
Select PATH and click the Edit... button
At the end of the Variable value, add ;C:\Program Files\nodejs
Click Ok on the "Edit User Variable" window, then click Ok on the "Environment Variables" window
Start a command prompt window (Start button, then type cmd into the search and hit enter)
At the prompt (C:>) type npm and hit enter; you should now see some help text (Usage: npm  etc.) rather than "npm is not recognized..."

Atom won't start from the command line

I updated OSX to High Sierra and my Atom stopped working from the command line.
$ atom .
FSPathMakeRef(/Applications/ failed with error -36.
I a have uninstalled Atom and reinstalled Atom and ran "Install Shell Commands". :/
any suggestions?
Run Atom by clicking on the icon in the Applications folder. Once Atom is running go to the Atom menu and click on the "Install Shell Commands". Next time you want to run atom, type atom on a terminal command line. If this doesn't work try putting the following statement in your .bash_profile
alias atom="Applications/"

Write command to gnome terminal with QProcess

I am trying to write an application with Qt in Netbeans. I am able to open the gnome terminal (in Ubuntu), however I can't seem to get a command to be executed in the terminal once it is open, e.g. to execute the 'ls' command.
Can anyone perhaps help me with some code to execute the ls command in the gnome terminal once it is opened? I am opening the terminal with the following code:
QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this);
if (!proc->waitForStarted()) {
Use -e argument:
proc->start("gnome-terminal -e 'ls'");
To keep the window open, go to Edit > Profile Preferences > Command > When command exits and change to Hold the terminal open.
